The Kindness Chronicles

It's St. Patrick's Day! Irish Cultural Appropriation? No WAY!

March 17, 2024 John Schwietz
The Kindness Chronicles
It's St. Patrick's Day! Irish Cultural Appropriation? No WAY!
Show Notes Transcript

Irishman Michael Dempsey  joins us again to discuss the significance of St. Patrick's Day and how it seems to be just about the only universally accepted cultural celebration that hasn't fallen victim to challenges of cultural appropriation.

.Welcome to the Kindness Chronicles top of the mornin to ya! Yeah! Aaron go brah. Aaron go brah. Uh. Brah. Aaron go brah, brah. We're here to give the world a dose of the Minnesota nice that it desperately needs. And today, we are going back to a, uh, comment that was made by a, uh, very, enthusiastic guests that we had, Michael Dempsey, he was so enthusiastic that we decided to drag his butt back into the studio. and do a program on St. Patrick's Day. Yeah. St. Patrick's Day. We got him back. So now we've done Christmas, we've done it, we talked a little New Year's, I think Thanksgiving. We talked a little, we, a little Thanksgiving, what's your favorite food? Yep. We did Galentine's Day and now we're gonna talk about St. Patrick's Day and here's why. Here's why I want to talk about it. So both of my grandmothers were full Irish, okay? Alright. Or at least they thought they were. Yeah. And here's the story. Schweitz. My grandma Ellen. You didn't introduce who this is? No, no we didn't. Oh, Michael's back in the house. Michael Dempsey. Michael Dempsey is back in the house. All the way back into Monomedia again. Thank you so much for coming again. Yeah, um. Such a huge show last time. Thank you. Yeah, um. Uh, gas money. I mean, are we going to be talking about this some gas money and there's a per diem and it's, uh, it's about a nickel. Oh my goodness. But no, thanks for having me back. I really appreciate it. And I really appreciate the call back to, uh, leading into the holidays. Don't get too comfortable in that chair. I'm not. I'm not. Okay. Yeah, he's getting comfortable. He's getting good at this. Yeah, he's, you know, he's not messing with the mic. So the mic was a little wiggly last time. Yeah. Have you ever seen the, uh, the movie Men in Black? Of course. So, do you remember the scene in the movie Men in Black? Where all of these West Point and Naval Academy guys are taking the test and nobody can figure out how to take the test. And Will Smith, the only one in there that didn't have this great pedigree, goes over and he drags the table over. Yeah, makes a big noise. And he figures out how to fix the situation. Michael, the last time he was in here, was having such a difficult time with the mic. And I just suggested instead of You know, trying to adjust the mic. Just move the chair a little bit. I'm gonna tell you something. John Uhoh, I You need to this improv. Well, I'm going to uh, I hope they got a sling in the studio.'cause you're breaking your arm. Patting yourself on the back. Thank you. And are you Will Smith? Is that what you're trying to say? Exactly. That's the other thing. In this scenario, I am Will Smith. Wow. We're going all the way back to my wife's name. Okay. Wait, you were talking about your grandma. Ladies are, go back to your grandma. Thank you for having me. Yes. Upcoming Irish holiday. My grandma, he her favorite holiday was St. Patrick's Day. She was as Irish as Irish can be. She used to go to the St. Patrick's Day parade. Every gift that we ever got her for Christmas had a St. Patrick's Day theme. When you go upstairs, when you leave, you will notice that there are some, um, There was a lot of money spent on St. Patrick's Day things that when Grandma passed away, she wanted me to have them back because they were beautiful, I mean, they're, they're, it's lovely stuff. And Like shot glasses, or what? No, okay, alright, I didn't know, I didn't know. Some pottery, very expensive things. So to all the burglars Now would be a time to come and get my It's a rainbow with a pot attitude. There's spoons from Washington State. You know, let's, this is the Kindness Chronicles. Let's just say Treasure trove of Irish things. Yeah, who invited him back? Was that you? No, in all sincerity So, my grandma just absolutely loved St. Patrick's Day. And, toward the end of her life Now, her name was Ellen Wallace. Okay? That