Greasy Says

Greasy Says - Plumbers can actually wear ties

• Greasy Says • Season 1 • Episode 2


Join me, Greasy, as I begin my journey discussing the game industry from a brown game developer's perspective.

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What's up everybody. Welcome back to Greasy says, My name is Greasy, aka Arthur, aka MQ aka. MQ, haha aka MQ. And this is a show from the perspective of a brown game developer in the year 2021. Post pandemic? Yeah, right. Mid pandemic it's the pan pan pandemic. Yep. This show is just my perspectives, and takes on the gaming industry. After having 15 years worked in the gaming industry, still working in the gaming industry, in many roles. I'll get into my backstory later. But I'm just here to offer that perspective. And I hope that you guys will join me in offering yours perspectives on being a quote unquote, minority who makes games. So buckle up fuckers. All right. Today's key is AIA. Oh, yeah. I'm trying a new thing where I just pick a key for the whole episode. And all the auto tune stuff and all the if I write original music for the episode, it's all in that key. If you have a key that you want me to do an episode and just let me know. I'll try my best. I'll pick out some fucked up key. Actually, you could pick some fucked up keys. Yeah, why not go for example, keys. So this dude I work with once said to me, You seem to have a way of making complicated things seem really simple or sound really simple to me thats a huge fucking compliment. But I was thinking about how do you how would you explain games sort of in a metaphorical way? metaphorical. That's relatable to like, real life to like, everyday life or something that everyone would understand. Because making games is kind of like, naturally a very nerdy thing and a very technical thing. And as soon as you start talking about it, people get bored. "I'm bored right now". I'd rather talk about making games in a more relatable way. So that makes it a perfect time for


Ah shit.


still figuring all this shit out. I'm thinking about getting a push. Just so I can fucking do this show in like the craziest way ever. But anyway, it's time for some haha Let's get this party started.


catch up with the


shit. It's not time for that. It's It's time for




LOL it's amateur hour. No, it's it's actually time for reflection.s We're gonna get this right Sunday, guys. Don't worry. guys and gals, guys and gals. I gotta stop saying guys all the time. I don't want to appeal to just guys. I want to appeal to everybody. Yeah, so anyway, it's time for some reflection when making games is like building a house planning, zoning, building things to code blueprints, engineers, designers framing, paint colors, electric, dealing with fucking plumbers, demolition, cleanup, investors, the whole nine. It takes years to build a house. And often much of that time is spent planning and replaning, and then planning again, followed by a very short period of actually building the damn thing. Now this is just my perspective. other developers probably have different takes on this and different orders of operation, but it's likely that most of these steps overlap. Each stage of building a house involves different people and trades with vastly different specialties, all working towards a common goal, but sometimes not knowing what is planned for the future, or what came before. Let's compare the steps in building a house and making a game. Right? Planning, blueprints, long, boring conversations and lofty dreams. That's design. Zoning, structural engineers framing, fucking plumbers and dream crushing. That's code. Interior design, insulation, drywall, paint colors, lighting, hardwood floors, shiny appliances, Wi Fi thermostats, those geometric plant holders that everyone's into everything that makes a house livable. That's art and audio. Banks and lenders and further dream crushing. That's the suits. The realtors who will tell any lie to sell or buy the completed house? That's publishing. And finally, the family that's moving in, and occasional dream crushing. That's QA. Now, you know, I'm just fucking around with the whole dream crushing thing, but there's a fair amount of dream crushing. That happens when you make games and that's just a reality. As a creative endeavor, there's always going to be some disappointment and you're not going to get your full original vision made is just at least unless you're like Hideo Kojima. I'm sure even he makes fucking concessions when he makes games, because some of his ideas might be completely ridiculous or not realistic. So I think dream crushing is something you need to come to terms with when you make games or any creative product. Alright, alright, let's talk about fucking plumbers. Okay? Fucking plumbers, right? You ever eat like you ever liked a plumber you worked with? Have you ever you have a good plumber? who's also a nice guy. I've never met a good plumber. Who's a nice guy. Every plumber who is a nice guy. Usually sucks at plumbing. But the assholes are always the good plumbers. I had this dude working on my house. Actually it was kind of funny. He was kind of a dick. He was always a dick. He was he like spoke down and like my mother in law. Like made her like talk me through like old school like she's like a dumb woman and shit. Even he was pissing her off and she's a nice fucking lady. All right. So this yet we had this guy working on the house. He was a complete uhoh, but he was working with the guy hired to do some work. So I had to work with him. I wasn't going up and the whole fucking job just because of this dickhead. Even he would even like talk down to his son who was his apprentice. Like, making him feel stupid and silly. I couldn't even imagine my dad make me feel so fucking stupid on job. But he was the kid was kind of dopey. Oh,


