Female Founders Breaking Boundaries

Navigating Your Influencer Role as a Female Founder

May 12, 2022 Casey Gromer Episode 55

You likely don’t consider yourself an influencer nor do you want to consider yourself an influencer but the truth is, as a visionary entrepreneur, it is YOUR role and responsibility to bring exposure to your business and seek out the opportunities that will allow you to grow. This week’s episode 55 of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries is about navigating your influencer role as a female founder!

Have you ever felt like you were WAY too busy, stressed out, burnt out, and overwhelmed so you were advised to delegate some tasks to take things off your plate and free up some time? Except, maybe it didn't work. If getting out of the day-to-day in your business was as simple as hiring more people, then why are you still feeling overwhelmed and burned out? You are not alone! Sometimes, simply delegating tasks doesn’t work and instead shifts your workload from “doing” to “managing.”

I invite you to use the exercise that our own C-Suite clients use to take the first step in turning your team into a well-oiled, self-managed machine- and get you out of the delegation catch 22. Download the exercise here to get started!

In this episode of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries, I’m creating new rules on what networking looks like for the new age female entrepreneur and teaching you how you can ditch the “traditional” structure of networking and navigate the building and running of your business in a way that works for you. Some of the things I cover in this episode are:

  • Celebrating Iman Abuzeid, MD, CEO and Cofounder of the tech startup, Incredible Health for creating a platform that reduces the work involved in recruiting, hiring, and retaining qualified nurses to reduce costs in the healthcare industry while filling employment gaps with qualified nurses. 
  • Advocating for the idea that networking should be accessible for both men and women.
  • Your roles and responsibilities as a visionary entrepreneur. 
  • New ways to build your business without the traditional networking structures that were not built with women in mind.
  • Strategies you can use to network with other professionals without traveling or taking time away from your personal life. 
  • My deep thoughts on expressing your opinions despite what people may think of them. 

When it comes to being an influential part of your business, it is easy to influence others when they can tell you are coming from a place of authenticity and sharing the things you are passionate about. 

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to share and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Female Founders Breaking Boundaries and Casey at https://she-suiteboutique.com/podcast/



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Female Founders Ep 17: Boundaries Holding Women Entrepreneurs Back