Wallace name is very, very famous for what country? Scottish. Yeah, right. And really because of the movie. The movie, sure. Right, William Wallace. Yeah, that's the only reason. He was a, you know. So anyway. She was orphaned. She was orphaned, um, at the age of about six. Oh man. She, she took the train from New York? No, she, she took a boat from Ireland. Oh my God. And she ended up here. And one of her great favorite stories is that she met F. Scott Fitzgerald. F Scott Fitzgerald just mentioned what a beautiful Irish girl that she was. You know, she had the dark hair and the blue eyes and so on and so forth. I thought it would be funny to Lean into what I believed was her Scottish heritage and very late in her life I started getting her like these coffee table books with all these beautiful pictures of Scotland And she would get so mad at me and she knew that I was kidding But there is a possibility that she wasn't Irish that she was Scottish and I've always said to my mom it's a good thing that 23 and me thing wasn't yeah because Her grandson who is kind of a smart Alec. Yeah. Um, I would have, you know, cracked that case wide open. I would have cracked it open and she's basically what you're saying. She's, she's Irish kind of because F Scott Fitzgerald said she was. No, because she came from Ireland. Got it. So she, you know, she was, um, there wasn't a Marina in Scotland. She had to actually get to Ireland. You had to get on the, get on the boat. Anyway. So St. Patrick's Day has always been very special, my, mom and grandma used to go to all the St. Patty's Day parades, I mean I think I'd even get out of school to go to the parade. I've, uh, got a long list of family members who have what we call, delightfully the Irish virus, which means they tend to drink too much from time to time. Is Irish virus, is that like a disparaging term? No, I don't think so. I like how it goes together. Yeah, I do too. I've never heard of it. Me neither. Is it unique to your family? Well, I mean, I'm, I'm Irish too. There's a heck of a lot of people that have that virus in my family. I think you should start using it. I think it really makes a lot of sense. But, do you have, do either of you guys, I mean, you're Irish, right Michael? Yeah, Dempsey is very, very Irish. Very Irish, yeah. Yeah. So, did you ever celebrate your Irish heritage? Yeah, you know what, I don't, you know, I don't remember, um, you know, growing up, you know, making a concerted effort around, you know, St. Patrick's Day. Um, you know, the one thing that I always think about when I think about St. Patrick's Day is, um, food. And you know, I know we talk about food on the podcast quite a bit, and it seems like it's got sort of the narrowest band of food, right? It's like Thanksgiving is You know, turkey and ham, you know, like lots of options, you know, New Year's Day, Christmas, Easter, I mean, but, but St. Patrick's Day, it's, you know, we gotta cook this piece of meat for like, you know, 80 hours, and then we have some really stale potatoes, I mean, corned beef and cabbage. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm not even sure that that's cooked. Isn't corned beef, like, somehow Brine or something. I don't even know what that word means. Yeah, I don't, I don't either. I, that, that, but that's the thing I think about like, Oh, is this really a celebration or are you laying down a base before you go out? I mean, is that, is that what it is? For the virus. Yeah, for the, for the virus. Upcoming virus. I think that, you know, as many, um, traditions come from the, the, they were economic decisions. For example, you know, the old story that, uh, Lent. For Catholics you weren't to eat anything but fish right during Lent and that had nothing to do with Jesus Oh, of course not that was all about the people that were these selling fish. Yeah, of course This is a good way to sell a lot of fish. So I'm thinking that's you know, some Irish, you know, the Pub owner in New York City said Well, it's Irish. It's St. Patrick's Day. Corned beef and cabbage. Yeah. I got a lot of corned beef. I got a lot of cabbage. We gotta get rid of this stuff. Right. And it's just turned into a thing. Well, I'm, I'm gonna tell you right now, it wasn't a good thing. I mean, I don't, I don't know if I've ever I don't care for it either. I don't know if I've ever