yeah, he seemed like a frustrated cat. You know? I mean, unlike a lot of plumbers, they just seem frustrated. I get it. You've run run and shit all day. You're fucking opening pipes and where nobody want to go and cleaning out a bunch of bullshit and gunk and fucking flushables and all the shit people think they could flush down a toilet but don't really cannot really be fucking flushed down a toilet. You know, I'm talking about y'all. I know. Y'all flush some shit. I definitely flush some shit. And not just shit in my day dog. Trust me. Okay, toilets can take a lot.


So like,


yeah, plumbers are bitter. motherfuckers right. They're just angry. They don't know how to talk to people. They think everyone's a fucking idiot. And you know what? coders are exactly the fucking same. Oh, if you're a coder listening to this, and you just raise your fucking eyebrows. You just lean back in your chair. You like this fucking dope. Fuck you. Okay? coders, y'all have this insane superiority complex is crazy. I understand why I get that the game will not get fucking made without you. You are vital to the game's existence. Which is why you're fucking similar to plumbers because you can't live in a fucking house that don't have a shit tube. And do have water coming in. So you just as essential as a fuckin plumber. I get that. you are the Mario of games without you to have no fucking game. I get that. But do you have to be such a cat about it? Do you you hold all the chips. You know that you can paid the most or anybody except maybe executives. You know that? Why ya had a be an uhoh on top. We know you're smart in We know you're smarter than anybody else in the room. We know that you already figured out 10 things wrong with this design idea that this person is pouring out their creative hearts on in the middle of a fucking meeting. And you just waiting to shit on our fucking idea because you already calculated in your head all the things are wrong with it. Why you had a be a uhoh. now there are a couple coders who aren't uhoh granted they're plumbers who are nice. It's very fucking rare and it's a specialized type of plumber who is an asshole who the plumber who's like, Alright, you know what? I'm done with all this. See crawling under the fuckin crawl space and cutting giant fucking four inch pipes and shit falling down on me and all this kind of bullshit and working for fucking grandma and grandpa Tex down the fucking road who been doing their own plumbing, rogue plumbing for fuckin 50 years. You given all that up? You're like, fuck all that I just installin' fucking water heaters. That's all I'm doing from here on out those plumbers happy as Pappy stoked because their job man fucking easy to come in and go to squeak and they already made fucking 200 bucks, or however much promise get paid. And coders get paid. And the coders who are not fucking assholes anymore are the ones who were like, you know what? I'm gonna just optimize. I'm gonna get so good at optimizing that. If you put me in the end of the game, you still need me at the end of development. Right? You have to have me obviously game gonna run like shit. Your game will run like fucking Viva Pinata. You know, I mean, chugging along, because the artists decided to put a million fucking Polly's on that thing. Or this skywalks too fucking big on or wherever, you know, I mean, but you get to chill. You just sit back and you're like, yeah, it'll be ready when it's ready. Yeah, yeah. And then you calm down. You bring yourself down. You don't get involved in a lot of shit. You don't even have to go through a lot of means you're just like, yeah, you know, I'm optimizing. Look at look at this. Look at the framerate number. Yes, today it was 12 today is 15 results. My fucker is right there. I think coders like that. They don't have to I don't know what happened. They some switching their head and they don't they don't fucking be as asshole ish anymore, but it's still our boss who lives within that asshole isn't even deeper. asel for sure. Yo coders I love y'all, but y'all know this shit is true. And I know anybody listening to this, who's works in games has encountered a uhoh coder at least once at least once a week. What is up y'all relax. Fucking Raven. Well, okay, had to take a little break on our blaze at the blaze real quick. Getting too amped up. started talking about plumbers. You get me going with plumbers shit. You know, I realized I forgot I didn't include producers. In my fucking speech or whatever. producers, they're everywhere. There are a bajillion producers. What do producers do? They organize shit. They organize a bunch of creative more focus. And fuckin plumbers, they organize those people. Make sure it gets done on time. Basically. Keep the schedule going, blah, blah. Now let me ask you this. This is gonna be controversial. Maybe. Is it possible for men to be good producers? Yeah, so get in. soak it in. Drink it in. Yep. Bubble. Bubble bubble. toil in fucking trouble. Yeah. Male. Are there any good male producers? Okay, wait. Nope. I'm thinking of one. He was the he was the shit. He was the shit. But he's gone. No, I don't work with him anymore. He left. He's a nice guy. genuinely nice guy. too nice for production. Like, too nice.


