Greasy Says

Greasy Says - WFH

April 21, 2021 Greasy Says Season 1 Episode 4

WFH… How do you feel about it? Do you have any boundaries? Today I talk about all that has come with the new work from home culture and zoom snafus. Then we will dig into female protagonists.

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 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker 3 0:16 What it is, everybody. Welcome back Speaker 2 0:20 to Greasy Says on says on Greasy says, we look at what it's like to be a game developer from a brown perspective, from a quote. Minorities perspective. My name is greasy, a K a MQ Speaker 4 0:38 and I've been in the gaming industry for 15 years. And I've experienced all kinds of angles of the gaming industry. Speaker 2 0:45 I'm going to dig into this. I got no loyalty to no Corp. Uh, no fucks are given. I'm just here to make fun of the industry. Have fun. If you're back. Thank you for coming back. If it's your first time. Welcome Speaker 4 0:58 real Speaker 3 0:59 quick before we. Kick it off Speaker 2 1:01 where you can find me on all the other social media, what nots, Speaker 4 1:05 um, Greazy says on Tik TOK, Instagram and Facebook. Speaker 2 1:09 That's G R E a S Y S a Y S. Speaker 4 1:13 And check out my music on Spotify band camp and SoundCloud, the name M Q Speaker 2 1:19 M dash C U E. Speaker 4 1:21 And if you got it, any questions for me, or if you want to just react to some of the shit you're here and you got feedback, Speaker 2 1:26 he never reached out to me on any of them. Social media platform. Aye. Speaker 3 1:33 Let's kick it off. Speaker 2 1:35 Yeah. Let's Speaker 1 1:36 today's key is, Speaker 4 1:43 remember if you got a key, you want me to do this show in? Speaker 2 1:45 Hit me up on social. Speaker 4 1:47 All right. Speaker 1 1:56 So Greasy how do you feel about working from home? Working from, Speaker 4 2:02 if you're in games, does he know about working from home? Maybe it's something you absolutely love. Maybe it's something you hate because you secretly hate your family and can't wait to get away from them every day. Maybe you like wasting a couple hours every day, getting to work crammed into whatever mode of transportation you use to get to work every day. Speaker 5 2:22 Maybe you spending your hard earned money on overpriced salads and group lunches. That's I'll admit I do enjoy a Thursday. Lunch beer, Speaker 2 2:30 glug, glug, glug, glug, glug. Speaker 6 2:32 I fucking love working from home. Speaker 4 2:35 I don't have to deal with commuting. I don't have to sit in an office looking busy when I'm really just killing time until that next meeting or until I get that email response from some other fucker, who's watching many cake YouTube tutorials instead of responding to my email. I love not having to smell a small meeting room after an hour long, 10 person meeting, which is now filled with the stench of a thousand stifled farts. Burger grease and under carriages. I love not getting sick because Speaker 5 3:06 Becky decided to come to work, even though she's sick, Speaker 4 3:09 but didn't want to stay home with her annoying boyfriend who she should have dumped four months ago, but Speaker 1 3:13 didn't have the, you ain't got that lady yet.  Speaker 4 3:18 working from home in games as a note brainer. There's literally no task, no job Speaker 5 3:23 in games that requires you to be in an office. Name one Speaker 2 3:27 name one. I'll wait. Speaker 5 3:30 The development arm Speaker 4 3:32 can be completely remote Speaker 2 3:33 that's art design, audio code, QA, et cetera, Speaker 4 3:36 the business development side. Speaker 5 3:38 I mean, they are literally just Speaker 4 3:40 taking up space in big offices, answering emails and making calls. So why the fuck do you need to be in an office to do that? Speaker 1 3:47 It, Speaker 6 3:48 she