Valley View Church
Valley View Church
John 13:36-14:11 | The Chaos & The Confusion of the In-Between
Sunday Morning | October 1st, 2023 | John C. Majors | Louisville, KY
In this sermon on John 13:36-14:11, Jesus imparts a profound message of comfort and guidance to his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion. He begins by foretelling Peter's denial and then assures his followers that he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father's house. He emphasizes that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can reach the Father except through him. Jesus encourages his disciples to have faith and trust in God, promising that their prayers will be answered if they are aligned with God's will. This passage serves as a source of solace and a reminder of the unique and eternal relationship believers have with God through Christ.
You can join us on Sunday mornings at 11 AM for worship. We are located at 8911 3rd Street Road, Louisville KY 40272.
Well, good morning,
Valley View.
How's everyone today?
As a rich time of worship,
there is some truth there
that were powerful for me
this morning.
I hope that
just kind of help
set the pattern
for your own heart
as we dive into God's Word.
You know, that's
that's the source of truth
in this life.
Where else are you going
to find truth in this world?
There's a lot of things
that claim to be true.
There's a lot of things
that people tell you.
You've got to do it this way.
You've Got to believe
this thing.
And that changes every year.
By the way,
this is an eternal,
everlasting holy
standard of truth
that you can go to time
and again in the
midst of every confusion.
We're going to see some
confusion today
because we've all encountered
some confusing moments.
In fact, as I looked
at this passage,
we're going to study today.
I've mentioned this before,
but I might
bring it
to your attention again.
That whole expedition of Sir
Ernest Shackleton, one
where he wanted to be
the first expedition
to cross Antarctica.
This was 1914,
and we're not 100% sure
whether AD actually appeared
in the paper or not.
But I've shown you
this before.
He put this apparently
put this ad in the paper
Men wanted for hazardous
journeys, small wages,
bitter cold,
long months
of complete darkness,
constant danger,
safe return, doubtful
honor and recognition
in event of success.
And apparently he couldn't
keep them away from his door
wanting to be a part
of this journey,
of this excitement,
of this chance
to do something historic,
even with all the danger.
Now, of course,
here they are.
Here's a picture of them
as they're beginning
their journey.
Here's the boat,
here's the crowds waving.
Here's everyone excited.
It's probably still warm
where they are.
Everything's comfortable.
The food's probably
still good.
Now, here they are
three months later
and their boat is
trapped in ice,
completely surrounded.
In fact,
that's where they will stay
for the next eight months,
stuck in ice.
And every night
they're hearing the creaking
and groaning of the ship
as the
ice presses and further.
And you got to wonder,
they're in this
in-between moment
of wondering
what's going to happen?
How's this thing
going to turn out?
This isn't what
we signed up for.
What we signed up for
was to get at least
on the continent
of Antarctica.
They got within sight
to the ice, swept them away.
We didn't sign up for this.
What's going to happen?
How is this going to end up?
Do we stay here,
try to wait it out?
Is someone going to come
rescue us?
Do we leave the boat behind?
What do we do?
I'm guessing
you've been stuck
in some of those
in-between moments in life
where you're not quite sure
you signed up for something
and you're not quite sure
where it's going.
Now Things are shifting,
Things are changing.
And I think something
that's natural
in that moment.
In fact, you'll often
hear people
maybe you've had a
hard time in life
and you'll hear
phrases like, you know,
I know I'm
not supposed to question God,
but I'm wondering
what's going on here.
And I know what
people mean by that.
But also questions
in those moments are natural.
In fact,
we're going to see today
with the disciples,
they've got some questions
about what's going on here,
about where
this thing is headed.
And Jesus doesn't
humiliate them.
He doesn't say, how
dare you question me?
No, he engages
with them
in some interesting ways.
So we're going to be in
John chapter 13, looking at
how did the disciples respond
to these in-between moments,
these moments of confusion,
these moments of questioning?
