Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - June 27.18 - TAL VAISMAN - ASCOT ROYALS

June 28, 2018 Dianna Chycki
A Special BEACH CORNER this week to feature Dianna's special guest via Face Time, guitarist, Tal Vaisman from Ascot Royals. The band will be performing as the main headliner at the 6th Annual Georgian Triangle Music Festival ticketed event on June 30th at the Beacon. Beach Booster Media Group is proud once again to be sponsoring this great local event.Formed in Canada, Toronto’s rock quintet “Ascot Royals” are comprised of two British-born brothers, Jimmy and Ben Chauveau, Israeli-born, Tal Vaisman and Canadian-born, Sam Stark and Scott Page.Last year’s debut single “The Best is Yet to Come” entered the top 25 at Canadian Rock Radio, offers a message of not giving up in times of struggle and finding a light at the end of the tunnel.Recently toured with Our Lady Peace and Matthew Good where a new music video was released on May 17th titled “Evil I know”. Tal shares the meaning behind their music and feature two of their songs including the song used for their latest music video.This marks Tal’s first time to Wasaga Beach and we look forward to welcoming him and his band to The Beach.Tickets are $10 and available at, Wasaga Variety located 85 Main Street in Wasaga Beach or at the door at the Beacon. For more information on the band visit