Run it Like a Girl

Run it like a girl with Misty Shearer, Veteran, Black Belt, Owner Brazil 021, Season 2, Episode 17

Misty Shearer, Owner, Brazil 021 Season 2 Episode 17

At the age of 30, Misty Shearer re-joined the Canadian Forces; this time as a combat engineer. Originally from Hamilton, Ontario, Misty was an experienced member of the forces, having spent years as a Military Police Officer before her year-long departure.

Misty has won lots of medals, in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and Kettlebell competitions, but she says her proudest accomplishment - the first female from the regular ranks to become a combat diver.

After leaving the Forces for the second time, Misty went on to become a paramedic in the City of Edmonton...and discovering her true love; Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu. Misty, now a Blackbelt, is an instructor at the school she co-owns in Edmonton, and says working with young girls is particularly rewarding.

Check out Misty's studio: Brazil 021