Steamy Stories

Threesome With My Ex

JC Calciano, Ben Palacios Season 1 Episode 1

May 22, 2021


Season 1  - Episode #1

Tad thought he and Lucas were the perfect couple. He couldn’t be more surprised when his boyfriend asked him to open the relationship up. Hard as tried, Tad couldn’t get himself to agree to bring a third into their bed. Tad thought he had lost Lucas forever when he told him he wasn’t willing to share him with another man. Who could have expected that the other man was Tad’s first love from high school?

Steamy Stories podcast is a gay podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. Steamy Stories is an LGBTQ and gay podcast about gay love, friendship, and hookups. If you’re looking for a podcast where you’ll hear stories about hot and sexy gay men finding love in a new and titillating way every month, then please tune into Steamy Stories.

 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano, the creator of STEAM ROOM STORIES.

Steam Room Confidential Volume 6 is out now! Collect all the tawdry tales you love in this six novella collection! Available on our website or

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what's up? I'm Ben Palacios and you're listening to steamy stories written by JC Calciano this is threesome with my ex. Tad was a hulking stud and a hopeless romantic. His wavy light brown hair perfectly framed his big brown eyes and square jaw. A cross-fit addict with a muscular body that no one would believe secretly housed an insecure geek. Tad never dated much in college. He had the perfect boyfriend. Lucas. They met during english literature. Lucas slipped Tad a note that simply said, "hi name's Lucas i'm not in the least interested in what this professor has to say today let's ditch during break and split a pizza and a pint-i'm buying". They've been together ever since. Tad was handsome, but Lucas was beautiful. With naturally good looks, his piercing green eyes sharply contrasted with his thick, dark hair and olive skin. He was tall with a trim swimmer build, and he knew how to dress to impress. His hip haircut and trendy clothes made him impossible to miss when he entered a room. One night while the two of them enjoyed a delicious home-cooked meal, Lucas reached across the table and tenderly took Tad's hand. Tad smiled. What's this about? Is Lucas going to propose? He tried not to show how excited he was. More wine? Tad asked nervously - trying to stifle the giddiness in his heart. "No, i'm good thanks" Lucas passed on the refill fighting the frog in his throat. "I think i'll have some more then". Tad filled his glass again and prepared for the question. - What should i do should?'s all so sudden! Lucas continued to eat."this steak is delicious perfectly cooked. You've become quite the chef, and we've turned into quite the domestic couple." Tad laughed nervously as he shifted in his chair. It was true, in a short time they'd become two home-bodies. "we've been together quite a while" Lucas said, "and i'm not sure if you're picking up the same vibes as i am, but we seem to be in a rut." -Hold it! Is he breaking up with me?! Tad became tense -This is not what he was expecting! - "I think you know what i'm about to say...",-No, actually i don't! What are you talking about? Tad braced for impact. "You know i love you, right?" Tad gulped. - Yup the start of every breakup speech ever spoken. "I was thinking maybe we could open up our relationship? Maybe bring in another boy to play with us? Maybe that would help? Tad was stunned. As far as he knew Lucas was a conservative, and monogamous guy. Now he wanted to spice it up?! "I'm not sure that i'm ready for that. i'm kind of a one man guy. Bringing other dudes into play isn't really my thing." Lucas understood but he was determined."That's cool, I totally get it but being exclusive really isn't working for me. i see all these hot guys, making all kinds of propositions. i would like to take a few up on them". Tad's insecurities got the best of him. His fears were now realized. He just lost his boyfriend because he wasn't hot enough. Lucas rested his arms on Tad's shoulders and whispered softly. "i love you but i want to sample what's out there." Tad choked out the words..."I'm not going to hold you back if you want to see other guys, i won't stop you." Lucas kissed Tad gently on the cheek, "I think i'll go now,"that may be best". Lucas grabbed his coat and headed for the door."we can still be friends right?" Lucas asked as he reached for the doorknob."sure" Tad muttered. He then watched the man he loved to slip into the night, possibly out of his life. Tad skipped the gym the next morning. he was too drained to get out of bed. the day seemedendless. A lonely bed. Meals by himself. The warm cuddles of someone you love now sadly absent. As Tad downed his third pepperoni slice, he flopped down on the couch. Shortly after, the doorbellrang. The sound of it drowned out the explanation as to why the bachelor failed to give the final rose to the eager brunette with a Cindy Crawford beauty mark just above her lip. Who could it be at this hour? Wow, I look like hell and this place is a mess! Stop pressing that damn doorbell! Tad looked through the peephole it was Lucas! His heart jumped as he swung open the door. In the light from the porch lamp Tad could see that lucas was not alone. On the front step stood a dreamy hunk. Tad recognized him right away. His name was Brian and boy-oh-boy did he have a crush on him in grade school! They were besties growing up. Brian was the object of everyone's desires - he was voted best looking in middle school and sported impossibly blue eyes, sun-kissed skin, and golden blonde hair. The two boys were inseparable before Brian moved away. god did i have a crush on you and now you're standing in front of me looking f-i-n-e! Confused as to why they were on his doorstep Tad blurted out "what are you doing here!?" Lucas introduced his new friend unaware that they were already acquainted."this