sat down and said, Hey, boy, I'll tell you, I could really go for some corned beef and cabbage. But there are people that order corned beef, sandwiches. Oh, for sure. Well, downtown there's a great place. Pub, uh, Cairns. This is the food's really actually. Yeah. Yeah, sure a place But I so I will explain to you that my dad it was a hundred percent Irish and so are you sure? Yeah, okay, 23 a medium. Yeah, no Okay, actually we did we did my sister did but so my dad died in 2017. Oh and Um, St. Patrick's Day was really, our whole family kind of, it was like my dad's day. Yeah. So he used to go to the, he used to go to the parade, downtown St. Paul St. Paul. Um, and we, it was Jack Schweitz, or Schweitz Jack. Oh, someone's calling. Hold on. I think it's the boy. It's the boy. Hang on. Jack, welcome to the Kindness Chronicles, where we hope to inject the world with a dose of the Minnesota Nice it desperately needs. He's like, oh damn, I just called during the I love your show! Thanks! Thanks a lot. Five stars. First time caller. Long time listener. Hey, Jack, I'm a guest of the show. You probably don't know him, but um, St. Paddy's Day is coming up. And, uh, is there a story you want to share with your dad about a St. Patrick's Day memory that you have that you haven't shared yet for fear of being cut out of the will? Jack, tell us about, since we have you on the horn, you used to work at McGovern's and didn't you work a St. Patrick's Day? I did, yes. Do you want to tell us about that? Uh, you know, it was hectic, um, people were being kind, maybe a little too kind to each other. Okay. it's a whole lot of fun for a lot of people. They get completely out of control. And I, as a 19 year old, far back on my 20th hour of the shift, saw a lot of things that I probably didn't need to see. Well, and to be clear, um, you probably made a lot of money that night, right? In tips? And a lot of memories. Yeah, a lot of memories. And I'm just going to bring up the one lasting memory that I'm sure that you have. Just go ahead and tell the listeners. What you witnessed out behind McGovern's that night. I don't know if that's very, you know, how, how is your head in there? There were two people. We got a button bar. Having sex in a dumpster. Right? In the dumpster. In the dumpster. Well that's, that's St. Patrick's Day Irish sex. They're just being kind. They're just being kind. They're being kind. Really kind. So, if you're looking for a good time, make it to McGovern's. Unfortunately, Ben is now working at McGovern's. Because we need to, he needs to see some things in life that, uh. Oh God. But, uh. The tips are gone, but the memories stay. Jack, what's going on with you? commuting home from my place of work. Can I call you later? That sounds great. You guys have a good time. Happy, uh, happy St. Patrick's Day. That's right. See you in Monaco. Bye bye. That's right. That was a great, that was a great story from Jack. I, you know, we Sex in a dumpster. Sex in a dumpster. You know, love in an elevator. Ah, sex in a dumpster. I, that sounds like Cake on the ocean. It sounds like, um, the kind of sandwich you might order the night, you know, the morning after. Yeah, the morning after St. Patrick's Day, I'll have the sex in a dumpster. It's eggs. It's really, it's eggs and cheese. It's got tomato in there. Some peppers. Wilted lettuce. Somebody's, somebody's, um It's so good. Have the sex in a dumpster. Yeah, sex in a dumpster. That is so good. Okay, with a tomato, a chaser tomato juice. That is a very true story. Like he was mortified. you won't believe what I witnessed that. Yeah. So anyway, can I finish talking about Earl Brown? He was a hundred percent Irish and, uh, it was like his day. So we would always. You know, as he got older and he was getting more and more sick and stuff. Me and my brother took him to Irish Fair every year. He loved going to Irish Fair. Spent the whole day there. You guys ever been there? Sure. Irish dancers. Yeah. The music all day. Yes. The pogues played. It was great. Oh, really? That's a big time. Yeah, I think they played. I don't know if I've ever seen it, but I know they played there at some point. Wow. Did they sing that Christmas song? Their most famous song? Yeah. I love that song. I don't know. It was St. Patrick's Day. I suppose. Or no. Summertime. It wasn't. It was. It goes into