Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - April 02.19 - DAVID ZEUS SETTLES

Dianna Chycki

Joining Dianna on BEACH CORNER via phone is executive producer of Imagination Concerts, David Zeus Settles better known as “Zeus”.
With his background in music production and film based out of Los Angeles, Zeus was invited by Damian Spaulding, founder and owner of Spaulding School of Music to our region to recruit young artists between the ages of 10 to 15 years old for a “Fab 5 Canadian Invasion” for an upcoming project for Disney.
The name “Canadian Invasion” came as a result of direct communications between Damian Spaulding and the Disney High School Musical Producers.
Zeus will share his involvement with this project. To learn more on the “Fab 5 Canadian Invasion” go online at