Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - July 20.2021 - MURRAY McLAUCHLAN

Dianna Chycki

Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame Inductee, Order of Canada Recipient and 11-time JUNO Award winning artist, Murray McLauchlan speaks of racism and privilege on his landmark twentieth album titled “Hourglass” launched on July 9th with his long-time record label partnership, True North Records.

“Hourglass” bears many of the trademarks of other McLauchlan albums, including powerful folk and country flavoured songs of a personal, philosophical and topical nature.

The album is also a collection of songs that address the shocking events of the recent past and the ongoing trajectory of a troubled world but also the sweetness of life itself.

Much of “Hourglass” was written in the past year, during anxious COVID times of mask-wearing, social distancing and seemingly endless lockdowns. Although there is one song on the recording called “Pandemic Blues” Murray doesn’t think of “Hourglass” as a pandemic album.

It is a true honour to welcome via ZOOM award-winning artist, Murray McLauchlan. For more information visit

Special thanks to Eric Alper for making this interview possible.