HOPE not hate

Learning from Biden 2020: Digital Organising

Hope Not Hate

If you want to know how Joe Biden beat Donald Trump, this podcast is for you. We talked to two of the Biden team about how they organised - and what we can learn. It’s a must-watch (and don't forget to tag anyone you know who does campaigning).

**Here’s all the background**

The Biden for President campaign faced a stiff challenge in 2020: how to mobilize people in such huge numbers that an incredibly rare political event could be propelled into being - the defeat of a first-term president. Added to that was added an unprecedented challenge: how to do that during a global pandemic. The answer was a new fusion of community organizing and digital organizing, using tried and tested strategies honed over decades, with innovative tools and tactics for a modern era of campaigning, marked by Covid-19 restrictions.

We heard from Joe Biden's Senior Advisor for Digital, Caitlin Mitchell, and Jose Nunez, the campaign’s Director of Digital Organizing on the strategies they applied, the successes they had, and the lessons they learned.