We're covering
the end of John Chapter
13 and going into John
Chapter 14.
In fact,
if you would throw
that passage up on the screen
so they can see where
we'll be.
Page 847
If you have a church Bible,
those are out in the
connection corner.
If you don't have
a Bible, we'd love
for you to have a Bible.
Those are free for you.
Page numbers
on the screen, tie
in to that specific Bible.
Not every Bible in here
will be on
the same page
are so many different
versions and styles,
but that Bible
will tie in
to the page
numbers on the screen
to make it easy
for you to find any
passages we point toward.
But what we're
going to see in here
is we're going to see
three disciples
and four questions.
We're going to get three
different perspectives
from three
different disciples.
We see their
different personalities
coming out and four questions
and how Jesus responds.
So first,
let's look at Peter.
Peter shows up first
look with me, verse 36.
said to him, Lord,
where are you going?
Jesus answered him,
Where I am going,
You cannot following now,
but you will
follow me afterward.
Peter said to him, Lord,
why can I not follow you now?
I'll lay down my life
for you,
Jesus answered.
Will you lay down your life
for me?
Truly, truly, I say to you,
The rooster will not crow to
you have denied
me three times
what we're going to see
here with Peter's questions.
First, we're going to look
at the actual questions
Then we'll get into
Jesus's responses
to the questions.
And the first question
Peter asks
is, where are you going
This question is in response
to what Jesus said
just a few verses earlier.
It's been a few weeks
since we looked at that.
I stepped aside
and looked at Jesus's final,
final words.
Andrew looked
at the whole
theme of Abide and Psalm
91 last week for us.
Thank you, Andrew.
That was fantastic.
But this phrase
where he asks,
Where are you going?
This goes back to verse 33
where Jesus said to them,
Look back
just a couple of verses,
little children,
which would have been
an affectionate term.
It wouldn't have
been belittling
like calling
grown man children
in this context.
It would have been
an affectionate term.
A little while I'm with you,
you will seek me,
just as I said to the Jews.
So now I also say to you
where I am going,
you cannot come
We have to kind of put
put ourselves
in Peter's shoes here
and imagine how
this would have
landed on him,
because after that, he says,
and by the way,
there's a new commandment,
love one another.
People will know
you're my disciples by this,
but you have to step
back and go,
How is this going
to land on the disciples?
I mean, think about
Shackleton in his context
here they are
floating on the ice
that after eight months,
let's say one day
he gathers them up.
Guys, let's get together.
Everybody come on
out of the boat.
I have have some news for us.
I just want you to know
I'm going away.
I'm going somewhere.
You can't come.
But I want you all
to keep loving one another,
love one another.
Well, that's all. Take care.
Can you imagine
what they'd be thinking?
First of all,
where are you going?
What is going to walk off
on the ice?
But who do you have?
Some secret helicopters
which haven't been invented
or something
that's going to come rescue
you and leave us behind?
By the way.
Wait a second.
not what we signed up for.
Do you remember that
whole advertisement
about danger and glory?
The you're a part of that.
And so Peter,
where are you going?
When I signed up for this,
I signed up for either
Glorious revolution.
We're going to run out
the Romans,
we're going to take over.
This is going to be
just like the Maccabees
or we're reestablish
the Jewish nation.
You that or glorious death,
memorable death.
But what he
didn't sign up for
was the leader
sneaking off and giving up
in the middle of the night.
I'm where I'm going.
You can't come.
What do you mean,
I can't come?
What are you talking about?
Try to picture the confusion.
Not just the confusion, but
feeling like all of a sudden
everything is changing.
Everything is falling apart.
Where are you going?
Where could you possibly
be going in this moment?
So that's his first question.
Second question,
though, was verse 37.
Just look back there again.
Why can't I follow you now?
I'll lay down
my life for you.
This is on the milder
end of how he says it
in Matthew and Luke.
