The Bridge Church Sermons

God Has a Name

The Bridge Church

When you think about God, what is it that comes to mind? 

Do you think of Him as kind or cruel? Do you see Him as easy going or uptight? 

It’s easy to create God in our own image rather seeing Him for who He truly is. We allow our view of Him to be determined by our emotions and experiences, rather than looking at who He says He is.

God is not just a doctrine, or idea, or concept. He is a person and He has a name – Yahweh. He desires intimacy with you, His child, and loves you. Through Jesus, this closeness is possible. Because of Him, we get to see the fullness of who our God truly is. 

God has a name, and His name is Yahweh.
Are you willing to enter into that intimacy with Him today?

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