Speaker 4 3:51 it's, he probably loves working from home because you can control the wave of shit coming your way. Speaker 1 3:56 How do I use email? How do I install Photoshop? How do I get Clippy back? I miss him. Speaker 4 4:02 At least they can avoid those conversations in person Speaker 3 4:06 operations. Speaker 5 4:07 They could Speaker 4 4:08 easily organize and support a huge office of nerds remotely Speaker 5 4:12 with the right restructuring Speaker 4 4:14 of what their job means. Speaker 5 4:16 Instead Speaker 4 4:16 of sitting at a desk, waiting for some single executive Speaker 5 4:19 to saunter by Speaker 2 4:21 with some mundane Speaker 4 4:22 tasks, like moving a bunch of meetings around so they can go spoon with a caramel latte, Speaker 5 4:26 they could be doing cool things to improve studio culture, but the whole studio. Speaker 4 4:31 Working from home is amazing. You Speaker 6 4:33 don't have as many distractions. Speaker 2 4:35 You don't have to listen to the loudest guy in the office blather on about some dumb shit as he tries to impress everybody. Speaker 4 4:42 You don't have to hear the clickety clack of some fucking asshole Speaker 2 4:46 who just had to get the cherry MX keyboard Speaker 4 4:48 because they're so advanced the typing. You don't have to smell gogi. Speaker 5 4:53 It's delicious boogie. Yes. But why does it have to smell like Speaker 4 4:56 that? Unless Speaker 5 4:59 you're alive. Your home life sucks. Speaker 4 5:02 Work from home is a less stressful, Speaker 2 5:04 more productive Speaker 3 5:05 and healthier way to work. Speaker 5 5:07 Working from home works for me Speaker 4 5:09 because it removes the biggest distraction of Speaker 2 5:11 all other people. Speaker 3 5:14 Now you may say, well, greasy you fuck Speaker 2 5:18 without other people. How are we supposed to collaborate? Speaker 4 5:21 How are we supposed to build comradery? How are we supposed to form groups? I make work friends. Oh, hold on. My kid woke Speaker 2 5:29 up. You wake Speaker 3 5:32 up? Yep. He's awake. All right. I'll be Speaker 4 5:36 back. Okay. It's like the next Speaker 2 5:40 day, uh, shit got away from me. You know what I mean? When you have a baby shit gets away from you. It's the reality? Where, where are we? Okay. Speaker 4 5:48 Uh, now you Speaker 2 5:50 may say, well, greasy, you fuck Speaker 4 5:53 with other people. How are we supposed to Speaker 2 5:55 collaborate? Speaker 4 5:56 How are we supposed to build comradery? How are we supposed to. I form groups. Speaker 5 6:01 I make work friends Speaker 4 6:02 to that. I say. So all those people on your Facebook friends list don't count as comrades, Speaker 5 6:09 the 50 people that like your Instagram story, they Speaker 4 6:11 don't count as friends, Speaker 2 6:13 friends, dating, and even marriages can all exist online now. So why does work get this special pass into the physical world? Speaker 4 6:21 It's pointless. Speaker 5 6:22 I'm not saying that we should all never meet up again Speaker 4 6:25 and should all stay in our houses forever. Speaker 5 6:28 I'm just saying, being in an office. Together. Speaker 4 6:30 Isn't a better alternative, Speaker 1 6:33 but what about studio culture? Are you always talking about that shit Speaker 5 6:36 being in a physical space together doesn't equal studio culture, it's ideas and community that make culture think about how much it costs to rent a building, literally millions of dollars a year, especially if you're in a city, add utilities to that. And holy shit. Now we're spending money. Speaker 2 6:58 If Speaker 5 6:58 you have no office. That operating cost is gone and you can, and should pass that saving along to your developers or at least back that shit so that you can keep the studio open longer. There's very few things to dislike about working from home, but there are a