The Spotlight | Generali Investments

How high can commodities go?

Generali Investments Season 1 Episode 54

Please be aware that the content of this podcast is only for professional investors in France, Italy, Germany and Spain.

Marco Mencini, Senior Portfolio Manager at Plenisfer Investments, discusses the energy transition, oil, and supply disruption.


Important Information 

 This document is for information purposes only and is not a marketing communication. This document does not provide any professional investment, legal, accounting nor tax advice. This document is only intended for professional investors in France, Italy, Germany and Spain as defined in the Directive 2014/65/EU on Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). This document is not intended for US Person. All information and opinions contained in this Document represent the judgment of the author at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice. The views expressed are those of the author but may not be the views of Plenisfer Investments SGR S.p.A. (“Plenisfer”). Sources of the data (unless specified otherwise): Generali Investments Partners S.p.A. and Plenisfer Investments SGR S.p.A. Past performance does not predict future returns. There is no guarantee that the positive forecasts mentioned in this document will be reached in the future. This document may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any public or commercial purpose without the prior written permission of Plenisfer.  Plenisfer Investments SGR S.p.A. is an investment adviser with Fiscal Code and Trieste’s Companies register number 01328320328. It is regulated by the Bank of Italy and CONSOB for the activity of asset management companies (SGR). This document is issued by Generali Investments Partners S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio, an Italian asset management company regulated by Bank of Italy.