A lot of dudes in production. I don't know what it is. They have certain producers like it's like the same personality that goes out and becomes a cop is the personality that becomes a producer most of the time excluding the ladies. I'm a get to the ladies. But like that same chip, ego chip on your fucking shoulder. You know? That's what so many male producers I've seen and worked with have where they got to keep tabs on you and they fucking track you down and fucking this bad cop fucking shit like, dog. It'll get done. You know? I mean, just relax. Fucking keep playing. Fucking Hearthstone or whatever. Just fucking chill out. Just wait. Tell me when to get it. Done. I'ma do it and if not, we'll we'll figure it out. Just fuckin' chill. Why, you hadda be ya know agro fucking. You know beatin your chest like a fucking monkey man producers piss me off to I don't know what would I oh you know who they are? They're the fucking the site manager on on site building the house always coming around with the little notepad the little clipboard you get this done yet? No, go away. I'll tell you when it's done. Okay how about that I'll send you a little fucking note you could put in your clipboard I'm bugging ya'll i'm buggin. You know what though? Let's just make fun of me. You know y'all make fun of yourself sometimes. I fall into the fucking


what do you call it


I'm the surround sound guy. I'm the guy installing speakers in your fucking kitchen and shit. Yeah. I'm making them geometric fucking lamps, or for frames and whatever the fuck you can pretty little fucking chia pet look and play in that shit. Yeah, I mean, I could make fun of fucking you know, you know what? I'll make fun of sound designers and composers. I'll make fun of us. Look like half of them. Half of us look like fucking zombies. I'm Brown. So I get I get to get away with that shit. But they be a bunch like every sound design every compose a pasty as fuck. pasty as damn near transparent. They step in a room with green light. They look green. When they step into a room a yellow light. They look yellow. Transparent as motherfuckers or too many black t shirts. How many black t shirts you need, bro? Ma'am? How many black? Okay, yeah, that one got sparkles on it. Oh, you want a black sparkly dress? That's cool. is still black. Oh, wow. ponytails. You love ponytails. How about beards? Well, actually, you know I can't even shit on people with beards because everybody down there have a beard now so that's not that's not special. How about showing up to meetings on time? ever met a sound designer or composer a music maker are fucking creative spirit. Show up to some shit on time. show up to some shit on the right day. Where you at? Anybody know? where's where's Frederick? Anyway, you know where Frederick? Is? It his his his turn and stand up this 40 minute long fucking stand up. That's supposed to be 15 minutes. Anybody seen Frederick? Oh shit, bro. Sorry, I'm late bro. Here's the deal, man. Fucking Frederick. I'm a Frederick. That is me.  100%. I'm a Frederick. Yeah, I mean, I even like I like act shocked. And shit when people are like, we don't really know where Arthur is. I'm like, What? I'm active on slack. I send emails back uh four hours later. It's fine. I'm responsible. Yeah, I'm a fucking Frederick. Wow.


