More Than Bread

Acts Series #35 -- Acts 12:1-25 -- "We burn better together...!"

May 29, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 328

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In Acts 12, after all the difficulty, all the persecution, and all the battle that was thrown at the early church, in the end the WORD of God flourished and continued to spread. Why? Well at least in part because of prayer. That was our focus in the last episode. We said you could chart the growth of the early church by their prayer meetings. In this episode we’re going to keep talking about prayer meetings, but perhaps with a bit more focus on the meeting part. See something happened when they gathered for prayer that didn’t happen in the same way when it was just one person praying…and don’t hear what I’m not saying, one person praying matters to God.

 But something happens when we gather for prayer.

The fire spreads and we burn better together!