HOPE not hate
HOPE not hate seeks to challenge and defeat the politics of hate and extremism within local communities, building resilience against the politics of hate and fear, at a national and grassroots level and this podcast explores the myriad of ways it does so. Email us at digital@hopenothate.org.uk for tips, feedback, and opportunities.
Printed and Promoted by Nick Lowles of behalf of HOPE not hate, 167-169 Great Portland Street
5th Floor
HOPE not hate
We Fight Fascists - The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-war Britain. An Interview with Daniel Sonabend.
In the wake of the Second World War Jewish ex-servicemen returned from war on the continent to find the same hatred being spouted by Mosley's followers in the diverse communities of East London and beyond.
Utterly incensed and with the memory of war and the revelations of the holocaust still fresh in their minds, the decorated war heroes and rebellious youths of the 43 Group pioneered a new form of antifascist activism that made it difficult for Mosley to build an effective movement.
Daniel Sonabend, author and filmmaker, talks to Jake Pace Lawrie on Ridley Road in Dalston, the epicentre of the struggle to defeat hate in post-war Britain.
With additional archive taken, for educational purposes, from:
Youtube User: Safrenela1
Documentary recording: 'A Rage in Dalston'
And Youtube User: The Berkleys
Prod, edited and recorded by Jake Pace Lawrie