Venturing Deep

End Poverty Make Trillions (with Darryl Finkton Jr.)

June 14, 2021 Ama Kessie

In this episode we find out how one man wants to end poverty for our nation. The road may not be easy, but if one man can do it, it's Darryl.

This podcast will take a look at remarkable founders, interesting people and topics. Thank you for joining me for the fifth episode of Venturing Deep! In this episode, we will be talking to Darryl Finkton, Jr. Darryl’s organization End Poverty Make Trillions aims to end poverty in our nation. His movement is already picking up traction and has been featured on Afro Tech and Tech Crunch. Darryl has also raised $200 million of a Billion dollar fund that he is launching to help with his initiative and he is currently filming the whole thing to document it all. It means so much that you stopped by to listen and now let’s get deep!

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