Yo, I'll be honest with y'all about me and my wife, my wife and I, we work on this show, like together. Like we have meetings about it. And we plan shit. And we even planned out like a few episodes in advance just to get the ball rolling. So some of these questions that I quote unquote, ask aren't actually from anyone except me. Like, I'm like, oh, maybe someone would ask this question questions for myself. We don't have any listeners yet. So I got to ask myself fucking questions, questions you dig. So don't be too harsh on me for doing that, you know, as soon as social kickoff and people are actually listening, hopefully. I'll have some follow up questions. It's a wrap. Once I get those question, we listen to these podcasts as part of our meetings, right? Like we have to go over the show like we have to listen to the show. So we sit down we listen to the show, when my kids asleep or whatever. And she was listening to this show up like another take that I had done because I do well. I do multiple edits of this shit. And I received such a trashing. I think she kind of took pleasure in trashing me a little bit. Which is fine. I get it. I'm a fucking prick. I could probably take a trashing every now and again. But like I was rambling on in the previous segment about being a Game Dev. I like, I'm like, I started it by saying, you know, fuck, some of these days can be so boring and blah, blah. And then I literally went on to explain how boring the day is. And she's listening to it and she's like, dawg, I stopped listening like 10 minutes ago. I'd been rambling for 10 minutes, she checked out. She's like, you did the exact same thing that you said, annoys you about your fucking gig. Don't be fucking boring. Do something, like interesting. Like, it's not funny. You're just rambling on and on and man. Nobody will humble your ass. like family. Family will put you right in your fucking place. As soon as you think you fly as fuck. Go talk to a family member. Go ask them what they think of some shit you doing? They gonna humble your ass right to fuck up. I promise you that. Don't try to be fly around family. Alright, let's this next segment. I'm calling dope or dumb. And it's what trend in games or whatever is either dope or kind of dumb. dope. or dumb. Alright, so a dope trend, super dope trend that I have just fallen down the rabbit hole of I fall asleep watching these fucking videos. I've been telling all of my nerdy friends about it. I'm probably late to the game, y'all probably know about this shit, long before I did. So here we go. The SCP Foundation. s as in seaside, C as uhoh p as in pelikin. Foundation, s c p foundation. Let me see if I can break this down to you is basically online community fiction. There's this wiki, where all of these entries have been made from the perspective of people that work at the SCP Foundation. And the SCP Foundation's mission is to what is it? It's their mission is to secure contain and protect this shits so wild anomalies that happen on earth that they that if the public knew about would cause mass hysteria, the collapse of nations destruction of the world, these anomalies happen and the SCP Foundation has to secure, contain and protect by any means necessary. So it's this online database of stories


written by people from all over the world, I assume about all of these different anomalies. So it's like a, it's like this huge. I think there's like, like beyond 5000 individual unique entries on this thing, not even to mention the tales. There's SCP tales, which is even more sort of backstory and narrative about this, this lore that people are making up. Some like this could only exist on the internet on the internet is some Wow, somebody in fucking, I don't know, Mexico, Mexico can write an ad to this lore. And the whole world will read it, Mexico, and somebody in fucking Finland will make a drawing of the anomaly that this person in Mexico wrote about. And now it's bigger thing and it just keeps growing. And then somebody is going to make a video this guy called the rubber. The rubber like the other word, the other word for a condom. Yep, got it. He makes animated videos about the SCP entities. And they're dope. I mean, there's simple but they're, they're dope.


What I'm trying to say is the SCP Foundation is a perfect example of how the internet can be used for good and can be used


to create on levels that humanity never really saw before. You can collaborate with people all over the world, and everyone sharing in the story that we're all writing and all experiencing. I fucking love it. Go take a couple hours and just dig into the SCP Foundation and read that stuff. It's some of it's hilarious, some of it's truly terrifying. I'll tell you what to a lot of people are interested in in getting into narrative, like breaking into writing for games, this is a perfect way to do something like this. This is a perfect exercise. If you want to be a game writer, because you, you're basically coming up with kind of a narrative design, and it has to interlock with, it has to work well, with the rest of the fiction. You can't just be making up any kind of shit you want. You have to adhere to the rules of the SCP Foundation lore. So it's it's a it's a really great framework to work in. If you try to break into writing for games, any of these things. I mean, there's a million of them right? My boy is telling me about the other creepypasta and I'm kind of things great way to hone your skills if you're trying to break into video game writing. Check that shit out. SCP Foundation dope trend another dope trend not so recent, but still very relevant to me anyway. Legalize weed.


