How can we support youth in having healthy relationships? What is it like to go into classrooms and talk about relationships with students? What even IS violence prevention work?
Join us for a conversation with the Primary Prevention team at Women In Distress to learn about the work they do in schools and in the community to promote healthy relationships and change our world for the better!
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (#WearOrange), and with our theme this year of "Be Kind To Your Mind" we're highlighting the importance of youth mental health, including healthy relationships with themselves and others!
More info about what Women In Distress is doing for TDVAM here.
More info about LoveIsRespect, a great national resource for TDV prevention and healthy relationships education!
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This show, brought to you by the Education & Prevention team at Women In Distress in Broward County, FL is building awareness to end domestic violence. Each episode, we’ll be breaking down different aspects of the work – we’ll talk to survivors, advocates, community members, and others to explore the things that are happening right now and the work that still needs to be done.
Women In Distress is the only state-certified, nationally accredited domestic violence center serving Broward County, Florida. Our mission is "To stop domestic abuse for everyone through intervention, education, and advocacy."