Top Tips For Setting Up Your Cut Flower Business
Cut Flower Farming - Growth and Profit in Your Business is renamed The Cut Flower Podcast
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Cut Flower Farming - Growth and Profit in Your Business is renamed The Cut Flower Podcast
Top Tips For Setting Up Your Cut Flower Business
Apr 22, 2021 Season 1 Episode 3
Roz Chandler

So you want to go into business as a cut flower farmer? 

You have worked out the why and the brand messaging you would like. Now to the nitty-gritty. What legal structure is your cut flower farm business - is it a limited company, a sole trader, a social enterprise? Is it VAT registered and why? Have you thought of your marketing strategy? Who are the customers for your cut flowers?

Roz Chandler started her flower farming business ten years ago. She will be covering strategy, marketing tactics, pricing, social media and upscaling your flower farm. No matter what point you’re at in your journey, this podcast will give you the information you need to grow your business. 

Roz takes you through the foundations of setting up a business in an easy-to-follow way.

You will learn: 

  • Ten tips for setting up your cut flower business 
  • The importance of conducting market research so you can definite and analyse your target market 
  • How creating a sales and marketing strategy helps you to understand your unique selling points and how to reach your ideal customers 

Connect with Roz Chandler: 


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