HOPE not hate

The Nazi Satanists Inspiring Terror, An Interview with Nick Lowles

Hope Not Hate

Nick Lowles, CEO of HOPE not hate, sat down to discuss the neo-Nazi Satanist group the Order of the Nine Angles, and their promotion of terror in the digital space. The O9A have been linked to violent far-right groups such as Combat 18, the National Socialist Movement, National Action, Sonnenkrieg Division, Atomwaffen Division, and many more. 

The leading light of the O9A, David Myatt, a man known by acquaintances as 'The Cat Strangler' because of his proclivity for animal torture, has consistently promoted human sacrifice and abuse in his writings. We are seeing the most extreme form of far-right ideology grow and spread in online spaces, where the fog of anonymity is being used to protect those who wish to recruit vulnerable young people to their poisonous ideology.

After countless instances of O9A propaganda appearing unnoticed as a factor in the radicalisation of terrorists, HOPE not hate are now calling for the government to act and for O9A to be proscribed.