
Introducing the ChildMove Podcast

Sarah Adeyinka Season 1 Episode 0

This is an introduction to the ChildMove Project- a European Research Council (ERC) funded longitudinal study on the impact of flight experiences on the psychological well-being of unaccompanied refugee minors in Belgian, Greece, Italy and Libya.

Hello everyone and welcome to the ChildMove Podcast- the offspring of the ChildMove Project on the impact of flight experiences on the psychological wellbeing of unaccompanied refugee minors. My name is Sarah Adeyinka and I am your host, I also happen to be one of the researchers on the ChildMove Project team. The ChildMove Project is funded by the European Research Council and carried out by researchers at Ghent University, Belgium.

The research aims to Increase knowledge of the impact of experiences occurring during the flight on the psychological wellbeing of URMs, in relation to the impact of past traumatic experiences in the home country and to daily material and social stressors in the host country.

It also aims to Create ground-breaking avenues to study a group that is difficult to reach and follow, owing to the methodological approach.

This project combines different approaches as it employs a mixed-methods and multi-sited, cross-country and longitudinal design.

Our study started in four different countries: three important, but highly diverse, transit countries for URMs (Libya, Greece and Italy), and one country which is both a settlement and a transit country for URMs (Belgium). In each of these countries, several research sites have been identified. In the course of the longitudinal follow-up of the young people transiting through and settling in several European countries, also several other European countries were included as research settings in this project.

Through this podcast, we will inform you of the research process including data analysis and fieldwork as well as share our findings with you. We will begin by introducing you to the principal investigator of the project- Prof. dr Ilse Derluyn who will tell us about the project from the onset; why the ChildMove project, the ERC application process, the recruitment and selection processes etc. We will also introduce you to the researchers who will discuss their role, their experiences and findings and so much more.

The next podcast will be our first interview and Prof. Ilse Derluyn will be the guest. So, subscribe to our podcast and stay tuned! My name is Sarah Adeyinka and this is the ChildMove Podcast