Steamy Stories

Prom Night Virgin

JC Calciano, Ben Palacios Season 1 Episode 4

April 13, 2021


Season 1  - Episode #4

Joey and his best friend Bailey were the two best-looking bros seniors in school. Everyone admired these two great-looking hot dudes. When prom came around, there wasn’t a girl in class who didn’t want to be one of their dates. They certainly had their pick of the ladies, and each of them chose the hottest girl around. The two couples ended up having a blast at prom and finally headed out in their limo to a remote motel room to get better acquainted. Once alone in the room, it appeared that perhaps the two couples may have chosen the wrong partners.


Steamy Stories podcast is a gay podcast where bromance becomes bromosexual. Steamy Stories is an LGBTQ and gay podcast about gay love, friendship, and hookups. If you’re looking for a podcast where you’ll hear stories about hot and sexy gay men finding love in a new and titillating way every month, then please tune into Steamy Stories.

 STEAMY STORIES is written by JC Calciano, the creator of STEAM ROOM STORIES, and narrated by Ben Palacios.

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Won't you take me to... Steamy Town! I'm Ben Palacios and you're listening to Steamy Stories written by JC Calciano. This is PROM NIGHT VIRGIN Bailey stood patiently in his tux as his parents snapped their photos. Although he feigned annoyance at the parental paparazzi, he knew that prom pictures came as part of the deal. A star athlete at Westmore High School, his parents couldnt be prouder. With a handsome face, and facial scruff that framed his powerful jawline, 18-year-old Bailey already had the striking good looks of a man. Leave the man alone. Youve taken enough photos. The limo is waiting! barked his dad. He was only half-joking with his wife, since he was guilty of the same offense. Go, go, dont be home late. No drinking! Mom warned. Listen to your mother! Dad inserted. Then he leaned in and discreetly whispered into Baileys ear, Take this money and have a good time. Dont worry about what time you get in. Bailey kissed his parents on the cheek, grabbed his dates corsage, and sprinted for the limo. Inside the car, Bailey greeted his best friend Joey with a bro-hug. WAZZZUP?! Joey and Baileys met in kindergarten and theyve been inseparable ever since. Joey was gregarious and always up for an adventure. His family was of Italian descent and accepted Bailey as their second son. Joey was slightly shorter than Bailey and boasted a muscular body. There was no one in the school whod challenge Joey. His ripped biceps and square pecs made sure of that. Every girl fantasized about being on their arms, but Teresa and Cindy won the lottery tonight. After enduring more parental paparazzi at the girls houses, the two couples finally headed for the prom. The schools gymnasium had been transformed into an immersive spectacle complete with mylar balloons, fragrant flowers and flashing DJ lights. Bailey and Joey entered like Hollywood leading men at red-carpet premier. First song of the night was a slow, romantic ballad. Bailey held his date slowly, wrapping his arms around her waist and gliding around the floor. Joey did the same. Bailey couldnt help but notice that Joeys perfectly tailored tux gave him the profile of a young James Bond. His date is one lucky girl, he thought. Joey gave Baily an enthusiastic wink that seemed to say, In a few hours, well be in a motel room with these girls! Bailey returned an enthusiastic thumbs up. Bailey heard all the stories about Joeys conquests already. Joey was fearless in that department. Everyone admired him. Bailey on the other hand, although he looked like a stud, was still a virgin. The boys never kept secrets from each other, but that was one thing he never admitted it to his best bud. Bailey sat down and quietly watched his friends dance. Joeys tux jacket was now off, and his tie dangled around his collar. It was clear his buddy was having a blast. Sweat started seeping through his trim dress shirt, causing it to cling even more tightly to his torso. Bailey could see why all the girls wanted him. Even sweaty, he looked sexy. The girls parents set a strict curfew. The prom wasnt even close to being over, but Joey knew that if they were going to get some motel time in, theyd need to leave early. Bailey met up with Joey in the mens room. Fun dance, huh? Joey huffed, slightly out of breath from the dancing. Weve got a choice to make; stay for king and queen ceremony or leave now for the motel. He playfully punched Baileys shoulder. Bailey knew what Joey wanted to hear, but the butterflies in his stomach wanted him to give a different answer. Shouldnt we ask the girls? Bailey replied. Theres no way these girls are going to want to leave. Joey sighed, Of course. Joey wasted no time in consulting the girls. Cindy and Teresa looked at each other and giggled. Sure, lets go! Clearly, they had their answer ready. The girls grabbed their purses and nestled themselves under the arm of their dates, ready for the next part of the evening to begin. A 20-minute ride (and several gin and tonics) later, the couples arrived at a quaint little motel on the outskirts of town. You gals hang here. Bailey and I will be right back! Joey jumped out of the limo with Bailey in tow. The front desk clerk was a young woman in her early thirties. She was plain but pretty. Her body language made it clear that she was not to be messed with. Hello my, dear lady. Names Joey. Ive got a reservation for this evening, he said with a flirtatious smile. With a few clicks on the mouse, she called up the reservation. Here you go. The rooms down the hall next to the