few things that devs need to watch out for number one. And this is a problem. Even if you do work in an office Speaker 4 7:25 boundaries, Speaker 5 7:27 it's so easy to work longer hours when you work. From home and it's easy to end up crunching Speaker 1 7:32 for no fucking reason, Speaker 2 7:34 which is super unhealthy. Speaker 5 7:36 I'll do a separate segment a separate segment on crunch and why it's a load of bullshit Speaker 2 7:41 some other time, some other time, Speaker 5 7:43 if you don't have strong work boundaries, can't say, okay, I'm done. It'll have to wait until tomorrow. You are Speaker 2 7:50 fucked. If you work from home, Speaker 5 7:53 if you don't have a partner or family member who couldn't pull you away from your screen at the end of the day, Speaker 4 7:59 you could Speaker 5 7:59 develop some. Really bad habits, man. What kind of bad habits you may be? Accent Speaker 2 8:04 eyestrain Speaker 5 8:05 Fakih Speaker 2 8:06 wrists over snacking, Speaker 5 8:08 weak ass and hips syndrome over fabbing and the resulting ejaculate shortage, hunchback Speaker 4 8:16 and Speaker 2 8:16 Wally syndrome. Speaker 5 8:18 You know what I mean? Like you have your, the, your bones get smaller. If you work from home, do me a favor Speaker 2 8:24 and try to walk at least two times a day Speaker 4 8:27 and walk Speaker 2 8:28 away. From your desk when you've done enough hours for the day, it's different for each person, what that means, Speaker 5 8:36 but Speaker 4 8:36 you know how many hours is enough? Speaker 2 8:38 Okay. You with me Speaker 4 8:40 self care more important than ever since COVID-19 and quarantine Speaker 5 8:45 and going forward. I think we're going to see more people be like fucking office and even more employers being like, okay, Speaker 4 8:54 COVID has that's certain industries don't need Speaker 2 8:58 to have offices and there are. A bunch of social, Speaker 4 9:01 environmental, and monetary Speaker 5 9:03 benefits to that. Speaker 4 9:05 I mean, square Ebonics Speaker 5 9:08 and others have already said that they won't make people come to work. I'm all for it. I think the gaming industry can still thrive Speaker 4 9:15 in this work from home world. Don't you? Speaker 3 9:24 Yeah, man. Yeah. I like working from home, but it Speaker 5 9:27 doesn't work for everybody. You know what I mean? Speaker 6 9:31 I mean what the, on the other hand Speaker 1 9:33 people have been getting. If people been wiling out with this work from home shit, Speaker 5 9:39 people are losing it. Yo people getting caught, doing all kinds of wild shit that Speaker 1 9:44 y'all saw them. Speaker 6 9:45 What was it like? Speaker 5 9:48 Or some shit whip and titties out and suck it on them and shit. Like what the fuck is going on, Speaker 1 9:54 dudes with the cat video, the cat dude, Speaker 5 9:56 I, I assure you I'm not a cat. Speaker 2 9:59 Yo. Y'all are bugging out there with the zoom shit. Speaker 5 10:03 I feel Speaker 1 10:03 bad. I feel bad Speaker 5 10:05 because it's clearly like Speaker 1 10:07 all, it happens time in meetings that I'm in, Speaker 4 10:09 where motherfuckers don't know how to use the mute button, Speaker 5 10:12 or you chomping on some fucking granola and the shits coming through the microphone while, while people are going to meet in of course, they're going to be some titty slipping. Of course you might catch a ball sack on a zoom meeting. People are human people gonna fuck Speaker 3 10:27 up. I feel like. Like we need, like, you need like, uh, like a three-strike zoom system, like, okay, Speaker 2 10:35 you pull the titty out. Speaker 5 10:37 Somebody Speaker 2 10:38 tells you, yo, you pull, you pull that Titty out. You can't do that. Speaker 5 10:41 And then you have two more strikes. If you pull a titty out two more times, then you in trouble. Speaker 2 10:45 Right. Because