Elder Law Report

4 Tips to Gain Clarity With Your Estate Plan.

Greg McIntyre, J.D., M.B.A.

2020 Vision in 2020:
I think planning gives you clarity… In that respect, Elder Law is Clarity. It helps families plan, think about the future, protect assets and gain peace of mind. As we head into the new year, everyone is making and breaking resolutions. I love this time of year because of the planning aspect. I have been planning for our firm, my wife and I have been planning our goals for our family this year. This is a perfect time of year for people, families to get their affairs in order, make plans like Estate Planning and gain the clarity and peace of mind that comes along with that.

Review What You Have.
Talk about past documents that may be out of date. For example, 25 year old Wills. In Probate, we see it daily, invalid Wills, Named executors who have passed on, etc. Revamp documents. Know what you want to leave to your loved ones that is existing now. Sometimes people will name specific things in Wills, that no longer exist..Then it's a hassle when it comes time to probate the Will.
Take Inventory.
Define Your Goals.
What are your plans?… to take a cruise for 10 years? To spend all money down? To preserve money for the children and/or grandchildren? To send them to college? To protect assets in the event of long term care? The retirement… The house?
Meet & Discuss.
Meet with your spouse… Family if need be… Communication is great here!
Meet with a professional to discuss how to accomplish your goals and make a plan.

Now you practice Estate Planning & Elder Law…. That is what your firm does… You can help?
Absolutely…. I would be glad to help.
Q. What is a planning session like with you?
Very easy… We sit down with the client or family and walk through the assets, define goals… flush out what is most important? Control of assets for example or protection of assets. Then we use our legal knowledge, tools and experience to help the client plan for the future. It’s really that simple. AND… Once their planning is done you can see the peace of mind it gives people. That’s what I love.
Q. So how might people get in touch with you and your firm, Greg?
Call us at: 704-259-7040 or online at mcelderlaw.com/estateplanning… That’s mcelderlaw.com/estateplanning.
We would love to help people kick off 2020 with peace of mind and estate planning in place. It is a perfect time of year to get this done!