Still Rockin' It - Cheryl Lee

What's Kids in the Kitchen's lead singer Scott Carne been up to lately? OR Who is the bigger Elvis fan, Scott or me?

June 01, 2022 That Radio Chick - Cheryl Lee Season 2 Episode 10

Join Cheryl Lee - That Radio Chick on STILL ROCKIN' IT for news, reviews, music and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians.

Today we share a recent chat with founding member of pop funk and new wave band formed in 1983 Kids in the Kitchen, Scott Carne.

Seen regularly on ABC TVs favourite pop music series Countdown, Scott says every 80s is new again and I tend to agree with him!!

He’s teamed up with  Brian Mannix from Uncanny X-men, David Sterry from
Real Life and Fred Loneragan from Machinations, and they're headed to a town near you with their absolutely fantastic absolutely 80s tour.

Includes Songs:

Culture Club   -   Karma Chameleon
Kids in the Kitchen   -   Change in Mood
Priscilla's Nightmare   -    CC Rider
Scott Carne   -   All I Want To Do

What's Scott Carne from Kids in the Kitchen up to at the moment?   
Let's find out .....

Get out when you can, support local music and I'll see you down the front!!


Speaker 1:

That radio chick, cheryl Lee, here with you. Welcome to the Still Rocking at podcast where we'll have news, reviews and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians and artists. Today I share a chat I had recently with founding member of Pop funk and new wave band formed in 1983. Kids in the kitchens. Scott Kahn, seen regularly on ABC TV's favourite Pop music series, countdown, says everything 80s is new again and I tend to agree with him. He's teamed up with Brian Mannix from the uncanny X-Men, dave Sterry from Real Life and Fred Loneragan from the Messinations and they are headed to a town near you with their absolutely fantastic, absolutely 80s tour. What else has Scott Kahn from Kids in the Kitchen been up to lately? Let's find out. You're with Cheryl Lee, that radio chick, and I'd like to welcome to the show today Scott Kahn, australia's Pop funk, new wave band from the 80s. Kids in the kitchen, scott, welcome to the show, oh thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you for coming. We may remember your great track of hits, change in mood, bit of desire, something that you said, and current stand from 80, 84, 85. I thought we'd have a little look at what Scott Kahn is doing lately, but before we do, maybe we can just find out a little bit about you. When did you realise, Scott, that music was going to be in your destiny?

Speaker 2:

that music was your thing, I probably would have been about 14, 15. So I was kind of riding motorbikes up in Tallinn and then I met this guy from school that played guitar at 14, 15, like amazingly, and I was just mesmerised by what he's achieving with his guitar. And he then said to me what are you the bassist, and can you play my band? I said, well, I'll try. So I did and I wasn't much good. So then I I'll just get chops playing with another band at school, and they were pretty average, and so I thought I'll get a bit of chance. So I went on the bass along the end and I said, oh, you're not much of a bass player yet. Can you sing? And I said I don't know. So I started screaming in tune and the rest is history.

Speaker 1:

So you didn't know that you were a good singer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wanted to go to a particularly good thing of any but I just screamed in tune really well. So that's kind of what you did back then, you know. And then as things went on, I came better at it and it progressed to there and I went from black rain tech, where I kind of did my schooling, to Oxford to do drama media, where I met the first kids in the kitchen guitarist and rest is kind of history.

Speaker 1:

How did you guys all get together and where did the name kids in the kitchen guitar?

Speaker 2:

Well, we got I guess I met the guitarist and Oxford tape and then he found some other players with the guitarist, greg Dorman, who's the first guitarist in Kids in the Kitchen who wrote with the band. He wrote a changing mood and a desire, something he said of that first album, and we just used to rehearse at this university share house and we were kind of delegated to the kitchen and there's a very running joke about being kids in the kitchen to the point where we got our first kid really quickly and we didn't have a name and we thought I will just run with Kids in the Kitchen until we get a name and it took off really quick and we kind of stuck with the names. But there you go.

Speaker 1:

And it did, you know, four hit singles in the top 20 in three years, and then, of course, from the album Shine, one of the biggest albums of 85 in Australia. So it all happened quite quickly and you guys supported the Australian League of the Culture Club tour. That would have been great.

Speaker 2:

How was that? Yeah, it was great. It was their first run and capacity crowd through playing. They did playing for about 10,000 people a night. You know they're about to. I think that was a lot of labor. I think it's about 10,000. But yeah, it was a blast and we received quite well.

Speaker 1:

Still off in the podcast with that radio chick, cheryl Lee. Well, that might be our cue for a song, I think. How about some Culture Club, karma Chameleon? We'll be back with Scott Kahn from Kids in the Kitchen in a little bit.

Speaker 2:

I think we don't do a lot of shows with Kids in the Kitchen. We just keep that special. But mind you, we're thinking of going out a bit more this year. We've got some shows coming up in June and a few in three and four. One at the corner and one at the Baddickburn, the Railway Hotel, the corner hotel, the institution there. We're playing one there, so looking forward to that, Just around the corner. But yeah, we're at the Hattson of Business now Play with a few different collectives and 80 centrics that is. So 80 is the gift that keeps on giving. It's great.

Speaker 1:

No, 80 is the new 20. Everything is 80 is great again. Now, one thing that I learned I mean we know that you were very, very popular on countdown and popular coverboy in the countdown magazine and even guest co-hosting, and that was one of our, you know, favourite shows. The days we had to run inside at six o'clock and turn the telly on and not miss it Still off in the podcast with that radio chick, cheryl Lee Countdown. Those were the days. Let's pretend we're teenagers again, run inside Channel two and let's watch Kids in the Kitchen live on countdown. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Change in mood. We'll be back to chat some more with Scott Khan after this. I did learn one thing, and I've just discovered Priscilla's nightmare I didn't realise that you had played in a rockabilly band. I've just been having a little listen and it's fabulous. And now CC Rider, which is the opening track.

Speaker 2:

Well, it is, it's one of the pretty much an Elvis concept-slash tribute band, and I was offered a gig at the. We wrote a few rituals as well in that style, released an EP. We had a residency at Inflation and it went really well. And the point with the record company said I should go and do a record and say why not? So we did, we did an EP, we did a camera pretty well. We did a couple of videos with it. It was a lot of fun and that's something else that I'm kind of doing this year again as well. So great to have all these bands of years that I've worked with in the past and things I've done in the past I can still do, which is great.

Speaker 1:

You did the tribute to the king in 2016. Did you know he was my very first boyfriend. I love him. So I think I'm going to play CC Rider and then we'll be right back. We're back speaking to Scott Khan, kids in the kitchen, Elvis Pan and a member of the absolutely 80s, so absolutely 80s beginning 2006. You joined a little bit later with Brian Mannix, Paul Gray, David and Gary and Tim Rosehorn. Do you think that must be a lot of fun?

Speaker 2:

We did after the 206 countdown to in Australia. We had a lot of fun playing with seeing our old buddies in the old days. There's a lot of times when you're touring back in the old days you never had a chance to really hang out. So everyone from the 80s and 70s is on the one tour, so there's plenty of time to get it. And that went around Australia as well. It's a big success. Countdown spectacular to us.

Speaker 2:

Out of that, brian and I decided we go out in the road and do some shows with our buddies, and we've been doing it now for about 15 odd years with different people, whether it be Dale Wright from the Bean Crash Opera, or we've actually got one coming up on the 28th of May at the Bridgeway with Brian Mannix and myself. Freddy from the Mechanations, david Stereo from Realize Absolutely 80s fans were looking forward to that one. It's a lot of fun. We really enjoy it and enjoy each other's company. Which is more important, we're also in the same same retired, fully tuned, so to speak. We do that most of the year in different forms. That's another at 80s gift keeps giving, so it's going to be working.

Speaker 1:

That's right. I've been to at least two or probably three over that time. I remember a great one at Norwood Live here in Adelaide, and my friends and I we all dressed up as Madonna, as you do, and had a fabulous night. So we really thank you for bringing this show to our town. I know it was supposed to be part of our fringe and it was delayed, so it's great to be finally welcoming you here at our iconic Bridgeway Hotel, as mentioned, and track your tickets down to that and I shall see you down the front. You guys are then heading to Airpwerth, readsby Workers Club and Shopping Town Hotel, chelsea Heights Hotel in June.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely 80scomau website. Check them down.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I get on to that. So there's the absolutely 80s and there's the Made in Australia show. That's the same show.

Speaker 2:

Yes, are they similar? Yes, we have absolutely 80s presents. We're the same show. This year we're kind of winding up the Made in Australia show, which is us playing our big hit from our own, big hit from the day, as well as some selected 80s. The front 80s covers Fantastic.

Speaker 1:

So I think we're going to go out with Scott Solo Single All I Want to Do. Thank you so much, scott, for having a quick chat with me today. We are so looking forward to getting our leg warmers on. Just look for the chick dress up as Madonna down the front. Bye, you're with Cheryl Lee, that radio chick. Thank you so much for joining me on the Still Rocking it podcast. Hope to catch you again next time. Get out when you can support Aussie music and I'll see you down the front.