summertime. Anyway, Irish Fair is this great thing. And we took my dad. The last year that he went, we took him to. I have a friend. Kevin Galligan plays in a band called Paddy Wagon. They're just a great Irish band and get all the traditional stuff in it, but it's kind of big and fun rock and roll and, um, we took my dad out there and he just loved it. He saw them a couple of times with me and he just loved it and tell these great pictures with them. And, and it's. It's like my dad's day. So we would go bring him, you know, we'd have a shot of whiskey with him on St. Patrick's Day at his house as he got older and older. This is great. So it's a big thing in our family, but it's really about my dad and our family. And to me, that is, you know, it's your dad's day. It was my grandma Ellen's day. Yeah, exactly. it's almost like a holy day of obligation for those people. It's like you have to participate in those things. Here's what's interesting. Last episode, I think it was, we talked about cancel culture. I don't know if I remember that one. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Michael's here. Yes. Yeah, and one of the things about cancer culture is there's cultural appropriation problems that people have. Like Cinco de Mayo, you're not supposed to wear a sombrero on Cinco de Mayo. What? Yeah. Why is it that people That aren't Irish are allowed to get drunk on St. Patrick's Day. I think that that's cultural appropriation. You know, I like how you spun that. Cancelled. Cancelled. Cancelled. Yeah, I don't. You're not Irish. You can't drink. I'm not sure the rule book is on that. But yeah, I, I, I, I hear you. But I think that brings up a great point. And I want to, I want to throw, I want to throw this out. Um, you know, we have one, you know, you have one rock star on the staff, right? Steve Brown, right? He's have let me let me tell you something. He's I think he's had more than one undergarment thrown up at him Right on stage. I know it's on thrown up. Yeah. I mean, he's a rock star, but, um, St. Patrick's Day is known for, uh, drunkenness and revelry. Do you have a St. Paddy's Day story where you only remember half of it? I mean, no, I mean, do you have one that just like, yeah, that was, that was one heck of a St. Patrick's Day. The red carpet was kind of our place when we were in college. Yeah, but that was every that St. Patrick's Day was like every week, every day, especially on Thursday nights. Right. I mean, that, that might've been St. Patrick's day. Right. We played a lot of homecomings, a lot of things like those kind of events happened a lot at, at the red carpet. Yeah. Uh, St. Patrick's day isn't because we're like a rock band. It's not really like a lot of Irish bands and a lot of like cover bands do well. In those days. We don't, we don't typically are booked during, I was, I was really talking about the rock star lifestyle, not the band. Yeah. I wish I had more to. Exciting stuff to tell you, you know, I'm gonna keep it under wraps. Well, um, I'd have to really go back and think about it So I'd like to it's not what you think along those roads along that he's seen us play a lot So he knows yeah, I had a I experienced John's ever seen us play by the way Just so you know, are you serious John? We play we play right up the street from his house. I'm always very busy Yeah, I was there but it was a blizzard last year though. He was there. Yeah, and John was I was out of town go on I was in Florida a couple weeks ago for work. Yeah. And, uh, one of the gentlemen that attended this program that I put on happened to be a very Irish person. Yeah, yeah. Who happened to be a big fan of Steve Brown and a big fan of Johnny Clueless. A nice, uh, Norwegian fella named Danny O'Gara. Yes, Dan O'Gara. Danny O'Gara, his family owned O'Gara's. Yep. We played there many times. On the corner of uh, Selby and Snelling, I think. Yep, Snelling, yep. And you guys played that bar. Now that was an Irish, I mean McGovern's, O'Gara's on St. Patrick's Day were epic. Yes, I guess, take it back, we did play there some St. Patrick's Day because Dan loved us and we always had a really good crowd in that room. What a great guy he is. Oh, he's awesome. Oh my god. He's always was supportive of not just our band, but supportive of local bands in the right way. Like, giving them good nights and letting them