Steamy Stories

Mile High Club

• JC Calciano. Narration: Casey Alcoser • Season 3 • Episode 24



Season 3  - Episode #24

As Forrest embarked on a first-class transcontinental flight to France, Little did he expect that the plane captain would be a sexy, buff Frenchmen. Once everyone was sound asleep over the Atlantic. The Captain gave Forrest a private tour of his cockpit. 😳


Steamy Stories podcast is a gay podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. Steamy Stories is an LGBTQ and gay podcast about gay love, friendship, and hookups. If you’re looking for a podcast where you’ll hear stories about hot and sexy gay men finding love in a new and titillating way every month, please tune into Steamy Stories.

STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano, the creator of STEAM ROOM STORIES, and narrated by Casey Alcoster.

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Hey everyone!–it’s me Casey, your host for another episode of STEAMY STORIES written by JC Calciano. I hope you’ve been enjoying only our podcast, movies, and books! We love creating content for you and appreciate all of you who have clicked on our “buy us a coffee – PayPal link” – Even a dollar helps us in making more books, movies, and STEAMY STORIES for you. So, with that, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has chipped in a few bucks to help us make this show for you. Now, don’t I know about you, but I’m ready to get high… Yup, today’s episode is about the FRIENDLY SKIES and the folks who fly! So, if you’ll put your seatbacks up and your tray tables in the locked position, come with me as we join the MILE HIGH club in today’s STEAMY STORIES episode.<ROCK MUSIC> Forrest wasn’t your typical male fitness model ¬– he never aspired to be in front of the camera. His passion was geography and history, but fate seemed to have a different career path in mind for him, at least for now. He was strikingly handsome with a youthful, fresh face. His lean, perfectly proportioned, toned body made clothes look incredible on him. He could make a simple tee-shirt and jeans look like an expensive outfit. One day, a fashionable thirty-something woman approached him. The woman asked if he’d be interested in appearing in some fitness photography for the agency she worked for. She politely handed him her business card and explained she was a talent scout. At first, he laughed, dismissing her offer as a joke. But the woman was serious and explained how he could quickly pay his way through university if he accepted the job. That night, Forrest researched the woman’s credentials online and learned that he really could pay off his debt by modeling. Forrest joined the agency the next day and was offered his first modeling job soon after. This particular gig would take him across the ocean to Paris, where he’d be showcasing a new line of workout clothes. When his itinerary arrived from the agency, he was shocked to see that his ticket was in the first-class cabin! He was excited to have a luxurious, expense-paid trip to Europe. His first job couldn’t have started any better. It was an easy trip to the airport with the car service they booked for him, and then he quickly breezed through the VIP security line. Before Forrest knew it, he was sipping champagne on the plane. A young, perky flight attendant offered him a warm towel for his face. She smiled as she engaged him in small talk.“It’s a long flight; you’re lucky ¬– this is a new plane, and these seats recline to a full bed.” The fact that he could lay down to sleep was an unexpected treat.“That’s great news. I could get used to this lifestyle.” He told the attendant, “I’m starting a new job as a fitness model, so I need to be as fresh-faced as possible when I arrive tomorrow.” The attendant was quick to reply, “I assumed you were an actor as soon as I saw you. It makes sense that you’re a model since you’re certainly a fine-looking man.” Forrest blushed. He never considered himself anything more than average-looking. The fact that people found him so attractive was quite flattering. The attendant continued with her pleasantries,“If there’s anything you need to make your trip more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to ask. We certainly try to make our passengers as happy as possible.” The door to the cockpit was open. Forrest could easily see the two men inside checking gauges and dials in preparation for the flight. One man stood up to close the door as their departure time approached. The two men noticed each other and smiled. The man was the captain of the plane, and he stood at the doorway briefly. At about thirty-five years old, the man had a dash of gray hair around his temples. His defined rugged, handsome face was made even more spectacular by his hazel sparkling eyes and neatly trimmed beard. He was a man who knew his way around the gym as his uniform revealed itself to be tightly snug in all the right places. A quick wink at Forrest signaled that the flight would be on its way soon. Forrest swooned and was disappointed that he would be locked away behind a door just a mere ten feet away. He thought I’d love to see more of that sexy man in uniform! Hopefully, he won’t stay hidden the whole flight.