In fact, in Matthew,
he says,
you can put the passages
up on the screen
if you want to look
those up later,
but I'll just quote them in.
Matthew, he says, Though
they all fall away.
I'll never fall.
Everyone else
might slink
off in the night,
might give up on you, not me.
And then he also says,
I am ready to go
with you to prison
and to death.
I'll lay down my life
no matter what it takes.
I'm there,
I think, in
Peter's questions.
We are just starting
to get a glimpse of with him.
I think what he's
doubling down on
in the midst of this
confusion is his confidence.
And we've seen that
Peter is a very confident guy
and he's doubling
down on that,
although think we could add
some phrases
when we look at it,
we might step back
and say it's
more of an impatient
I it's this moment of no,
I know I'm right
and I'm getting hints
that I might not be right,
but I'm going to double
down on my rightness.
Have you ever been
ever found yourself
doing that?
I remember
kind of a silly example.
I was had this group of guys
I was working on
a project with
and we were running behind
just a tad,
so we knew
we needed
to kind of catch up,
spend some extra
time on this.
And I said,
All right, guys, it's near
the end of the month.
We need to meet.
Let's set this next meeting.
Let's go meet on the 30th.
And we got to get together.
We got to keep momentum
forward on this.
One of the guys looks at me
and goes,
Are you sure
you want to meet on the 30th?
Why are you questioning me?
I'm setting the meeting,
of course, the 30th.
And then he kind of
looked at me again, this time
with a little bit
of a smile on his face.
Are you sure you want to meet
on the 30th? Yes.
What's your problem?
Well, John, let me know what
alternate universe
we're going to meet,
because this is February.
I know that
everybody knows that
the 30th in February
is really the 3rd of March.
I knew that.
Don't bother me with details.
Doubling down
on my super confidence.
We've all been there.
That's a silly example.
You've been there
in other situations.
Don't question me.
I know I'm right.
Even though you're presenting
some interesting facts
that I won't let on that
I might be acknowledging
may be true.
Don't question me
and Peter,
we see just a little bit
in his questions,
some of this overconfidence.
But let's look now at how
Jesus responds to this,
because we all know how we
to respond
to people in that moment,
especially when you know
you're winning
and you see them
doubling down
on their confidence
or you just want to stick
that knife
in a little further,
let them feel that
pain a little longer.
But let's look at
how Jesus responds.
He doesn't, by the
way, ignore
Peter's overconfidence.
In fact,
the way he responds to start
with is with truth.
He doesn't ignore
the reality.
He starts with truth.
Look back at his responses.
Verse 36 Jesus answered him,
Where I am going,
you cannot follow me
but you will
follow afterward.
you don't quite
understand yet.
You will follow me.
Not in the way you think.
Not at the time. You think.
But you will follow me.
And in John,
we often
see these double meanings.
You're going to follow me.
Peter will be
one of his most
passionate followers
in the fullest sense.
What it means to follow
Christ in the fullest sense
of what it means to tell
the world about Him.
And he
will follow him in death.
Not in the way
that Peter thought,
not at the time
that Peter thought.
But there will come a moment,
and I think we can all say,
if you've been a Christian
any amount time
you've seen God
work in your life,
not in the way
you thought he would,
not at the time
you thought he would,
but it was the right time.
It was the right way.
And even though you look back
and didn't understand it,
so Jesus starts with truth
and it gives him
another truth.
By the way,
when Peter says,
I'll lay down my life
for you, Jesus says,
Will you lay
down your life for me?
And there's a hint here of,
Oh, Peter,
you really don't get it.
You think
you need to lay down
your life for me,
whereas you desperately need
me, Jesus,
to lay down my life for you.
You've got a completely
And in fact, not
only will
you not lay down
your life for me,
you'll do the opposite.
What does he say to him?
The rooster will not crow
till you have denied me
three times.
You think
this is a little bit
like the American
Idol auditions
where the guy comes in?
