Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - July 10.18 - AUSTIN McCARTHY

Dianna Chycki
Based out of Montreal, our very own Collingwood singer/songwriter and guitarist, Austin McCarthy released a new EP on December 29th titled “Reverie”. Austin has two upcoming shows one on August 4th with “Gibson and Company” (for tickets visit: or and then opening for ‘Jim Cuddy and Company” at Lyric Pond in the Hills of Mulmur where he will be bringing his four-piece band from Montreal. This is a fundraiser for C.O.R.E. (Conserve Our Rural Environment) a not for profit voluntary organization. For more information visit from his music, Austin is pursuing a commerce degree where he has been accepted at l’Universite Paris Dauphine in central Paris, France to complete his bachelor of commerce majoring in finance. Austin will be taking residency at the end of August.Joining Dianna via Skype from Montreal is Austin McCarthy who will share info on his upcoming concerts and two of his songs. For more information on Austin visit austinmccarthymusic.comand Please SHARE this great LOCAL Beach BOOSTER programming.