elevator. She slid a key across the counter. What about the other room? I reserved TWO rooms for tonight. Na, you reserved TWO BEDS in one room. Its right here. She turned the computer screen around for him to see. She was right. Fine. Then please give me another room. The clerk laughed. You cant think youre the only two horny frat boys in this place tonight? Ive been sold out for months. Bailey breathed a sigh of relief. This was his chance to make a break for it."Dude, you take the room and Ill send the limo back to pick you up after I drop off Teresa. Two beds two bros. Not a problem. Joey turned to the clerk. Fine, well just take the one room. He snatched up the key. Minutes later, the couples were in the room. Mind if I play something music? Teresa inquired. She connected her phone to the radio Bluetooth and put on some mood music. Guess we're doing this! Joey proclaimed. He peeled off his tuxedo shirt, showing off his muscular physique. He winked at Bailey, whose heart either stopped or skipped a beat. He couldnt tell which. Joey swooped Cindy up in his arms and kissed her . Bailey wondered what Joeys lips tasted like. Teresa tugged at Bailey, snapping him out of his daydream. She ran her fingers through his hair and nibbled his ear. When that didnt elicit the response she was hoping for, Teresa grabbed Baileys hand and slipped it onto her breast to speed things along. Bailey tried to concentrate on his date, but the sounds from the other bed were too distracting. The beds were separated by only an end-table with a lamp on it. The room was dim, but Joey and his date were fairly visible. Every time Bailey would sneak a peek, Joey would return his glance with a thumbs up or sly smile. Bailey quickly would to turn away, pretending they hadnt made eye contact. Bailey tried to concentrate on kissing Teresa. His concentration broke when he noticed Joey silently signaling to him. Bailey looked over to see Joey, leaned back with his pants open and eyes shut. Cindy busily knelt in front of him. Teresa was blissfully unaware that the Baileys bulge was for someone else. Finally, someones turned on! Teresa announced as she discovered his tuxedo torpedo standing at attention. With a mighty zip of his fly, she reached into his pants and grabbed her prize. Whoa! Bailey jumped up, his head spinning and stomach twisting. Sorry, Im not feeling well. Bailey ran to the small bathroom to catch his breath and toss cold water on his face. Moment's later, A soft knock at the door. Joeys voice. Bro, you okay? Can I come in? Im fine. Thanks. Im coming in anyway, Joey replied. Joey entered, his pants buckled but still shirtless. He seated himself on the edge of the tub. You cool? Joey wrapped his muscular arm around Bailey, pulling him in towards his chest. I wouldnt say I was cool. More like a dork who just freaked out in front of the two prettiest girls in school. Baileys face was flush with embarrassment. Lets go outside. You can hear everything outside this door. Plus, the cool air will help. Bailey gave a slight chuckle and nodded in agreement. It was true. Wh en the girls were in here earlier, the boys could hear their entire giddy conversation. Bailey felt better with Joey by his side. Well chill in the limo, theres ice in the mini bar there. Joey helped his friend up and headed towards the door. Were gonna take a walk, he said to the girls. Why dont you girls watch some TV? He playfully tossed the girls the TV remote on their way out the door. The chauffeur leapt out of the limo, surprised to see the two boys exit from the hotel room so soon. Joey pulled money from his wallet and handed it to the driver. Why dont you make yourself comfortable in the lobby? The driver took the twenty, tipped his hat and went inside. Inside the stretch limo, the darkened windows afforded them some privacy. Joey offered Bailey a gin and tonic. Itll settle your nerves. Bailey sipped the cool cocktail. Sorry about that. I dont know what came over me. Joey laughed as he leaned back. You just got overheated in there. Everybodys nervous their first time. Me? A virgin? Yeah Right. Bailey knew lying to Joey was a terrible idea, but what was he supposed to do? He couldnt admit that he was still a virgin at 18-year-old? Not now, not tonight. Joey stared at Bailey an impossibly long time then admitted, Im cherry too, dude. No shame. Bailey scoffed. Now youre just making fun of me. Joey continued, Of course, Ive let a few girls sample the sausage, but thats about it. All those stories about me being a stud are just tales the girls all tell each other. Bailey wasnt quite sold. Joey delivered a lengthy gaze. Dude, Have I ever told you that I had sex? You may have heard it around, but did it ever come from my mouth? Mmm Good point. Hes got me there. Bailey was shocked. For the first time, suddenly he didnt know what to say to his buddy. You still dont get it, Joey said. I didnt want to having sex with the girls tonight. I thought thats what you wanted. I thought thats what YOU wanted, Bailey replied. No Bailey I want you. Baileys brain tried desperate to comprehend what he was hearing. You and ME? Its always been you and me. I just wasnt sure how youd react If you were into it. So, bro, what do you think? You down with it being just us tonight. Now? Baileys heart raced. The words couldnt come out of his mouth fast enough, Are you kidding me? Bailey reached over and clicked the lock button on the limousine doors. I hoped that would be your answer, Joey replied as he gently grasped Baileys face in his strong hands and pulled him close. There is no one Id rather lose my virginity too. Bailey couldnt agree more.

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