All my friends say I'm
the best
singer he's ever met.
And then Simon Cowell goes,
You're literally
the worst singer
I've ever heard.
Like the drastic gap
between them. Here's Peter.
I'm your main dude.
Even if everybody else
falls away, I'm here.
And Jesus says,
Actually, no, you're going to
you're going to deny me.
And Peter's silence
here is a bit ominous.
Peter doesn't respond
in this moment.
You've got to be wondering
if he's
thinking back to Jesus.
Say one of you will betray me
and I think in this moment
it'd be hard to slice.
So finally,
between betray and deny,
I think
those are two very
similar words.
Speaking of ominous,
some ominous hum
in the background,
it would be hard
to really know.
Is he talking about me?
Does he think I'm the guy
that's going to betray him?
Is that what he's saying?
I don't know.
I'm just going to keep quiet.
Now, what Jesus does
here, though,
it's really interesting.
Yes, He responds with truth,
but he also responds
with comfort.
He gives him the truth,
but it gives him a comfort.
And what a beautiful pairing,
by the way.
I mean, how often
when someone
needs to correct you,
they need to
deal with the truth.
They can't ignore
the reality.
But if you do it with grace,
if you do it with a comfort,
if you do it with a kindness,
I'm going to listen to that.
I'll receive that.
That shows that you care.
You're coming with truth
because you care
not just to stick
the knife in
and watch me squirm,
but because you care.
You want to see me grow,
you want to see us grow.
And so let's look at how
Jesus responds
with a comfort.
Look at verse
one in chapter 14.
Let not your hearts
be troubled.
Believe in God,
Believe also in me.
So I love how
He responds here.
We've seen this word trouble
over and over again.
We saw that
Jesus was troubled
in his soul.
He was troubled
in his spirit.
Now he's speaking of there
being trouble in your heart.
And he just starts
by acknowledging the reality
that this is a
troubling moment.
Jesus, you say
you're leaving us.
We thought we were going
all the way to the end.
What's going on?
Were confused.
Look, don't be troubled,
but I love that opening word.
Let not
your heart be troubled.
And how many times
when we find ourselves
in a place
where our hearts
are deeply disturbed
and troubled
and anxious and distraught?
How many times,
in fact,
I would say every time
that's happened,
because we've allowed
our thoughts, we've
let our thoughts run amuck.
We've let them go crazy.
You can't blame anyone else
for your own thoughts.
I can blame a lot of people
for a lot of things,
but no one chooses
my thoughts for me.
Of course
there are
environmental things.
Of course
there are things around you
that may prompt thoughts,
but you always have a choice
whether you dwell on that
or not.
In fact, it takes,
it takes skill,
it takes intentionality,
it takes wisdom
to redirect
your thoughts the right way
instead of
just letting them go
where they may.
It's the same discipline
it takes in parenting.
We don't just let our kids go
whatever way they want.
We all know how that ends up.
Now we step in,
we direct with God,
we engage,
we're there,
we're intentional.
It's not easy. It's hard.
It's not fun.
But you know that
it's important.
You know that it's worth it.
I've been rereading a book
by Marcus Aurelius.
He was a Roman emperor
in the late 100 A.D.
He was also known
and sometimes called
the philosopher King
because many of
his journal entries
and writings were more
deep philosophical
not the kind of things you
expect from the Emperor
and his book.
I mean, it still reads today
like something
that could have been written
very recently.
It's kind of like
his reflections
on how to live a good life.
What does it mean
to live a good life?
He's weighing out
all the different
philosophies of the time,
and I ran across this passage
this week as I was reading,
and I'm going to
throw the quote up on screen
because it relates
to this concept perfectly.
Your mind
will come to resemble
your frequently
repeated thoughts
because it takes on the hue
of its thoughts.
Dye your mind, then
dye your mind.