Speaker 5 10:47 you gotta think about all these old heads Speaker 1 10:49 who don't know how to use zoom and shit. Uh, you gotta think about the CEO who Speaker 5 10:55 got to have prostitutes, right. Just to stay sane. Right. So. Feed his fucking ego. Speaker 1 11:02 He needs his prostitute Speaker 5 11:04 time. Uh, Speaker 1 11:05 he's a busy guy. Speaker 5 11:07 Sometimes prostitutes have to come in during a meeting. I Speaker 2 11:10 get that. Speaker 1 11:11 Okay. But Speaker 2 11:13 come on, Speaker 5 11:14 come on, bro. You gotta know how to use your camera. At least put you could, even if you want to do it like fucking old school, you want to be archaic with it. Just put a fucking piece of tape over your Speaker 2 11:26 camera. Speaker 5 11:27 You know, paranoid has been doing our shit for years. Do that, then you could suck on some titties in a meeting, three strike rule, Speaker 2 11:36 help people out. Okay. Speaker 4 11:38 I personally have not been caught Speaker 2 11:41 doing some wild shit, but Speaker 5 11:43 it could happen to me. Speaker 3 11:44 I ain't telling you. I pull in no titties out, but I might blame Speaker 5 11:48 or something who knows. Maybe I want a blaze in the middle of a meeting. Cause meeting boring as fuck. I'm gonna fall asleep anyway. So I might as well entertain myself, but yo, remember you gotta be quick. You gotta be quick. And public service announcement, space bar on fucking zoom. Unmutes you and mutes you. A lot of people don't know that. Speaker 4 12:10 So Speaker 5 12:11 when you fill out around you type in and typically to happen, uh, in the meeting, looking like you're paying attention, but you're really doing some shit on the side. I could see the light, uh, changing from the monitor in front of you. Fuck it. Every time you hit the space bar, you unmute in and mute yourself. Speaker 2 12:26 Okay. People, we have to understand that. Window focus at this point, what the fuck is going on? Speaker 5 12:33 If the window's in focus, that's the program that's active. So you pumping on the fucking space bar is gonna sound like, you know what I mean? While you crunch in Speaker 1 12:45 the fuck, Speaker 4 12:47 but yeah, I'm serious about, about that. Speaker 2 12:49 You know, about taking care of yourself. If you work from home, this shit is, it could be bad, man. Shit could be really bad for you. Speaker 3 12:59 You know what I mean? You know, I worry about, I worry about people who are like, uh, depressed, you know what I mean? And, uh, stuck at home and don't have like enough distractions now. They can't go out. They can't mix with people. Um, so they just wallow in, in their own fucking depression, filth that bums me out because a lot of people Speaker 5 13:22 need that human contact to pull their stuff themselves out of their own funk. And if you can't do that, man, You got to be a depressed ass motherfucker, man, you know, I'm a loner. I don't give a fuck. I could not see people for decades. Speaker 4 13:37 Ah, that's not true. Speaker 5 13:39 I do miss hanging out with certain people. Uh, I do miss going down to the little brewery or whatever and mixing it up and talking shit with people. Speaker 2 13:47 I miss going to fucking judo, Speaker 3 13:49 Miss Fuck outta that. Which I could do that. But uh, yeah, I mean, like, I, it doesn't affect me. Like if I had like depression or I needed people, like if I'm an actor. I'm not an extrovert, but the extroverts out there they're fucked. Speaker 4 14:04 Zoom is not going to fill you up the same way Speaker 2 14:07 that Speaker 5 14:08 sitting down and hanging out with. Somebody Speaker 2 14:10 will fill you up. So I feel bad for y'all man. You ever read, uh, if you make games, you have a read Speaker 4 14:26 the reviews, Speaker 3 14:27 not the press reviews, right? Cause. That's his press, whatever, Speaker 2 