build. He helped us build our crowd. Well, that's not good. He said Any night Johnny Clueless was playing, it was it's it's it's wall to wall. Do you guys do you? just listening. You talk about that. I we're looking forward to ST Patrick's Day. Yeah, um, we always talk about, you know, these Irish bars like the ones that you're mentioning. I never hear people say, Let's go to that Norwegian bar. You know, should hate maybe German German virus. But yeah, back to the Irish virus, right? So it's I find that it's interesting. It is in St. Cloud. We had, um, McGrudie's. Yeah. Remember, Remember, I'll never forget, McGroody's had a mug night and people would remember they would bring in a little igloo cooler and they would duct tape a handle to it and they'd go, this is, you know, fill this up for a quarter. It was not good. It wasn't good. But yeah, there's no It's not like, yeah, I want to go to this big, you know, Spanish bar. It's off the hook. Like, this is gonna be crazy. It's always an Irish place, right? It's always, it's, it's just how things have landed through history, right? It's, I don't know how that's happened, but yeah, you don't, you don't go to a Puerto Rican bar. No, I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that, the Irish people, were bar owners. And they put their name on them. Yeah, I think you're right. And Irish bars tended to be the funnest bars. But do you, but do you think to bring it back to the theme of, uh, the, the, the podcast. So if you're thinking about the Irish, right, again, we're, we're thinking about St. Patrick's Day. Um, do you think that if you're Irish and an Irish bar is a nicer bar, is a kinder bar, is a friendlier bar? It is. Yeah. I think it is. Yes, I think so too. There's always, music goes with Irish people. Um, and songs and celebration and drink. It does represent. Um, cheerful, open, you know, play, fun, enjoying each other's company. And if you, if you walk in, it's not like someone says, Well, um, you don't belong here. No, it's almost like you walk in, right? You walk in, you're like, you're Irish tonight. You know, come on in. It's, it's really interesting. Irish accent attempted by Michael? There was a touch. There was a touch. Was it? You went into, it was good. I liked it. Yeah, I, I don't know what it is about the, you know, I think it's, um, uh, there is a, there is a sort of kindness theme, right? And I think the Irish are a, you know, they're humble people, they're, they're kind, they're humble, they're industrious. And, you know, St. Patrick's Day, I think gives them an opportunity to sort of share that. Kindness. Now, granted with a lot of liquid courage, you're able to sort of share that kind of, it just seems like a very fun loving, you know, sort of holiday. Like we're all in this together. And that's why it's a great holiday. That's why I think why it's withstood all these years. And it's a reason to get together with people you care about and enjoy and kind of crazy. It's interesting though. Is there another, ethnicity, another nationality? Yeah. That has the same type of, I mean, there's Cinco de Mayo. Yeah, Cinco de Mayo, sure. And we'll be doing a show on Cinco de Mayo. Yeah. But is there Anything else that, like that one night, everybody sort of becomes that part of that culture? In America, I don't know. Other cultures, I think, do have crazy things like that. Well, Oktoberfest. True. You know, there's an Oktoberfest, but that ain't St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick's Day is March 17th. It is a day on your calendar. Yes, yes. And it says St. Patrick's Day. I don't even think that it says Cinco de Mayo. I mean, it does, because it says May 5th. On May 5th, yeah. What day is it this year? What? Cinco de Mayo. It's in early May. It's usually the first fifth of May. What day is the fourth on this year? I had one of my buddy's daughters said that. That's great. No, I think there's something to it. Um, it is the one day of the year, John, the year to your point. I mean, Oktoberfest is usually, I mean, it's a whole month. Sometimes it's, you know, six weeks, right? If you're a brewery in town, it's like we're celebrating Oktoberfest from September 15th to Thanksgiving. Don't forget Rocktober. Yeah. Oh, Rocktober. Right. But you're right. St. Patrick's Day is a, is a point in time. It's a day on the