I thought,
What an interesting way
to say that
Dye your mind
saturate your mind,
stain your mind
and whatever
you stain it with,
whatever you saturated in,
that's what it will
come to resemble.
In fact,
I found that word choice
so interesting
that I thought,
I need to look up this word.
What's behind this word? Dye?
Because he
he actually
even though he was Roman,
he wrote in Greek.
And I looked at that word
dye, and it's the word
and you're going
to hear a familiar word
in this.
The root word behind
it is the word baptism.
What does
that sound like to you
It's where we get our word
It has the same idea.
And the beautiful
part of that idea,
no one gets baptized
on accident.
I mean, no one
accidentally stumbles
into the baptismal pit
up there.
You've got to find it.
First of all,
someone has to take you
You've got to get here early.
It's great intentionality
to be
saturated, to be soaked,
to have your mind
stained through.
he gives this comfort,
Let not your hearts
be troubled.
Instead, here's what he says.
Here's the counteract
to that.
In fact,
in your time
when you find yourself
overwhelmed by thoughts,
overwhelmed with fears,
this is the verse
to come to you
because you want to know
the antidote to that?
Look in verse 14 Once again,
let not your hearts
be troubled.
One word belief.
Believe in God.
Believe also in me.
That's the word.
That is the theme
of this whole book.
John uses it
90 different times
in this book.
Believe, believe, believe,
keep coming back to Christ
in the midst
of your anxiety.
In the midst
of the confusion.
I had a friend
recently, a few years back
now, who was
he was overwhelmed,
distraught about.
He started going
to a new church,
started to encounter
some theological ideas
he hadn't considered before,
and it really left him
disturbed and struggling.
And I said to him,
I think what
you need to do in
this season
is to just spend some time
with Jesus
and just spend some time
reading the Gospels,
saturating your mind
with the Gospels.
Because here's the reality.
A lot of times
we let ideas overwhelm us
and we forget
about the person,
we forget
about the relationship.
And so get to know
Jesus in that season.
That's why this coming year,
every year,
we try to do a Bible
reading plan as a church.
The first year here
we did the whole Bible,
read through the whole Bible.
This year we're doing
New Testament,
Psalms and Proverbs,
which, by the way,
if you're not on
some kind of Bible
reading plan,
pick up a copy of that.
Start today.
It's October 1st.
Make it your goal.
I'm not going to miss a day
for the rest of the year
of reading the Bible
and forget
about the rest of it.
Don't try to catch up.
Just start on October 1st.
You're going to get
the gospels.
You're going to
you're going to get
at least one gospel
in the Book of Luke.
You're going to get
some of the epistles,
you're going to get
the Book of Revelation.
You're going to get
a really interesting
snapshot of Scripture,
what we're going to do
next year.
And we started broadly
with the whole Bible
came down New Testament,
Psalms, Proverbs.
Next year, we're going to go
even less
and focus
just on the gospel
songs and proverbs.
You talk about slowing down,
reading smaller chunks,
especially on Christ Life
next year.
But in the midst
of the confusion,
we got to run toward him.
Now, he says, Believe in me.
What's really interesting,
though, is in these
next couple of verses,
he gives three ways
to do that.
Three specific thoughts
to Die your Mind with here
in the next couple of verses.
Look at verse two and
we'll see this first one.
Let not your
hearts be trouble.
Believe in God.
Believe also in me,
in my father's house,
our many rooms.
If it were not so,
would I have told you
that I go to prepare
a place for you?
The first idea to die
your mind with is
there is a place for you.
He does have a place for you.
I got to tell you,
there's so many times
when you're overwhelmed
with the stress
of the in-between
and you wonder, where is he?
You wonder,
Do I have a place with him?
Does he care about me?
Saturate your mind
with the truth
that he has gone
to prepare a place for you?
The place, in fact,
some translations
might say in
my father's house
are many mansions.
A lot of
translations say that
the root word behind that
just means room
means really abode
dwelling place.
