Sugar Plum Bakes Wedding Business Podcast

How to Establish Your Pricing and Build a Luxury Brand with Igor Demba, Destination Wedding Photographer

Vaani Wadman of Sugar Plum Bakes Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome to Episode 4 of the Sugar Plum Bakes Wedding Business Podcast. On today’s episode I have the amazing Igor Demba, a highly renowned and experienced destination wedding photographer. It’s a huge honour to have him on the show as he shares his knowledge on how to build a luxury brand and how to attract your ideal client. He’s also super honest and open about pricing and money - a subject that isn’t talked about enough in the wedding industry, and he gives some great advice on how to establish your pricing. We talk about the balance of being a creative but also the need to run a profitable business too.

Igor has won some incredible accolades including being named one of the Top Wedding Photographers of the World by Harpers Bazaar so if you want to learn from one of the best in the industry, and have aspirations to grow your wedding business - this is definitely a must-listen episode. Despite his success and accomplishments, Igor is humble and gracious, as well as generous with sharing his knowledge and expertise. So if you love listening to this episode, you can check out his website: and his Instagram. And you may also be interested in his mentoring or workshops. I adore Igor’s photography, so even if you just want to get lost in his imagery - I definitely recommend seeking him out online!

Sugar Plum Bakes Wedding Business Podcast