*** The plane took off without a hitch, and Forrest quickly settled into all the offered amenities of first-class. The impressive legroom, warm towels, champagne, and the selection of movies were terrific. Forrest was excited and surprised to see all his favorite LGBT titles in the line-up of films – eCUPID, THE 10 YEAR PLAN, and many others made for hours of excellent viewing. After a hearty, delicious meal, a call from the captain summoned the flight attendant to the front of the plane. Forrest couldn’t help but wonder if the deep, sensual voice he heard over the PA system belonged to the sexy pilot he saw earlier. Perhaps he had just watched too many gay romance films, but the idea that the man he was listening to was the silver-haired fox flying the plane turned him on. The attendant disappeared behind the door in the front of the plane briefly, and shortly after that, both she and the hunky captain emerged.” I just need to stretch my legs. I’ll only take a minute.” he politely stated to the attendant, who now stood guard at the front of the plane. Forrest’s eyes were fixated on the hot man in uniform as he continued to provide a spectacular display of bending, stretching, and leaning over. Forrest wasn’t aware he was staring the entire time, but it was clear to the captain that he now had a fan. Once he completed his calisthenics, he politely asked Forrest, “Are you enjoying the flight?” Forrest quickly answered, “Oh, yes, yes, sir. It’s great. It was just made even better seeing that we are in the hands of such an impressive pilot.” The captain smiled at Forrest, “I’m happy that you have every confidence in me. I’ll be sure to make sure that your trip is comfortable.” The captain respectfully nodded as he gave one last stretch and returned to the cockpit. As the captain disappeared behind the cabin door, Forrest looked down on his flat-screen and noticed a particularly racy scene on pause from one of the movies. It was a scene where two men were engaged in a passionate kiss. Well, if there was any question of whether I was gay or not, this certainly told him everything he needed to know. He chuckled to himself, slightly embarrassed at what had just happened. About an hour later and hundreds of miles closer to the destination, the plane was now mid-way over the Atlantic Ocean. An electric crackle from the intercom signaled that the captain was about to address the passengers again, “Soon, we’ll be dimming the cabin lights for the night. Feel free to move around the cabin; just be mindful of the passengers sleeping around you. It looks like we’ll be arriving on time at about six am local time.” Forrest thought, Good idea, I definitely should get some shut-eye, so I’m well-rested and fresh for when I arrive for tomorrow’s photoshoot. As he pressed the release on his seat so that he could recline into a flat, bed-like position, he could hear a sharp snapping sound, followed by a metal clang. That sounded bad. Did I break it? Forrest attempted to recline once again but with no luck. It was clear that something was broken. He was clueless as to how this high-tech chair reclined. Careful not to bother his nearby guests, he reached up and pressed the call button for the flight attendant. As he waited for assistance, he noticed that everyone around him was already sleeping. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb anyone’s slumber. A minute later, the attendant appeared. She was cordial as she inquired about how she could help.“Sorry to bother you with this, but my seat seems to be stuck. I’ve tried to recline it, but it won’t budge. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?” She seemed all too familiar with the problem as she told him, “If you’ll just excuse me, I have to reach over you to release the lock.” As the young woman bent over Forrest, she did her best to avoid an awkward position, politely explaining what she was doing and why all the while.“Ordinarily, I’d ask the passenger to stand in the aisle while I did this, but we don’t want to bother those around you who are sleeping.” She tried to force the seat, but it wasn’t going to budge. The more she pushed, the more obstinate the mechanism became. She adjusted herself to get a more leveraged position on the chair. But, as she braced herself, she unknowingly placed her hand squarely on Forrest’s crotch. Forrest wasn’t sure how to react to the situation. He didn’t want to embarrass the attendant, so he didn’t say anything in hopes that the problem would resolve itself quickly and without any awkwardness. However, the positioning of the woman’s hand and the pressure being applied to his most sensitive of places forced him to make her aware of what was going on. He attempted to make light of the innocent mistake.“I’d ordinarily say that you need to buy me dinner before you put your hand there … I guess you kind of already did. The chicken was delicious, by the way.” The statement confused the attendant, but the reading light above Forrest’s head illuminated the awkward situation. Once she realized what she was doing, her face dropped. She was shocked and embarrassed. She made haste in her departure and disappeared behind the door at the front of the plane. Oh Gosh, what did I do? The poor woman was mortified. I didn’t mean to embarrass her! Forrest sat anxiously waiting for her to come out from behind the door. He knew that he’d need to apologize to her for his childish and crude joke. Rather than the attendant emerging alone, she was accompanied by the airplane captain. The attendant hurried down the aisle past him, avoiding any kind of eye contact. The captain, however, looked directly at Forrest and approached somberly. He spoke softly yet firmly.