Airway and Sleep Group Podcast

Insignia Digital Bracket System


Your smile is objectively one of the most important and unique features of your face, would you like it if you could have orthodontic appliances specifically tailored to your dental and facial anatomy? Now, it is possible with Insignia. Unlike other orthodontic treatment options, Insignia is designed specifically for you.

Insignia digital bracket system offers a digital design and custom appliance treatment for you to receive your desired smile outcome with efficiency and consistency. There are four steps to the digital bracket system: Scanning, design, building, and bonding.

The patient receives a CBCT which produces 3D images of the teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bone in one scan. With the scans, case specialists provide a design that you can review and edit using Insignias Approver software. This way you can see and approve the desired future outcome beforehand. After the design is approved, it is time to build the custom brackets, wires, and placement guides. Once the custom brackets are fabricated, they are ready for bonding. The brackets are accurately placed with indirect bonding jigs.

Insignia is some of the most advanced technology, tailored to your specific smile. It is fast, comfortable, and predictable. Be sure to look at the websites below for more information regarding this treatment.
