Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - June 05.18 - KARA CHANDLER - DOUG VARTY - Tribute Artists

Dianna Chycki
The Olde Town Terrace in cooperation with Creative Gal Productions presented a Tribute to Cher and Rod Stewart at their Dinner Show and Dance recently at the Collingwood Royal Canadian Legion Branch 63.This double bill tribute artist show certainly engaged the audience as they dance through those memorable tunes along with sharing a few songs and dance with the artists.Kara Chandler has built a reputation as one of the top Cher Tribute Artists in the world with her uncanny resemblance of the famous star “Cher” along with being a mother of three.Doug Varty captures the timeless vocalist and stage presence of Sir Rod Stewart along with interacting with the crowd, dancing and singing to the audience.Doug has been performing Rod Stewart Tribute Show for over 20-years. He is a songwriter and recording artist having shared the stage with such rock legends as Tina Turner, Rush, Meatloaf to name a few. Beach Corner met up with both Kara Chandler and Doug Varty prior to their performance.