That word mansions
comes from the Latin.
The Latin word for dwelling
is mansions,
which doesn't mean mansions,
it just looks like mansions.
Which is interesting
because this
this last verse we saying
nothing else.
Nothing else.
I just want you.
I'm caught up
in your presence
too many times.
The sentiment of that verse
was too many times.
I get focused on
what benefits
you might
bring me rather than you.
If you're picture of heaven,
the glory of it
is the mansion itself.
Even if there is a mansion,
I can tell you
whatever room is in
his house
is going to be more glorious
than any mansion here.
But the point isn't
about the room,
about the building,
about the stuff.
The point is his presence.
That's the glory
getting closer to him.
And so we have a place.
That's the first thing
to saturate your mind
with today,
your thoughts with.
But second,
look at verse three
and if I go and prepare
a place for you,
I will come again
and I will take you to myself
that where I am,
you may also be
I have a place.
And number two,
I will return.
I'm coming back.
Go back to Shackleton.
He did gather up
his guys and say, Guys,
he actually did say this.
I'm taking off.
I don't know about
the loved one
another part or not,
but I'm taken off.
Here's how he
left, by the way.
I'm going to take
this dingy old boat.
In fact,
we kind of put
two boats together
and I got two other guys
who were going with me.
We got to find help.
And they took about
a thousand mile journey
across the Arctic Ocean
to go find help.
By the way, this great book
called Endurance,
that was the
name of the boat.
Every one of them made it out
to years
floating on the ice
in the Arctic Ocean.
one of them was rescued,
he says, Guys, I'm going.
I am going to leave
and I'll be back.
I will return.
I have a place I will return.
And then number three,
look at number
three and verse four.
And these are all comforts
that he is bringing
in the midst
of bringing truth.
And, you know, the way
to where I am going.
I have a place
I will return.
And you know, the way
no matter how lost you feel,
no matter how confused,
no matter how alone
you might feel
in the midst
of the in-between moments,
it's so reassuring
to hear him
say here,
you know the way you do
and you may not know it
We may not
follow him perfectly.
But if you know him,
you know the way.
So that's Peter's questions.
And Peter
had the most questions.
So he gets the most time.
But now we see
two other disciples
still, Thomas had a question
as well.
So let's look at Thomas.
This question.
Thomas this question comes in
verse five.
Look at verse five.
Thomas This question.
Thomas said to him, Lord,
we do not know
where you are going.
How can we know the way
Thomas is often
painted as the doubter,
the skeptic?
And when we saw him
in Chapter 11,
we saw he's also loyal.
I'll go to die with you.
But here
he has
a really
interesting question.
And I think what
this points out here
is some of what's
going on naturally.
So, by the way, is confusion
okay with Peter,
it was confidence
or overconfidence
with Thomas,
we see some confusion.
What are you talking about?
The fourth,
How are we going to go?
You said, Lord,
we did not know
where you're going.
How can we know the way?
What do you mean
we know the way?
We don't even know where
we're going to end up.
How can you plot
a course on the map
if you don't know
where you want to go?
And again, Jesus
responds to this,
in truth, in comfort.
Same with Peter.
Truth and comfort.
Truth and comfort.
Look at how
he responds to them.
Look over seven, six,
Look at four, six.
Jesus said to him,
I am the way,
the truth and the life.
No one comes
the father except through me.
You know the way
you know the way
because you know me.
Jesus says to him
I am the way Jesus says I am.
The way the truth,
the life meaning
I'm not just good advice.
I'm not
just a great moral example.
I'm the way that you find
the way in life
I am the means of finding
It is through me
that you find life
to its fullest,
not just knowing about him,
but knowing him.
And I love
this verse because
there is a positive
no me, you know, life.
But then there's a negative
the second half of verse six.
No one comes to the father
except through me.
No one comes to the Father
except through Jesus.
