Female Founders Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Barriers Within Your Business

Casey Gromer Episode 20

Business silos can be one of the most limiting barriers within your business as they create an individualistic working environment that blocks out the perspective on how each individual team member’s work contributes to the bigger picture. That’s why episode 20 of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries is about breaking barriers within your business! 

Have you ever felt like your customers and your team just don't get what it is you're trying to do with your business? Download your free Company Persona Template that we use with clients to get them started with bringing everyone on to the same page. It’s designed to get you and your team thinking about your purpose, your focus and your values; and documenting them so that you can get everybody on the same page.

In this episode of Female Founders Breaking Boundaries, I’m sharing the importance of recognizing the gaps or overlap of work in your business and actionable steps you can take right now to implement communication practices to foster a more efficient working environment. Some of the things I  cover in this episode are:

  • Celebrating Forbes List of America’s Richest Self-Made Women.
  • Some of the barriers that go to create silos within your business.
  • The negative implications that occur when your teams are not cross-communicating. 
  • Implementing a strategic plan, systems and processes, and creating a space for accountability to set your business up for success. 
  • Tools (other than email) you can use to break communication boundaries between your team members. 
  • Shifting mindset to establish an environment that encourages open communication and collaboration between teams.
  • Defining your own measure of success and not allowing others to make you feel “unworthy” by not fulfilling their separate perception of what success looks like. 

No matter how big or small your business is, everyone can find benefit in reflecting on what barriers may be holding you and your team back from success. 

Thanks for listening! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of tools, advice, resources, support, and encouragement that resonates with the modern businesswoman and to hear even more about the points outlined above.

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to share and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Female Founders Breaking Boundaries and Casey at https://she-suiteboutique.com/podcast/



Company Persona

Work with Casey Gromer! 


Forbes’ America’s Richest Self-Made Women 

Communication Resources:




Project Management Resources: 



