More Than Bread

Acts Series #37 -- Acts 13:13-41 -- "God is all-in for you...and that's Good News!"

May 31, 2024 Dan Nold (Pastor of Calvary Church) Season 5 Episode 330

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Christ is the treasure above all treasures. He is worth everything you have. We go all-in for Jesus, because what we gain is of  infinitely greater value than what we give. The only logical response to Jesus is the all-in response. But I'll never forget, a time I was listening to a description of the parable of the treasure...and I sensed Jesus saying to me, "This is what I did. I gave up everything. I went all-in for you. You are my treasure."

The cross of Christ is the all-in want-to of God. Because of the all-in want-to of God, we are covered in his love. His love is dripping off of you. Pretend you never heard this before, because it's so outlandish, it's upside down radical. "The Almighty God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son so that we could live life fully and abundantly.

God is all-in for you and that's Good News!