calendar and it's designated. And I think that, you know, people do come together and it's in there coming together. It's a, you know, the other thing is, You know, spring is emerging usually, and it's a little warmer, right? Spring is emerging. The optimism of sort of summer and, you know, warmth and, you know, new growth, new growth. Yeah, I think, yeah, right. I think people are really into it. And, you know, some years it's, it's, I think it's actually after Easter, some years. Uh, but this year, this year, it won't be, this year is, no, it's never after Easter. It's never Easter. Easter, Easter, yeah. Yeah. See, that's what it tells you. Yeah. Being a Catholic guy should load that. Laid that out. Yeah. They'd figure that out early. Well, I mean, along with everything else, you know, being an Irish Catholic guy that I am, we have an early Easter this year. Yeah. We do March 31st, and I'm gonna have corn, beef, and cabbage. No, I'm not gonna have corn, beef and cabbage. No. But I, I do, I do think that there is, there is something to be learned, um, or at least observed. From, you know, people coming together on that day to sort of celebrate it and everyone's saying, Hey, you know, we're, we're Irish and the, just the kindness, just the, we're all, we're all, we're all one, you know, where there, there's no caste system. There's no, you know, you're better, you have more money. You're better than me. You drive something different. You're educated, you not so educated. I mean, it's an opportunity for everyone to sort of. Actually come in and appreciate one another and you know celebrate and I don't know. I don't see that happening with any other holiday Do you know any like genuine Irish people like from Ireland with an Irish? I do and I've been trying to get him on our show He's an awesome guy and he's booked out for Holidays for like for St. Patrick's Day all the time. He goes on shows and he's Irish people. I'm telling you are the most fun. Correct. Just nicest. Right. Generally speaking. Yeah. Um, I've gotten to know this guy named Mort and Mort lives in Chicago and he's a friend of a friend but I've gotten to know him and I instantly fell in love with this guy. I mean, he is, he's just exactly what you imagined an Irish guy would be. Right. Super, um, accommodating and, you know, very There's something about those Irish people. Well, I, I, I think that, you know, um, in the sort of current climate that we're in, you know, that's a great respite. I mean, I think we can learn a ton and, and, and maybe, you know, carry that through for a few more days, not just St. Patrick's Day. Just to be open and, um, have a little humility and, um, you know, entertain the idea that, you know, you know, everyone has something to offer. I, I, I think that there's I think St. Patrick's Day and how we celebrate that day. Has something to teach sort of all of us and at least entertain absolutely entertain Yeah, I mean, it's I'm more than sort of cabbage and you know Corned beef and all of that and you know, the red are not the red the green beer. Oh green beer, right? It's such you're gonna say you wear red. Yeah No I have a, so I'm sure, do you have like a green shirt that you specifically have for St. Patrick's Day? Well, I have a, I have a green shirt, but not specifically. No, I specifically have a green shirt that I wear every St. Patrick's Day. It says Go Scotland on it? No, no, but here's the story. One year, I didn't, I think I was in college, and I wasn't paying attention to things. Are you looking at the clock? No. We'll be done in a couple minutes. Hey, it's fine. Anyway, man, I Accidentally showed up at my grandma's house wearing an orange shirt Oh, and you would think I was the Antichrist walking in because the orange Is the color of the Netherlands. No, Northern Ireland. Oh, that's right. Yes. And you know the Irish and those are two different countries if you didn't know. I did, I did know. And, and, like, she literally made me change. Oh boy. She's like, go home. Put on an appropriate shirt and I just didn't even realize I was, you know, I was you were orange a lot. Yeah What was that? I it's it was a very stylish Ralph Lauren shirt. All right, probably properly pressed. It was college, you know I would look good. Okay. Okay. I think I wore more orange in college too. Yeah collar popped The collar