14:31 if you've ever had to deal with pres or just a bunch of jaded ass motherfuckers who can't wait to get the fuck out the room Speaker 3 14:38 and write what they need to write, press your game press is a fucking joke. Um, but I mean like user reviews, which I think are very valuable most of the time, um, I read my user reviews, uh, on the games I've made. Uh, and it always cracks me up Speaker 2 14:56 to read the ones that shit on the game that I may, and just like. Totally tear that shit to pieces. Speaker 4 15:02 So, uh, let's look at some, shall we, Speaker 2 15:04 what do we got Speaker 5 15:04 here? Okay. Speaker 2 15:06 This person says, Speaker 6 15:08 this is like a four-star review, right? Speaker 2 15:10 I've been playing this game since July and I enjoy playing this game because it's great that it keeps you active, especially in these times. COVID right. I just want, I would just wished that there was more Speaker 6 15:25 fucking stupid. Speaker 2 15:29 Can I move my monitor? I just wished that there were more songs added to this game to keep it alive. And I think it would attract more players to the game. Also if they gave this game a refresh to maybe add Speaker 5 15:39 more objectives and single player multiplayer. Other than that, Speaker 2 15:42 this is a great game to show off what VR games can be, especially genre of. Yeah. It's games. Speaker 4 15:48 Super cool review. Speaker 2 15:50 Loved that Speaker 4 15:50 shit too brown to toast Speaker 2 15:53 down with that review dog. Um, I agree. I would've loved to have made more content. For that game. Actually, we had a ton of content in the pipe that got cut, little fucking backstory. Yeah. Right there. Speaker 3 16:07 But you know, that's a good Speaker 2 16:09 review. They wished they could get more Speaker 3 16:12 stuff. They wish they had more modes. Speaker 5 16:15 So, you know, it's a good game, but that's cool. Let's read some other ones Speaker 3 16:23 ma right. Speaker 4 16:26 Fuck it. Awesome. I just love when people write Speaker 5 16:28 shit Speaker 2 16:29 anyway. Speaker 4 16:30 Menu and navigation, awful Speaker 3 16:33 multiplayer, terrible Speaker 2 16:35 and available only between different Oculus account. Speaker 5 16:39 You want to do Speaker 2 16:40 a good game Speaker 5 16:41 and a good multiplayer experience. Go check Speaker 2 16:43 game like rec room or fortnight Speaker 3 16:46 and learn Speaker 2 16:47 because you're far from that and it is not free. Speaker 3 16:52 Uh, thank you, Patrice Speaker 2 16:54 VR, I guess Speaker 1 16:57 I'll go check out Speaker 3 16:58 rec room and fortnite Right and learn how to make a good game. Thanks for that. Thank you. Speaker 2 17:04 How about this one? Uh, Speaker 4 17:06 does not feel lime dancing, Speaker 2 17:09 wasted money, but love playing X-Box version. Speaker 6 17:13 What? Speaker 5 17:15 So you jumped on his shit to tell me you wasted money Speaker 1 17:19 is not my fault. You wasted your fucking money. Speaker 5 17:21 You could've returned the shit they want and got your money back. Well, you played the shit. Speaker 2 17:26 You decided it'll feel like dancing. So now you telling me. You wasted money. Speaker 4 17:32 So fucking go play the X-Box version. Your Speaker 1 17:34 CA Speaker 6 17:36 oh, Speaker 4 17:38 this one's good. This was good. I'll be, Speaker 6 17:41 I'll give it two. Speaker 4 17:43 So boring, Speaker 2 17:45 not challenging. Just dance switch. Best. Speaker 5 17:51 That is the most concise Speaker 4 17:53 review Speaker 2 17:54 besides like it's shit, uh, Speaker 3 17:58 that I've seen in a while. You know what everybody's entitled to their opinion. Speaker 5 18:06 This was good too. All right. Speaker 2 18:09 Boring and lame, bad graphics way. Overpriced limited music, Speaker 4 18:15 terrible unrealistic gameplay, Speaker 2 18:17 Nintendo 64 