The Bridge Church Sermons

Are You Listening?

The Bridge Church

In a world full of noise and chaos, our attention is often divided.
We've become experts at multitasking and silence has become foreign to us. We no longer have the time to listen to others around us because our time is too precious to share and we simply can't afford to lose a moment of it. 

But what if listening to others intentionally was actually a way to love? 

Despite the fact that he was surrounded by so much havoc, Jesus listened. He listened to those around Him and to the Father. He was present and wasn't rushed by the world around Him, because He desired to love others.

It's simply not possible to care for someone well if we aren't willing to listen. We must be ready to step out of our own world and enter into someone else’s by being present in our conversations and interactions with them.

Are you loving others by listening intentionally?

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