is Brian, he used to live around here and just move back into town. Brian's newly out of the closet and looking for friends". Tad swallowed hard if Lucas was looking for a new boyfriend he certainly found a good one in Lucas #jealous. Brian fully stepped into the light. The more Tad could see of him the more his heart fluttered."Hi i'm Brian nice to meet you" - Nice to meet you!? Do you really not know who i am? How is it possible you look even better than i remember? Tad was caught off guard. How could he not recognize him? They were best friends less than 10 years ago! Wait. is Brian pretending he doesn't know me? lucas continued "Do you mind if we come in? I brought some beers!" Lucas winked indicating that there was more to the story."i guess" stammered Tad, still trying to make sense of what was happening. -why would Lucas just pop back into his life? Why was he with Brian who was now gay? What the hell is going on?! Brian's expression suddenly changed he cleared his throat as he tapped Lucas on the shoulder."You know, i'm not really up for this. i should go". "No, dude really... it'll be fun promise!" Lucas was frustrated that Brian suddenly wanted to leave. Lucas continued to sell Tad to Brian,"trust me you'll have a blast with us, and Tad's a stud! He could easily satisfy both of us!" Thanks I guess?" - "I could see that", said Brian as he eyed Tad up and down like a side of grade-A beef. "I still don't think i'm quite ready for this though" Brian gave Tad a sheepish smile, and within seconds disappeared outside, towards the car. "I'll be right there" Lucas called to him. Tad then confronted Lucas as to what is going on."I met Brian at the bar tonight. We somehow ended up talking about you and I thought you might want to play with us. He clearly chickened out on the threesome. I thought you'd be into it when you saw him. He's hot huh?" Lucas turned to leave,"i'm his ride i want to make sure he's okay, let's talk later" then Lucas disappeared down the driveway. Tad scratched his head as he closed the door. This had to be one of the weirdest things that had ever happened to him. lucas just invite his high school crush over for a threesome? How did Brian not know who he was? Although it was true that Tad wasn't the 125 pound wimp he was in high school, he should be recognizable. One half pint of Haagen-daaz cherry Garcia ice cream later, there was a soft knock on the door. Another visitor perhaps? Maybe lucas wanted to apologize for earlier? Tad opened the door with a mighty swing. The porch light illuminated Brian who stood before him grinning as if he had won a lottery. Brian's disarming smile instantly defused Tad's frustration. "Dude, what's going on?" Tad was instantly embarrassed for saying something so frat boyish. Brian, looked down as he spoke,"first i apologize for going through your ex - i wasn't sure how to find you. Can i come in?" Tad led Brian to the living room. The movie, DIE HARD was now playing on the TV. Brian blurted out,"i freaking love this movie" and without a second thought he collapsed on the couch. "Do you mind?" he asked as he grabbed the pint of ice cream. Now, if it were anyone else on the planet the answer for Tad would be "fuck off" but Brian here on his couch was a fantasy come true. Watching him eat his ice cream was the sexiest thing in the world right now. Brian moved closer to Tad and looked into his eyes. Neither of them minding the proximity of the other. "You need to know that the deal is that - I heard you were dating Lucas, and when he tried to pick me up tonight he mentioned to me that you and he had just broken up. He wanted to hook up, so I told him the only way i'd sleep with him was to have a threesome. I took a shot that it would be with you. Tad attempted to wrap his head around what Brian was telling him. "i guess i should be flattered you'd want me to be the third then. "Brian burst out laughing and helped himself to a second scoop of ice cream "No, i wasn't ever going to have sex with Lucas - I want my first time with a guy to be special! I told him that story so he'd show me where you lived - The threesome story was a sham!" Tad started to piece it all together. You're the reason i came back to town - you were the first guy i ever had a crush on - i was praying you'd be single when I got back here. So, when Lucas told me you guys weren't together anymore I took my shot, the threesome story was a spur of the moment idea to get me here to see you! Clever huh?" Wow this is a lot to take in! I know it is - sorry, but here's something else you'll need to process. Brian leaned forward and rested his hand on Tad's lap. He kissed tad softly yet firmly on the lips. Brian paused and thought for a minute as if he just sampled an expensive bottle of wine. Yeah, that was just as delicious as i dreamed it would be. Tad leaned back and let reality set in, Brian blew a long blonde curl out from in front of his eyes. "Please, I've fantasized about you since high school. Can i just have one more kiss and then if you want, i'll leave. Tad firmly placed his hands on Brian's muscular shoulders and delivered a stern warning. "Dude, you're not going anywhere till tomorrow!" Tad took brian in his arms and kissed him their pent-up desires turned into a night of unbridled passion. On the tv Bruce Willis seemed to perfectly capture the moment as he shouted, "yippee Kay-ey mother fucker" Hey, it's your narrator and host Ben Palacios if you're not tired of hearing my voice check out my other podcast "ask your gay uncle" hosted by me and my uncle tommy we are two generations of guncles serving advice antics tender moments and tough love just search "ask your gay uncle" on your podcast app or go to -- Steamy Stories is written by JC Calciano and narrated by yours truly. Ben Palacios you can find steamy stories on instagram and twitter at our logo photography is by Kevin Mcdermott come back next week for another steamy story! later bro

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