games. Look and play better than this Speaker 5 18:22 Nintendo 64 dog even blast cores is, is better than this wave runner. Trying to tell me this shit look worse than the first conquer conquers bad for day. Speaker 3 18:40 Come on, Speaker 1 18:41 Superman. Speaker 2 18:43 Come on. Speaker 4 18:46 But you know what I mean? I can't really Speaker 5 18:47 get too mad. It's kind of funny. Like Speaker 2 18:50 you have to appreciate Speaker 5 18:52 that blunt level of honesty that comes from players in reviews. Speaker 4 18:56 Some of them play the first five minutes knee jerk Speaker 2 18:58 and just write the shit. Down. Speaker 4 19:00 Some people are going for laughs in reviews. It's like weird like reviews or like kind of social media. Now, like some online reviews are known for their sense of humor or they're known for their, Speaker 2 19:11 you know, being Curt or whatever. Um, so as much as these should wound me, they don't, I think they're hilarious. Uh, and I Speaker 4 19:21 love reading them even the bad ones cracked me up. So keep them coming folks. Yeah. Speaker 5 19:30 Appreciate all my games. It's awesome. Speaker 1 19:31 Shit. All my games. I don't give up. Speaker 3 19:35 It's time for another segment. Doper dumb Speaker 2 19:38 where we explore whether a trend Speaker 3 19:41 is Speaker 2 19:42 dope Speaker 3 19:43 or kind of dumb Speaker 6 19:47 or dumb Speaker 2 19:51 flawed female protagonists. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You Speaker 3 19:54 kind of a dope trend. Nope. I like it. He likes it. Speaker 1 19:59 I was thinking. Speaker 5 20:00 Which characters? Speaker 2 20:03 Well, first of all, I was thinking about there aren't any, you know, really memorable female villains is there in games. I mean, not on the screen, plenty on screen, but in games like you, you think of like Speaker 5 20:21 Adria Adriana from Diablo three, Speaker 2 20:24 but not really. Yeah. A great example, right? Because she wasn't aware that she was a village. She was possessed. Diablo. Speaker 6 20:31 Right. So she had no say in the fucking matter, Speaker 3 20:33 there was no development there. It was just like, poof, you're Speaker 1 20:35 bad. Poof. And now you're bad.  Speaker 5 20:42 currently uncharted three hat of, I never played Speaker 2 20:45 it, unfortunately, but uncharted three had a white lady who was a villain. She was bad, Speaker 3 20:51 but I don't know much about her. Speaker 2 20:53 Uh, clearly not iconic right Speaker 3 20:55 now. Like a Bowzer Speaker 2 20:58 anyway. There are examples of, of, Speaker 3 21:03 of female villains, right? Like there's like that, which from banjo, but like that's a, Speaker 2 21:09 which from banjo Kazooie, it's, it's sort of Speaker 4 21:13 understood trope. It's, Speaker 2 21:15 she's just the bad characters. She's a wicked west of the west, Speaker 3 21:18 you know, it's just a stamp villain on, there is no character development, there's no flaws. Um, Speaker 2 21:26 I think a really great example of flawed female protagonists. Speaker 3 21:30 And in this case, antagonist is Ellie and Abby from last of us too. Speaker 2 21:37 They literally swap places by the end of that shit. Speaker 3 21:42 You know, Speaker 2 21:44 you, you watch Abby basically her life get destroyed over and over again. She was a good person. She was a good shit raised by a good father, Speaker 5 21:54 taught her how to hunt and shit Speaker 2 21:56 and be kind of fucking zebras. Speaker 5 22:00 And through the course of events, she's transformed. She's, she's so Speaker 4 22:06 flawed. She's sewed drained and pulled down Speaker 5 22:10 that she becomes a villain. And by the end Speaker 2 22:14 shit, Speaker 5 22:15 I don't know if you haven't played last of us to run out and play that shit right now. Some of the best character writing ever, Speaker 1 22:21 and a