Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - June 11.19 - GEORGE CZERNY-HOLOWNIA

Dianna Chychi

Joining Dianna on this week's show, is writer, photographer and editor, George Czerny-Holownia better known as “George”.
George recently launched “Kiss the Ground You Walk On, Canada!” This book reveals the “A, B, Cs of How to be a better Canadian” available online at, and
George is a retired newspaperman and believes the downslide in turnout of eligible voters, in elections at various levels of government, equates with the death of democracy. According to George, the tide has to be turned on voter apathy and he asserts that many Canadians take too much for granted, including the many freedoms we all enjoy.
George has been writing for more than four decades and has published other books such as “George’s Georgian Bay Revisited”, “The Collingwood Shipyards” to name a few. In 1993, Collingwood Town Council awarded George “the Order of Collingwood”.