And if there's a verse
that is the most
beloved verse
for many Christians
is probably John 316
that's a safe
one to put up on
a poster board
in a football stadium.
And if there's
a verse in our culture today,
got to be the most hated,
probably going
to be this one.
What do you mean?
How dare you say that?
Jesus is the only way?
How can you be so arrogant
and narrow
minded to say
that he is the only way
you really think
that every billions
of other people are wrong?
How dare you?
It's a challenging reality.
Jesus says that
if that's where you are,
when you hear that
and you have some
of those responses,
I want to share just a couple
two quick responses to that.
These aren't meant to
cover it all.
I spent months
and even years
pondering this
personally in college
when I was first
faced with this reality.
I mean,
when you think that
billions of people
aren't Christians
and by the way,
the main reason you follow
any faith
is because of your parents.
one of the worst ideas
to encounter in college
is that somehow
you've been tricked
into becoming your parents
without realizing it.
Right. Hold on.
Wait a second.
No, no, no, no.
This can't be right.
If it was their idea.
Right, you immediately.
And I'm stepping back
and going, Emma
and sincerely,
I'm asking,
So am I only a Christian
because my parents were.
Am I only a Christian
because I was born
and raised
in the south
end of Louisville,
Kentucky, and America, where
we're Christians? Is that is
that how
shallow my faith is?
I'm going to give two again,
brief responses to this.
It's not meant to
answer it all.
If it's not
satisfying to you,
keep digging in.
There are
other good responses
to this year's number one.
How do you know
there is not only one way?
How can you be sure?
There's not
only one way to God?
I mean, our modern sentiment
is there's
as many ways as you want.
How can you be sure?
I mean, if there is a God,
he have the right to decide
how many ways
there was to him?
And that may be just one way,
but if not,
then who decides
how many ways there are?
Whoever that is, is God
the person who says no?
Here are the right
number of ways to Him.
That person is
playing the role of God.
That's one response.
do all religions
really provide
equal paths to God?
So if there are
hundreds, dozens,
endless ways,
are they
all really equal
paths to God?
Can you say that?
Let's take
maybe the top
two other world
religions, Islam.
If you decide that Islam
is the right way to God,
is that really the same
as that on equal
footing with the guy
who said, drink the Kool-Aid
and wait for the comment
to come?
Very sincerely.
Are those equal?
And if not, why?
And who decides?
Do you decide that
this one's okay
and this one's not?
That puts you
in the role of God.
So either way,
you got challenging questions
to ask.
if it's Hindu,
but Hitler
believed this stuff
really sincerely.
Why is he
why do we decide he's wrong?
But others aren't?
It's a difficult, challenging
topic to wrestle with.
The reality is.
But Jesus
makes the statement.
And I got to tell you,
the comfort for me
in the midst of
wrestling with this
was knowing that
at least there is a way.
The fact that
the God of this universe
would allow a path
back to him
when we have rebelled
against him
was of great comfort
to me.
And knowing
that that is in a person
in Jesus
who died on my behalf,
I don't have to earn my way
to him.
I just simply confess.
Yes, Lord, I was wrong.
Please forgive me of my sins.
please come into my life.
I want to know you.
I want to know the way,
the truth.
I want to know
real life in you.
And so he responds
to Thomas with truth.
I'm the way,
the truth, the life.
And I'm the only way.
But then it gives him
a comfort.
Look at verse seven.
If you had known me,
you would have known
my father also.
And from now on,
you do know him
and have seen him.
You're not seen at all.
But I promise you do
you do know him?
You do know the way.
Take assurance in that
you know,
in the month of October,
we memorize a verse
as a church every month.
Whether you realized it
or not. You do.
I promise,
John 14 six is our memory
verse four next month,
which I just read on the way
The truth in life
no one comes the Father
but through me.
But the song
that we memorized that with,
There's a Scripture
memory song every month
that makes it easy
to memorize.
Also tags on first John,
five, 11 and 12.