bunch of people hated on that Speaker 2 22:22 hated on Abby for being this big muscular Speaker 5 22:26 character, like woman, character that you have to play as Speaker 2 22:29 alright, from a game. Perspective. I get it. You might've put, they pulled a fucking metal gear too on Speaker 5 22:33 you. Speaker 4 22:34 You thought he was going to be playing a solid snake. Speaker 5 22:35 Here comes fucking right in or whatever the fuck. Speaker 2 22:38 What does white hair and shit? What the fuck I get that. But Speaker 5 22:42 once you play it, there is no Speaker 2 22:45 question that Abby is Abe, Speaker 5 22:47 incredible character and a really good substitute for, you know, Ellie story. Speaker 6 22:53 Right. But you get to watch Ellie become this fucking monster Speaker 5 22:58 and you get to watch Speaker 2 22:59 Abby who you. Hate by the beginning of the game Speaker 5 23:02 become Speaker 1 23:04 pathetic. You feel so bad. I Speaker 5 23:06 couldn't even press those buttons at the end. Speaker 1 23:09 I couldn't, Speaker 2 23:10 I would pause and be like, I don't want to do this Speaker 4 23:15 floor Speaker 5 23:16 characters. I want to see more of them. A really Speaker 4 23:18 good example of a flood of female. Protagonist is bean princess Speaker 2 23:22 tia beanie from disenchanted. Love that character. She's. She's great. She's funny. She's a good protagonist. You root for her, but she's so flawed. She's a drunk Speaker 5 23:35 she's Speaker 4 23:36 quote unquote Speaker 2 23:37 promiscuous. She's a liar. She will do anything to get out of a situation and get, get out of responsibility. She's lazy, Speaker 5 23:45 super flawed character, Speaker 2 23:47 but you can't help the roofer. I like, and that level of depth in female characters that you're going to make me play as Speaker 5 23:55 just Speaker 4 23:56 like Speaker 5 23:56 I'm sre a lot of female gamers out there. Want a male character. To play as, because I'm sure Speaker 4 24:01 there Speaker 5 24:02 are Speaker 2 24:03 female players out there that just don't hate all male characters blanket, Speaker 3 24:07 right? Just like, Speaker 2 24:08 yeah. I mostly play as Speaker 5 24:09 guys in games if I have a character creator, but I don't mind playing as, Speaker 2 24:13 as a woman, Speaker 5 24:15 we Speaker 2 24:15 need more characters that make Speaker 5 24:18 dudes Speaker 2 24:18 want to play. As women Speaker 5 24:20 understand a woman's perspective, a little bit Speaker 2 24:22 more and relate. Speaker 5 24:24 Then you don't have all these fucking dumb ass, Speaker 4 24:27 17 year olds out here Speaker 2 24:29 saying what they say. And doing what they do online, because again, a weird twisted view Speaker 5 24:36 on, um, Speaker 2 24:39 woman Speaker 4 24:41 kind Speaker 2 24:41 of a developers' responsibilities. Don't you think time to bring in some more ladies to write these stories and build these characters. Don't you think Speaker 5 24:51 it's happening? It's happening to all of us. Hope it's happening. Don't worry. Speaker 2 24:55 But yeah. Flawed female protagonists. Really dope trend. You know, that's the other thing too, is, is there's so many characters that are female that are there for the thirst factor. Like, uh, what was that? You know, that devil may cry kind of clone, quote, unquote, clone Speaker 3 25:15 with the lady with the long hair. And she's like super sexual and stuff. Speaker 2 25:18 Like there's a lot of thirsty ass guarantees, like look at any Japanese game. The third bunch of thirsty ass Speaker 4 25:23 titties Speaker 2 25:24 pities twice a as a whole body just flopping around Titty physics, all that shit. Um, but you know, how many, Speaker 5 25:33 how many female gamers play for thirstiness with male characters? Speaker 2 25:37 If you're straight, I guess if you're in the dudes, if you like dudes, you