Oh boy.


waited a long time for that shit to happen. And it happened and seemed like only yesterday. cops were fucking with me for smoking weed.


fucking assholes.


But let's talk about some weed strains. I got some weed notes for y'all. I make a lot of weed notes because I smoke a lot of weed. I use weed for different things. Creativity, relaxation, anxiety, sleep, all kinds of shit. Yeah, I might be a burnout but you ain't making a podcast right now are you fuck it so I still got motivation. I still got fucking drive. I know a lot of people think if you smoke weed You're a fucking loser and you don't do shit. Not true. Not fucking true. Stop that shit. So it's time for weed notes. What am I smoking on today? Today we got some the classic the classic the staple belongs in every single weed box in every grinder. The kief is magnificent. Classic strain if you smoke weed you probably smoked it if you smoke weed and you haven't smoked it, doggy Get your shit together. GDP GDP GDP GDP isn't a no know what that is granddaddy purple, classic indica strain. Alright, let me tell you all the the stats on the on the batch that I got THC point 2% now by THC a 14.6% THC vs 0% CBD point 3% which is kind of interesting. You usually see a lot of CDB. ngdp CBD and GDP and usually see higher THC in GDP. But you get what you get, you know what I mean? And then there's a bunch of 0% so I'm pretty much everything else except for cbga which is point 4% granddaddy purple known for its berry like flavors. It tastes like fucking grapes. Or kind of blueberry ish. Maybe some some might say raspberry ish, but it's deftly got a berry like flavor.


You can smoke it if you what you smoking if you what. But I find that vaping brings out more of the flavor of herbs of flour, not of juice of flour. I find vape and it brings out the flavor more than smoking it because you're gonna get it gets all contaminated. You know, I'm saying and I'm not saying that you should smoke. I'm not one of those people that say like, smoking is bad, or whatever. I fucking love smoking. Smoking is shit. Kids, not kids. Kids don't smoke. But smoking is the shit.




But vaping just brings out that flavor. GDP I find is really good for that end of the countdown. Or you just finished doing an activity that was strenuous. And you need to relax you need you need a mixture of like that calm down bring down your mental energy as well as kind of relax your body. So like like, you know, it's winter now. Fucking feet of snow every fucking where you get done shoveling, shoveling your fucking back out and you perform some GDP. And like you're like, Oh, I don't really feel that pain normal. I can let go my body can let go in order to heal itself very important your body has to let go to heal itself.


Yeah, that's


kind of loosens you up. You know? I don't know if I'd recommend it for conversation maybe maybe but like i would i would rather use it for for silent relaxation because you know people come around they want to yap and shit and talk. I don't think GDP is good for like socializing and mixing it up and fucking debate and and all that bullshit. What else can I say about it? I just smoked some. So now I'm starting to feel the effects. Heavy eyes for sure. Yeah, heavy eyes a little bit. Make sure you stay hydrated, folks. You smoke weed. Make sure you have a water bottle. double the size of a normal water bottle. Don't get a fucking small water bottle or get a small glass of water.


Get a lot.


walk around with that shit. Because that's what people like I passed out from fucking smoking weed when I was like, I don't know 17 from being a dumb ass and smoking a bunch of blunts and smoking all the shit and not drinking a water. This should it sucks. It's like getting a massage. Like sucks to juice out of you. So you got to stay hydrated. Apparently makes you go on fucking tangents. This GDP shit because how long have I been rambling for?


Alright, let's move on.


