The Bridge Church Sermons

You In Five Years – Jalen Sowell

The Bridge Church

You in five years—who will that be? As we get older, it’s easier to stop asking ourselves that question. We can say our time is past, our choices have been made, and there’s a “next generation” whose turn it is to be challenged with that question. Could it be, though, that it’s a question for us all?

In Luke 9:57-62, we are reminded of the cost of discipleship through the words of Jesus.

Following Christ means responding to His call immediately despite the season or time we might be in. We must be comfortable with the uncomfortable and believe that He can use us right in the moment we are in. It doesn’t have to be the “you in five years” that chooses to serve God. It can be the you in this very present second. Today is the day to follow after Him.

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