Run it Like a Girl

Run it like a girl with Miriam Micael, Engineer with the Canadian Space Agency, Season 2, Episode 20

Miriam Micael Season 2 Episode 20

There’s no two doubts about it; Miriam Micael has a cool job. She’s a project management engineer with the Canadian Space Agency.

Miriam has worked on several projects since joining the CSA three years ago, including working as a risk coordinator with Canada’s 1.2-billion dollar RADARSAT Constellation Mission, which launched last June.

On this episode of Run It Like a Girl, Miriam talks about a new initiative at the Space Agency, the Junior Astronaut initiative where activities revolve around three themes: fitness and nutrition, science and tech, and teamwork and communications.

Check out Miriam's bio

Please Note:
In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Canadian Space Agency has decided to postpone the Junior Astronaut Camp to summer 2021. Registration will remain open until February 28, 2021. Kids are encouraged to do Junior Astronauts activities at home during the physical distancing period. 

For more information on the Junior Astronaut Initiative check it out here
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