Okay, so I like to do this exercise. I try to do it daily. I don't often get to it daily because I'm you know, fucking busy doing other shit or I get pulled in a million different directions. But if you're prone to like depressing thoughts, or you get down on yourself, that hater within starts creeping his head up. I find this exercise really, really helpful to kind of balance me out. And to help put things in perspective. It's called a gratitude exercise. I think I learned it from a YouTube channel. He's like dad university or something. I started watching him right when I had a son when I was about to have my my kid. And it you know, I was feeling like all kinds of emotions, like the end of my fuckin simple life and like, I got all this responsibility. Now I have a son and like, my vapes ready? Yeah. Yes, I was going through all that shit. And I was like, looking online for like, self help and shit like that. Because I do that, you know, I think a lot of people do that they look for self help online and shit. That's why all those channels are so fucking big, right? Um, but it's this exercise a gratitude exercise, I pick five things. And I spend a couple minutes writing them down. Like I have a whiteboard in the studio. And I just write down these five things, and I keep them on the whiteboard all the time. You're gonna do it with me. If you want me I'm not gonna fucking twist your arm to practice gratitude. But it's I think it's a really helpful exercise and it's a healthy mental exercise. And it's probably better for you than whatever the fuck you're doing right now. Even this news podcast, so so let's, let's kick it off joining if you want.


Okay, okay.


What am I grateful for? Easy. wifey wife.


She's the shit.


My son's Smile, smile.


that'll make you wake up in the morning. I'm grateful for my musical talent. right because it is a great way to boost yourself up. You got it. you're grateful for some shit. You're good at it. So my musical talent. I'm grateful for a working penis and penis.


Yo, for real real.


Some people Oh, they don't have work competing. And I should say. And my fifth one is a say this show this show. I'm grateful for this show this show because it helps me clear my head in my head. And it's fun. I love doing it.


I love doing.


So that's the gratitude exercises. For this week, if you have certain things you are grateful about, hit me up and share what you you know what you do for your gratitude exercise. I'd love to hear it. It'll help inspire me to be grateful. other things as well. Yo, this is, uh, this is wild, actually have some listener responses from people who listen to the first episode. It's not great. The first one is from James, who reached out on Twitter and told me that I could see some eight bit dicks in a game called beat them and eat them. So I'm gonna go look it up. We'll look at this in real time. Okay, one second. You know, and, you know,


Peter Mineo


Oh fuck


all right, so beatmania My guess is for the Atari 2600 and there is a guy on top of a building with a a significant member. He is generously endowed, blessed even. And there are some naked white woman running around underneath said building. gobbling up what appears to be




from said member not not super classy, but definitely an example of an eight bit pp. No example of a eight bit vv poopoo which is disappointing, but I kind of expected it to be an eight bit pp. Just because it's dude's dudes is love drawing PPS. And a dude probably made this fucking game. His cones are weird. His Cahoon seemed to like have a missing pixel. Either that or that supposed to be his his hands like his open hands. This is borderline disturbing to me. Yeah, I mean, well, thanks, James. Thanks. scarred Thank you. Alright, our second listener submission for eight bit peepees or VB pues. is from Jay he says an eight bit paper can be seen on shower with your dad simulator. So let's look that one up. That will get in trouble for search and that shit right showering with my dad. Anyway, all right, this already seems like this is just a modern eight bit game. This is not this is way too slick to be an old school game. But there's you pick a dad and you pick a kid. And you're walking around looking for your dad. You're a little you're a little kid that looks exactly like your dad. moustache and all this guy kind of looks like the Bob from Bob's Burgers. And you just got to touch you got to run up and touch your dad while he's taking a shower. We'll give them props. I will give him props for trims pubes trims on the dad. Nice touch. Very simple, basically five pixels that are the hair color of the dad. And clearly a pp. A PP and one cones which is interesting choice. It's the PP viewed at from the side. If you've ever seen a pee pee from the side, this is what it looks like in eight bit world.


Great, I'm really glad as this fucking question. Thank you. Thank you, Jay. Well, that about does it y'all. That's a wrap. We're done.


Hope you guys enjoyed this episode. I hope you come back next time for the next episode. Real quick before we go. All my social media it's greasy, says G R E A S Y S A Y S on Instagram, tik tok and Facebook. You can listen to my shit on Spotify Bandcamp and SoundCloud that's under mq M dash C U E for good. Check all that shit out. Follow me all that shit. so Greasy people. Thanks for coming out. Like Subscribe, comment, give me feedback. Very important. Tell me to go fuck myself not as important. And until next time. It's me. Greasy. Checking out with the room key. Laters 

Transcribed by