Minding Your Mind


William Season 2 Episode 51

What makes life a subtraction proposition, is Time. It is as simple as that. I draw your attention to this, not because I think you do not know this, but to simply remind you.

Welcome to season 2…, Mindful Quotes, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. A series of my own fresh and original inspirational quotes…. Of course, we can all benefit from being inspired…, and many of us have our favorite quote. 

Some of you may be searching for yours…. That one quote that inspires you to be a better, healthier, and happier You…. Of course, Success as well…, embodies these attributes. 

There is a quote here for almost everyone. Listen for yours.

Hello. I am William Garcia, Philosopher, author of the book titled, Now O’ Clock. Being Mindful, it Always is, and…, your host.

Being a Mindfulness practitioner…, and before I open with the quote of this day, I invite you to join me in a mindfulness affirmation… Ready…. First…, take a deep breath with me…. That felt good, right? Now…, repeat after me…, It is Now O’ Clock…. I am… I am here … I am here now… I am open to be inspired.  

Now…, let’s take another deep breath.

Of course…, you can affirm your mindfulness and do the breathing exercise on your own or with someone else, and I strongly recommend you do. Make it at least a twice daily routine. But if you also want to do it with me…, let’s do it.

 I believe this mindfulness affirmation will help tune your sense of presence…, your mindful sense of presence in the only occasion that matters in your life…Now.

It is Now O’ Clock…, time for the quote of this day.

 Life is about pluses and minuses. But, in the end, the minuses win out. 


Life, itself, is a subtraction proposition. We do not get more of it. As Time elapses, and Life is spent, there is no replenishment, unquote.

What makes life a subtraction proposition, is Time. It is as simple as that. I draw your attention to this, not because I think you do not know this, but to simply remind you.

 It is easy to be oblivious of this and not mindful to be doing what you should or could, to get the most out of the life you have.

This is not to suggest you should race your way through life. We are already outpacing ourselves decade over decade, and I don’t see us slowing down any time soon. 

I believe being oblivious is a strong factor that keeps us on that treadmill; too often in a hurry or running late.

Remember two things, you can’t get it all done today and you can’t live faster than the speed of now.

“But that is not what I am doing”, you say. Well, I believe that because there is critical mass in terms of the speed of life today, and because it seems everyone is keeping up with the same speed limit, there is a prevailing sense of normalcy. 

Still, the speed of Now is what it is, and the speed of life does not affect it. Sounds counter intuitive, right? But it is not.

 Now is the only time we live, and we are always living our entire lives, remember? Think about a lighted bulb. When it is on, it is totally on. Even if it is dim, it is still lit. But its light cannot be restored once it goes dark. 

So, it is with us. As time elapses and life is spent, there is no replenishment. 

Listen. I cannot say it enough. Just live the best life you can, while you can.

Tune in next time for the quote of the day…. It may be that one quote you are searching for…. That quote that ignites your passion and gears you up for achievement…, or…, it may be the quote that…, as you journey through life…, illuminates your path…, brings you peace…, love…, and happiness. Share what you find here with someone else. It may be a quote…, that for them…, may set them…, or keep them on a path to a better life.

Find me at www.buzzsprout.com/1721725 or wherever you go to listen to podcasts.