think dudes to sexy, uh, I mean, call it out. You play, who are your thirstiest male characters? Who do you thirst after? I know a couple of people who really liked that dude from my assains creed screen too, Speaker 4 25:52 was named Renzo or some shit. What was his name? It's Speaker 2 25:55 not a Renzo. etsio estzio I know it was a people with thirsty as fuck. For SEO. Uh, I would assume people are thirsty Speaker 5 26:04 for, uh, Nathan drink. Speaker 2 26:07 I don't see it by, like, I kind of see it, Speaker 5 26:10 but yeah, if you, if you a lady and you're listening to this, who's a, which character are you thirsty? Speaker 2 26:15 Huh? Speaker 3 26:16 Let me know. Gerald. Nah, come on. I am. Or even better if you're a gay and there are characters that you like that you're thirsty for. Speaker 2 26:26 Who are those from? Either from wherever. Speaker 1 26:30 Who was who Speaker 5 26:32 who's tickling your Speaker 4 26:33 pickle. Who's Speaker 5 26:36 fluffing your Muff. Speaker 3 26:39 Huh? Speaker 5 26:40 Come on. Actually, that makes me remember, uh, people who have recently fluffed my Muff Speaker 2 26:46 and made me feel fantastic. Speaker 4 26:48 I want to give a special shout out to the quote unquote focus group Speaker 2 26:52 that I tested this, uh, show with. Um, they were super helpful. They gave me. Feedback. They gave me counsel. They asked me a lot of good questions. I really appreciate y'all Speaker 5 27:06 y'all knew who you are. Speaker 2 27:07 I would shout out your names on this, Speaker 4 27:09 but I don't want to like blow up anybody's spot really. So Speaker 2 27:13 thank you to the focus group. You know who you are. All right. Speaker 4 27:16 And I even got some questions coming from S Speaker 6 28:31 Surrounds my fortress, my guards have 360 degree cones of vision and can hear footsteps aiders. Even when you're halting crouch, all ventilation shafts have been sealed. Haters, glued, screwed, rude, and foam sealed. You will not be shimmying through any ventilation chaps on my watch haters. Now you see how fruitless your endeavors are. You will never, never penetrate my fortress, the skies above my fortress Speaker 3 29:22 team Speaker 6 29:24 with flying Coopers. Speaker 1 29:27 What will you do now? Haters. Speaker 6 29:32 Except the spirit. Speaker 5 29:42 All right. It's a wrap everybody. Thank you again for joining me. I hope you stuck around for the whole thing. If you didn't. Well, you know, here for me to say I don't like you, Speaker 2 29:52 uh, please, please Speaker 4 29:55 find mosey on over to social media Speaker 5 29:59 and find me. It Greasy says on Instagram, Tik, TOK or Facebook, Speaker 4 30:03 or Speaker 5 30:03 M dash C U E on Spotify band camp and SoundCloud. If you want to check on my music Speaker 4 30:09 and Speaker 5 30:10 you should. Absolutely not because you will be offended. You should not out Speaker 2 30:16 that. This is good for me. Podcast on SoundCloud. Don't do it. Speaker 5 30:21 You will be offended. Okay. I warned you don't go looking for the shit. Reach out to me on any of those social media platforms. Greasy says. Uh, and ask me questions, give me feedback. Tell me things you like about this episode or previous episodes, things you don't like, things you want me to talk about? Speaker 4 30:39 You know, Speaker 5 30:40 I got shit Speaker 3 30:42 that I can talk about. Speaker 5 30:44 I might not Speaker 2 30:44 even think of some shit that you're thinking of. Speaker 5 30:46 So hit me up. My ears are open. Speaker 2 30:50 I want your feedback. I need eat back. So yo Speaker 5 30:56 greasy people. Speaker 2 30:59 Thanks for coming out. Like subscribe comment. Give me feedback, telling me to go myself. Speaker 4 31:05 And until next time Speaker 2 31:07 it's me. Greasy Speaker 5 31:10 checking out with the room key. Speaker 2 31:13 Latters