Learn about ME
IMPORTANT Learn about M.E. podcasts contain general information about ME/CFS shared by professionals and individuals with lived experience. This is not medical advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. Any symptom management approach must be considered on a case-by-case basis by an experienced medical professional.
Learn about ME
Episode 6 – Learn About M.E. and Nursing
In this sixth episode of our Learn About M.E. podcast series, we hear from a Clinical Nurse Specialist in M.E., Keith Anderson, about the vital support that nurses can provide to people with M.E. Keith is joined by a retired Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor and Clinical Practice Teacher and Carer, Pamela Binny, who offers insight into some of the knowledge on M.E. she wished that she had while she was practising as a Nurse. She is able to describe, first hand, the devastating impact of M.E. not just on the person living with it but the family supporting the person.
We hear how Nurses can very quickly update their professional knowledge by accessing a free CPD module on ME/CFS and listening to this podcast. The module takes under an hour to complete and offers 1 CPD point. The revised guidance on M.E./CFS contained in the new NICE guideline is also highlighted as a useful tool for Nurses. It is suggested that rest and pacing are much better approaches to managing the symptoms of M.E./CFS rather than Graded exercise therapy (GET) or Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The guests discuss how much of the learning can also be applied to nursing people with Long Covid as the clinical presentation can be the same or very similar.