Beach BOOSTER Radio Podcasts


February 12, 2019 Dianna Chycki

He was a presenter at our 4th Annual Wasaga Film Festival and he just released his second book co-authored with journalist and consultant, Gary Ralph titled “Crisis Com – Understanding Crisis in the Organization”.
He is known as “Goldhawk Fights Back” and spent decades in the media fighting for the rights of consumers and individual Canadians to get fair deals and justice.
He has been a print reporter, magazine writer, book author, broadcast report, broadcast host in radio and TV, union leader and one of Canada’s best advocates.
Now he is a public and media relations’ practitioner providing an array of services in league with his experienced and talented team leaders.  He is involved in communications training, providing his experience and expertise to CEOs and other leaders of corporation, organizations and government bodies, Canada-wide.
Dianna is delighted to welcome to Beach Corner, the very talented journalist and consultant, Dale Goldhawk. Dale will share info on his latest book giving you an insight into corporations and organizations dealing with crisis. This very informative eBook is available at Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble to name a few. For more information visit: