Rod in Flagon

Episode 1: (Remastered) Talking into a Rod of Broadcasting

March 21, 2021 Rod In Flagon, with Boots & Swan Season 1 Episode 1

June 2021 - Prologue added for new listeners


Welcome young intrepid adventurers!  Every Friday night rom the Yawning Portal in Waterdeep, Oliver Redboots and Swan Maulsmith will broadcast out practical advice, to help you stay alive!  Tune your Stones of Farspeach accordingly

New this week:
- A little about Oliver Redboots (Sorcerer) and Swan Maulsmith (Cleric), and this court-mandated effort
- Why Swan is missing a leg
- What to look for when you need to recruit some muscle for an adventure
- Where to find the best adventuring jobs in a new town
- The economics of a healthy dungeon
- Do you need a bard (hint: probably not)
- Why Elves usually make bad Barbarians
- How to clear a heavily trapped dungeon by using just your words

Send us birds!
@rodinflagon - Send us questions
@OliverRedBoots for Oliver, and @SMaulsmith for Swan