Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts

BEACH CORNER with Dianna Chycki - Aug 17, 2021 - KEEGAN CHAMBERS

Dianna Chycki

Multi-talented singer/songwriter, actor and model, Keegan Chambers just released a new single titled “Look What You’ve Done”. Her latest track is a testament to a woman with something to say and she’s not backing down from the message.

“Look What You’ve Done’ was written after a traumatizing experience brought out an anger in me I’d never seen before,” Chambers reveals from behind the scenes on creating the single. “While working through those violent thoughts of revenge, I also wrote a short film which I hope to produce as a music video for the song if we get the RBC Prism Prize grant. Keeping my fingers crossed!”

Keegan is originally from a small-town outside of Peterborough and moved to Toronto to pursue an acting career but shifted her focus back to music.

In 2020, Keegan received a Factor Canada’s Artist Development Grant along with capturing the attention of indie music guru and media giant, Alan Cross. Since the pandemic, Keegan released seven songs this year with her boyfriend multi-platinum recording engineer and producer, Daniel Tsourounis.

Joining Dianna via ZOOM is Toronto artist, Keegan Chambers. For more information visit or her social media platforms.

Special thanks to Eric Alper for making this interview possible.