The Spotlight | Generali Investments

A pivotal moment for Markets? Tapering is in sight - Interview with Vincent Chaigneau, Head of Research at Generali Investments

July 01, 2021 Generali Investments Season 1 Episode 32

Fed surprised almost everyone in June by initiating the tapering discussion. They are worrying about inflation risk and turning less dovish, yet long rates have dropped following the June FOMC. 

We'll talk about this and the key investment calls into summer in our Podcast interview with Vincent Chaigneau, Head of Research at Generali Investments. 

Chapters details:

  • 00'22'' The Fed surprised almost everyone in June by initiating the tapering discussion. Is this a pivotal moment for markets? 
  • 01'37" The Fed is worrying about inflation risk and turning less dovish, yet long rates have dropped following the June FOMC? What do you make of it? Does it alter your strategic views? 
  • 02'50'' the Fed will be cautious, but tapering is approaching. The US fiscal impulse is also starting to diminish. Is this what we call peak policy, and does it make you more defensive?
  • 04'26'' To conclude, what are your key investment calls into summer? 

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