Rod in Flagon
A D&D comedy improv podcast, where two retired adventurers give questionable advice to the next generation of heroes. Starring Oliver Redboots & Swan Maulsmith, and broadcast every week from the Yawning Portal Tavern in Waterdeep. Send your questions to: rodinflagon@gmail.com
Rod in Flagon
Episode 27: Mirt (with very special guest Ed Greenwood)
We are joined this week by the legendary Mirt the Moneylender, played by the legendary Ed Greenwood - creator of the Forgotten Realms.
- An episode preamble by Elminster of Shadowdale
- The importance of a consistent policy in adventuring
- How Laeral keeps her wand at the ready
- How Mirt and Durnan tackled the Undermountain
- The secret to long life
- Preferred method for dealing with tax collectors
- Why tradesman don't all have Rings of Featherfall
- The real scourge of The Forgotten Realms: nepotism
- Mirt's favorite magic weapon
- The statute of limitations on bounties
- The history of Durnan's facial hair
- How to handle Waterdeep nobility
- What keeps Mirt up at night