Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - Sept 22, 2020 - CENTURY SURFERS

Dianna Chycki

A brand new rock band “Century Surfers” based on the sound of the nineties with a modern twist featuring the very talented guitarist, Jamie Gutfreund and vocalist, Roddy Colmer. Both known separately, Jamie is a popular television news anchor/reporter on CP24 and Roddy is a former member of rock/reggae band “Rebel Emergency”, he works at Sirius XM Canada and is a Howard Stern Show comedy contributor.

Their single “The Wave” reached number 31 on iTunes Rock Chart and a fourth single “Broken Puppets” was released on August 21st. A debut album is in the works for 2021.

Joining Dianna via ZOOM are Jamie and Roddy from Century Surfers who will introduce their latest songs. For more information visit their social media platforms @CenturySurfers.

Special thanks goes to Sandy Graham from Cashbox Canada for making this interview possible.