Talking Book Publishing with Kathleen & Adanna

Talking Book Publishing with Anna Corbeaux

December 08, 2022 Adanna Moriarty Season 2 Episode 18

Do you need an editor? Have you ever wanted to pick an editor's brain before you had to pay them? Do you even know what an editor does for your manuscript? 

We round out 2022 with our last episode of the season and the talented Anna Corbeaux of Corbeaux Editorial Services. Kathleen and Adanna pick the brain of a full-time working copy and developmental editor to get your questions answered. Anna is so open with advice for what you can do as an author to make your manuscript great. From plotting your story, and character arcs, to grammar and when to let your editor take over your commas. These three get into the nitty gritty of what makes a book. Almost no stone was left unturned over this hour-long conversation. It's an episode you don't want to miss for your writing journey.

We at Talking Book Publishing are looking forward to 2023 and our third season. We will continue to bring you great guests for fun and informative conversations. We've especially enjoyed our new platform with a more roundtable feel. We hope you will as well. 

We wish everyone Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year. Please let us know if there are topics you'd like us to cover in the upcoming season by emailing:

See you all in 2023! 

Resources from Anna:

For beat sheets:

For POV:

We’d like to hear from you. If you have topics or speakers you’d like us to interview, please email us at and join the conversation in the comments on our Instagram @writerspubsnet.