Fort Garry MB Church - Winnipeg, Canada

Where do We Hear God's Voice? - Pastor Carl Heppner

May 04, 2021 Fort Garry MB Church Season 2 Episode 3

The God we have come to know through Jesus Christ is a God who is constantly revealing himself to humanity.  He wants to be known.  He wants his will for us to be known.  He reveals himself to us through nature and history, through divine revelation and the incarnation.  He invites us into conversation and relationship with him.

Scripture: Psalm 85:8, Hebrews 1:1-3a, John 16:12-15 NRSV

In a world filled with social media, fake news, conspiracy theories, and polarizing voices all clamouring for our attention, it seems to be more difficult than ever to hear the voice of God and to discern what is true. In the midst of all the noise, where do we actually hear God’s voice?