“I heard there’s a problem with your seat.” Forrest’s breathing became shallow. He panicked as he answered, “No, everything’s fine. No problem here.” The captain looked intensely at Forrest.“That’s not what I was told.” The captain looked around at the other passengers as they slept.“Maybe it’s best for you to just come with me? Take any essential personal items with you. Forrest tried to hold his composure, but inside he was freaking out. Hold it. What? What have I done? Take my things? Where am I going? Will the captain hand me a parachute and push me out of the plane? His mind reeled. The captain quietly escorted Forrest to the front of the plane. As they entered the cockpit, Forrest was surprised at how spacious it was than he expected. Lights, gauges, and high-tech equipment were everywhere. Before saying anything, the captain assumed his seat and adjusted the autopilot. He invited Forrest to sit, “Take a seat. My co-pilot is in his bunk below deck, sleeping. You can take the chair next to me. Just don’t touch anything.” Forrest complied. He couldn’t help but feel like he was summoned to the principal’s office and was about to get a scolding for what happened. He readied himself to explain what had transpired but was surprised by an unexpected giggle.“I hope my attendant didn’t hurt you back there. She told me what had happened. I found it quite amusing. I appreciate how diplomatic you were about the whole thing. Most passengers would have handled that a different way.” Forrest was shocked as he replied, “So, I’m not in trouble? You didn’t bring me up here to scold me?” The twinkle in the captain’s eye assured him that there would be no punishment to follow. He continued, “Oh my, no. I brought you up here to thank you. But also, to tell you that there’s a spare bunk below deck reserved for a third pilot should there be one on board. It’s vacant if you want to use it. Just please don’t mention it to anyone. The FCC would have my hide if they knew that an unlicensed passenger used the captain’s sleep quarters.” Forrest was relieved that everything was fine and the situation with the attendant was not a problem. The confident and kind way the captain handled the situation made him appear even sexier to Forrest than before. Watching this handsome, muscular stud in uniform fly the plane was the hottest thing he had seen in a long time. He couldn’t help but ask, “So, when you get up from your seat, do you use the autopilot? How long can it fly the plane without you needing to attend to it?” The captain suspected that he knew where this line of questioning was going.“We call it “George.” George can take the plane to our destination safely. The truth of the matter is that unless there’s a problem, the only thing I’m needed for is take-off and landings. Based on our flight path, we aren’t touching down for another four hours.” Forrest smirked as he inquired, “Well, perhaps you could show me that bunk you mentioned underneath. Can it accommodate two?” The pilot laughed as he swung his chair to face Forrest.“No. The area below is designed for just one. You’re sitting in the most spacious area of the plane, next to the passenger compartment, that is.” Forrest wasted no time in leaning forward towards the captain, “I was told that your airline is known as the ‘friendly skies.’ I’m curious as to just how friendly they get?” His hand was now firmly resting between the pilot’s legs. But, unlike the situation between the attendant and Forrest, the captain didn’t seem to object as his yoke was handled. He even reclined a bit as he gave Forrest a wry smile. Forrest took the initiative to press his lips against the captain’s willing mouth. His hand was now wrapped firmly around the captain’s impressive piece of equipment. Forrest couldn’t help but tease the captain with a pun, “Now I know why they call where you sit ‘the cockpit.’” The captain groaned, enjoying this unexpected mid-air encounter. Forrest continued, “I don’t want to tell you how to delegate your job, but you may want to ask George to take over for a bit.” The captain wholeheartedly agreed and reached over to engage the system that would fly the plane for the next four hours of the trip. Forrest knew the captain was in command of the plane, but he’d be in control of the captain until they landed. He earned his wings that evening and achieved platinum status as a member of the mile-high club. He was able to take his seat in the main cabin before the captain turned on the cabin lights, and breakfast was served. None of the nearby passengers were aware of his absence or even that his chair was broken. The flight landed perfectly, and Forrest made haste to his modeling appointment. He hoped that the photographer would help out with some makeup to make him look fresh. So much for showing up at his first job as a model well-rested. Whatever happened at the shoot, Forrest didn’t care. All he could think about was how excited he was for the flight home!<ROCK MUSIC> Now that we’ve landed, and you’re back down to earth, I wanted to remind you about our new books, STEAM ROOM CONFIDENTIAL! They’re a collection of all the STEAMY STORIES podcast episodes, written into several collectable books. You can find them now on AMAZON-dot-com or our website, STEAMY PODCAST – dot - com!… LATER BRO!

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