We Admit!

Ask AISAP! #3 When is the right time to change schools?

AISAP Season 3 Episode 3

Erwin Wong answers this audience question: How does an admission professional know when it's the right time to change schools?

00;00;00;08 - 00;00;17;28
Beth Amann
When you’re tossing and turning day after day, wondering how to do things the right way when it suddenly hits you. The answer's so clear. Just reach out to those who will lend you an ear. Ask AISAP.

00;00;20;22 - 00;00;44;25
Janice Crampton
If you are struggling with something that's related to not only your day to day job in its operational duties and tasks or strategic vision, or you as a professional are wondering and you're tossing and turning. We want you to Ask AISAP, and there's an opportunity to go to ask@aisap.org. And today's question comes from Kim.

00;00;45;19 - 00;01;15;25
Janice Crampton
And Kim has asked the following question, and you're the perfect person for this. She's asked. I've been at my school for many, many years. In fact, if I'm honest, I will say it's over 15. I have done everything at this institution except being the head of school. I'm feeling a bit itchy, and yet, as I look around at my schools in the area because I do not want to move, she put that in parentheses.

00;01;16;27 - 00;01;40;09
Janice Crampton
I'm wondering if I've spent too much time at this school so that I can't necessarily go to another. But I'm just wondering, how do I know if it really is time? And so I'm thinking, Erwin, with your experience of moving from school to school, how do you know when it's time?

00;01;40;24 - 00;02;14;12
Erwin Wong
You know, I had a, well, certainly there are a lot of life experiences that happen, and I will say that not only is the Buckley School an amazing place to come to in a very interesting era of the school and for the LA consortium of schools. But there's also personal reasons why I'm here as well, that, you know, between my wife and I, we have three aging parents that that also called us to be here and to help them to navigate through this chapter of life.

00;02;14;29 - 00;02;39;28
Erwin Wong
But barring from any of that, if it's really just about thinking about your own professional career and development and looking at the horizon I would say that the one thing that one of my mentors has always said to me is that whenever you look at opportunities out there and you're going through that process, do you feel pulled to it or do you feel pushed to it?

00;02;41;01 - 00;03;06;14
Erwin Wong
And that is something that I've always stood by, that if it's something that's compelling enough that almost kind of moves you to tears, moves you in a direction that kind of calls you to be a part of. And then that's probably the right feeling when you're thinking about transitioning to something new. But if you feel pushed to it, then you're probably going to feel more areas of apprehension.

00;03;06;25 - 00;03;39;08
Erwin Wong
Not that there isn't fear in the midst of the unknown or some new adventure. There always is part of that in there. But if you feel more reticent because there's something inside of you that says that it's just not right, that it's just not what for a number of reasons. And you feel more like you're just pushed to it because you're just trying to keep up and you're taking a look around and you're seeing that a lot of people aren't around anymore.

00;03;39;08 - 00;03;47;09
Erwin Wong
Then I would begin to investigate and wonder if it actually is the right situation or not. Yeah. So I hope that's helpful.

00;03;47;26 - 00;04;10;20
Janice Crampton
No, I think that's incredibly helpful. And what I love about your thoughts and response to Kim's question is, is that when I read the question, you know, and again, it's all online, once again ask@aisap.org. But what struck me was it was almost as though because I'd been there for 15 years, I think I need to move on.

00;04;11;25 - 00;04;20;07
Janice Crampton
And it's it's predicated on the amount of time. Like, what's the push pull? And I really appreciate that.

00;04;20;21 - 00;04;30;00
Beth Amann
Do you have a question about admission and enrollment? Send us an email at ask@aisap.org. Ask AISAP.