was popped. I don't think that the collar was flipped up on this one. It was probably a button down, it was March. Yeah, okay. It was a long sleeve. I looked pretty good in it. I had a good tan. Well, there you go. But you, but you, you had to go change, uh, just complete deviation. What is it about, you know, shirts, like for a dude, like if a shirt has buttons, you're dressed up. Like, what are you gonna, what are you gonna wear? Oh, I'm gonna dress up, I'm gonna wear my button down. What do you mean button? Because it has buttons. It's become that nowadays. Yeah, right? It's like It's too easy to slip on stuff. It's like, it's like dressed up is just buttons. Oh, are we dressing up? Yeah, I'll get my shirt with my buttons on it. I guess I'll get the one. Yeah, you know what? Maybe the next episode will be the Fashion Chronicles. I like it. We'll talk about appropriate, we'll probably cover that in civility school. Oh, that's good. Yeah, well, I mean. How to dress appropriately. Well listen, as long as you brought it up, I mean it's not my show, it's your show, but as long as you brought it up, I mean you got a big date coming, I mean after St. Patrick's Day, it's straight to March 30th, right? March 30th, yeah, the Saturday, very, you know what? Class, class begins. You keep this up and we're gonna invite you back more often. How's, uh, how's that going, I mean, are you, is it, is it full house. You got room to squeeze a few more. There's, well, the price is right. It's free. There's a free lunch involved, you know, to encourage people to come. That's kind, you know, the idea, the idea, you get what you pay for. No, but the idea behind it again is we want people that are going to come and provide some feedback. This is a test run of this thing. Right. And. I've, uh, done a few, like, sort of overviews at a couple of these events that I've been at, and the reception has been fantastic, but, yeah, please come March 30th. It's at the, uh, the Masonic Heritage Center. I guess St. Patrick's Day is on a Sunday this year. Um, yeah, the 17th is a Sunday. Yeah, didn't. Two weeks before, uh, before Easter. Yeah. But yeah, thank you for bringing that up. No, that's good. Uh, this is a commercial now. So, where do, where do, yeah, where do we find out about that? Do I have to go to a website, or? Well, you just the role of Kevin Gar, uh, Kevin Gore. Kevin Gore, yeah. He's Michael Dempsey. No, I, Very nice job. Well, we're both goaltenders. That's why we're both goaltenders. Yeah. Goal. Kevin and I just, uh, the, the, we did an episode a couple of weeks ago. And it was on the State High School Hockey Tournament. Yeah. And it was great, and he talked about how heavy the sticks were. Yeah. Back in your day. They were heavy. And all of the goalie pads were brown. They looked like loaves of bread. I mean, all of them. Yeah, they did. And they were much more narrow than they are today. Yeah, they were, they were, they were hard to throw around. Liz, thanks for inviting me to the second show. Um, the last show that I was on, on the cancel culture, I was Kind of bummed out. I mean just a KG shout out. I thought you get to sit down with KG I will here's the deal. Here's the point people. I I thought the perf I had the perfect opportunity for him to handicap the Oscars. I mean, he's into the movies into the movie He's a horse racing guy. We think and I what I wanted him to do was handicap the Oscars and it was a rundown Yeah, he wasn't there. So my wife kicked my tail again And picked a lot more winners than I did. So it would have been great. It would have been great to have. KG here, um, Someday we'll get you on together. Now that you've been in the studio, you know how to get to John's house. Yeah, I don't know. The only way we can get KG to come to the studio is if I promise to take him out for dinner afterwards. A special spot? Do you have a special spot? Yeah, I, we, we've kind of discovered the, uh, The brick house, the white bear lake. Yeah. Maybe I'll have some popcorn for him. Like next time. That's right. That's right. I got some good. Well, you know, but he's going to be, John will pull the butter out of his robe, pull the butter, you know, what is it in a ketchup squirter? Is that what he says? His own butter. Okay. Yeah. And on that note, good day, sir. Happy St. Patrick's day, happy St. Patrick's day.