This is the testimony
that God gave us eternal life
and that life is in His son.
Whoever has the son has life.
Whoever does not have the
son does not have life.
Whoever has the son has life,
he gives him assurance
and dwelling, dying your mind
with the reality
that if I know him,
I have life
also brings comfort.
So that's Thomas confused
in this moment.
was doubling down
on his confidence,
and now we get Philip
our last disciple,
with a question.
Look at verse eight.
Philip said to him,
Lord, show us the Father.
And it is enough for us.
I think Philip,
in his question,
we see someone
who wants clarity.
Just give us a
glimpse of clarity.
If in fact you've
been in these moments,
would you just
spell it out for me?
just make it all
clear, please, if you would.
Show me what's going to
happen, then I'll trust you.
In fact, I remember seeing a
a debate
with a Christian
and an atheist,
and they had gone
back and forth
over the course at the time.
And finally, you can tell
the atheist is just
getting fed up with it all.
And he says, Look,
look, look, listen.
If you want me to
believe in him,
I would believe in God.
If, as you
said, he's
going to do someday,
if he would come down
in all his glory
and he's being very sarcastic
and all his followers
are laughing in this moment
and and in his
big golden chariot
and all
demanding and glorious
and large.
If he came like that,
of course
I believe in him, of course.
But he doesn't.
And of course, everyone
kept laughing,
clapping, cheering him on
and the absurdity of it all.
And the Christian just waited
till it all down, down,
died down.
And he said
in a very somber tone,
he said, you know what?
This is hard to say,
but the reality is
you wouldn't
you wouldn't.
Evidence isn't the issue.
In fact, Romans one
from the beginning of time,
the creation of the world,
God's evidence
made known to them.
It's the heart
you've already decided
you'll have no other
God than yourself.
Sometimes we want clarity.
Even when
there's a glimpse of clarity
in front of us,
we just don't want to see it.
In fact, look at how Jesus
responds to Philip
because he responds to Philip
with truth as well.
Jesus, just show us.
The Father will will believe.
Here's how Jesus
responds to that.
Verse nine
Have I been with you so long?
And you still do not know me?
Whoever has seen me
has seen the father.
How can you say
show us the father?
Do you not believe that
I am in the father
and the father is in me?
These words
that I say to you,
I do not speak on
my own authority,
but the father
who dwells in me
does his works.
He says to him,
How have I been with you
this long?
You're asking to
see the father
and you haven't realized
you've already seen him
through me.
And I think for all of us,
when we're in those moments
where there's the confusion
or in the in-between time,
we're not sure
which way things are going.
And we just want clarity.
Come back to Jesus, believe,
believe in him.
In fact, that's
how he ends this section.
It's the same.
He started the chapter,
it's the same way he ends.
Look at this
last verse, verse 11.
Believe me,
that I am in the father,
the father is in me,
or else
I believe on
account of the works
themselves, believe,
believe, believe.
And as I said
at the beginning
of the service today,
I don't know what burden
you're carrying today.
I don't know what fears
have overwhelmed you.
That's normal to happen.
And we've all done it
at times.
We've all
let our thoughts run off.
What if this happens?
What if that happens?
die your mind with the truth
that we've run across today.
Sustain your mind, baptize
your brain
with the truth of Scripture,
that He has a place
he will return.
And you know the way
let's pray
God, we thank you
for this morning.
We thank you for the gospel.
We thank you that in you
we have the way, the truth,
the life
that we can have,
assurance of eternal life.
Thank you for the testimony
we have in you
that the life is in the sun.
Lord, I pray today
you would get it.
Give each of us
the courage to lay down
whatever it is
that we're carrying.
Whatever fear,
whatever anxiety,
Or may we lay it down
before you today.
Walk in, you
trust you fully believe you
and watch you work
in amazing ways this week.
Jesus, we love you.
We pray all this
in your name. Amen.