Female Founders Breaking Boundaries

Take a Clarity Break, Not a CEO Day

Casey Gromer Episode 2

We typically view a CEO day as a day to catch up on work and admin projects, but we like to reimage a CEO day to give yourself a brain break to refresh, recharge, and bring on new ideas. That’s why episode 02 of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries is about backing away to let new ideas in! 

Have you ever felt like your customers and your team just don't get what it is you're trying to do with your business? Download your free Company Persona Template that we use with clients to get them started with bringing everyone on to the same page. It’s designed to get you and your team thinking about your purpose, your focus and your values; and documenting them so that you can get everybody on the same page.

In this episode of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries, I’m sharing the importance of taking a CEO day and actionable steps you can take right now to give yourself a much needed brain break. Some of the things I cover in this episode are:

  • Celebrating this week’s female founder breaking boundaries: Allison Robinson, founder of the Mom Project
  • Taking a new spin on what it  means to take a CEO day. 
  • Importance of giving yourself a brain break to find clarity and bring new ideas to the surface. 
  • The negative effects of glamorizing an over-productive lifestyle- how this leads to burnout and potential health problems. 
  • Sharing examples of things you can do yourself to take a brain break and reset your mind to be open for a creative space
  • Changes to Apple’s privacy policy and some of the adverse effects it might have on small businesses

There are drawbacks to having a life focused solely on productivity, so be sure to give yourself the brain break you deserve. You’ll be surprised by the benefits that come from it.

Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of tools, advice, resources, support, and encouragement that resonates with the modern business woman and to hear even more about the points outlined above.

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to share and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!



Company Persona

Work with Casey Gromer! 


The Mom Project