God’s Word Unfiltered

Part Ten of a Biblical Journey thru the Book of Acts

December 23, 2023 Brother Bob
Part Ten of a Biblical Journey thru the Book of Acts
God’s Word Unfiltered
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God’s Word Unfiltered
Part Ten of a Biblical Journey thru the Book of Acts
Dec 23, 2023
Brother Bob

If you’re one of those born-again Believers who is frustrated by the lack of sound biblical teaching that you are getting…and by the lack of authority and power you’re seeing (i.e. hearing) in your Church leaders as they ‘teach’ you God’s Word…you’ve come to the right spot. I promise you that IF you love biblical Truth…and are always eager and open to NEW biblical Truths (that means being teachable...not naïve)…the podcasts at God’s Word Unfiltered should be the ones that you’re listening to! I DON’T claim to know ALL the biblical Truths of Scriptures for the Church…BUT…I DO know a lot of them! If you like having your 'ears tickled'...well then continue listening to the Joel Osteen or Mike Warner podcasts!
Sadly, over the years I have had numerous Christians tell me (once they hear me teach at a Bible study or simply share biblical Truths with them), WHY isn’t this stuff that you’re teaching us, or telling me being taught to us by our Church ‘leaders’!  My answers are always the same: The FIRST reason that a LOT OF the ‘shepherds’ who are ‘running’ born-again churches these days are NOT teaching sound doctrine to the sheep is because they are hireling shepherds…and NOT God-honoring, ‘dedicated to the Truths of Scriptures no matter what the cost’ type shepherds! These shepherd hirelings are doing what they doing for ONE or TWO or ALL of these reasons; pride, power, prestige, to please church buddies and/or family members or money! 

The SECOND reason that a LOT OF ‘shepherds’ no longer teach a LOT OF (even) the basic Truths of Scriptures to the sheep is because they are cowardly (i.e. spineless) ‘shepherds’! These weak-willed ‘shepherds’ KNOW that IF they started teaching the sheep ALL the basic commandments that the Lord has given His Church…their sheep would ‘flee’ like rats deserting a sinking ship! These types of ‘shepherds’ are more concerned about not offending the sheep than they are about not offending the Lord. These types of ‘shepherds’ are literally afraid to go against the unbiblical denominational doctrines that their church organization…or church ‘buddies’ are affiliated with.   

Your true friend in Christ, Brother Bob 

Speaking the Truth in love (which means teaching you what you need to hear and NOT what you want to hear)...because so few are these days

Show Notes

If you’re one of those born-again Believers who is frustrated by the lack of sound biblical teaching that you are getting…and by the lack of authority and power you’re seeing (i.e. hearing) in your Church leaders as they ‘teach’ you God’s Word…you’ve come to the right spot. I promise you that IF you love biblical Truth…and are always eager and open to NEW biblical Truths (that means being teachable...not naïve)…the podcasts at God’s Word Unfiltered should be the ones that you’re listening to! I DON’T claim to know ALL the biblical Truths of Scriptures for the Church…BUT…I DO know a lot of them! If you like having your 'ears tickled'...well then continue listening to the Joel Osteen or Mike Warner podcasts!
Sadly, over the years I have had numerous Christians tell me (once they hear me teach at a Bible study or simply share biblical Truths with them), WHY isn’t this stuff that you’re teaching us, or telling me being taught to us by our Church ‘leaders’!  My answers are always the same: The FIRST reason that a LOT OF the ‘shepherds’ who are ‘running’ born-again churches these days are NOT teaching sound doctrine to the sheep is because they are hireling shepherds…and NOT God-honoring, ‘dedicated to the Truths of Scriptures no matter what the cost’ type shepherds! These shepherd hirelings are doing what they doing for ONE or TWO or ALL of these reasons; pride, power, prestige, to please church buddies and/or family members or money! 

The SECOND reason that a LOT OF ‘shepherds’ no longer teach a LOT OF (even) the basic Truths of Scriptures to the sheep is because they are cowardly (i.e. spineless) ‘shepherds’! These weak-willed ‘shepherds’ KNOW that IF they started teaching the sheep ALL the basic commandments that the Lord has given His Church…their sheep would ‘flee’ like rats deserting a sinking ship! These types of ‘shepherds’ are more concerned about not offending the sheep than they are about not offending the Lord. These types of ‘shepherds’ are literally afraid to go against the unbiblical denominational doctrines that their church organization…or church ‘buddies’ are affiliated with.   

Your true friend in Christ, Brother Bob 

Speaking the Truth in love (which means teaching you what you need to hear and NOT what you want to hear)...because so few are these days