Spiritual Leadership Podcast w/ Ps. Andrew Pham

The Importance of Spiritual Discipline - Devotional Life (P1)

November 24, 2021 Andrew Pham

No one likes the word "discipline", it almost seems like a negative word, however, without discipline and hard work, it is difficult to grow in any area. The same goes for your spiritual life, genuine spiritual disciplines are key to growing as a Christian.

 In this episode, you will learn the importance of a strong devotional life which includes:

  • what are devotionals?
  • barriers to a good devotional life
  • a brief history of devotionals
  • how to have a good devotional life
  • methods of devotions 
  • pitfalls of devotionals 

Further resources and references from the following Books:

  • B: Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2014).
  •  B: Robert Hudson, The Christian Writer's Manual of Style: 4th Edition (GR: Zondervan, 2004)

 You can follow Andrew on the following social media channels if you want to stay in touch:

i: https://www.instagram.com/iandrewpham/
l: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iandrewpham/
f: https://www.facebook.com/AndrewNPham/
e: spiritualleadership.ap@gmail.com