Spiritual Leadership Podcast w/ Ps. Andrew Pham

The Importance of Spiritual Discipline - Serving (P4)

Andrew Pham

The discipline of serving God and others in the Church is truly a "discipline", many a leader and pastors don't always feel like serving or even being at Church on occasion - we all have seasons of motivation and seasons of fatigue and tiredness.

However, serving God is not only a privilege but also a discipline, the act of service is fundamental to serving God, loving God and loving His Church. 

In this episode, I hope you will learn the following; 

  • The importance of serving with the right Heart
  • How does one serve?
  • Serving with longevity in mind
  • Serving as a sacrifice
  • Feel motivated to continue serving! 

I hope that this episode will bless you, it would mean so much to mean if you could leave a review and rating for this podcast!

 You can follow Andrew on the following social media channels if you want to stay in touch:

i: https://www.instagram.com/iandrewpham/
l: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iandrewpham/
f: https://www.facebook.com/AndrewNPham/
e: spiritualleadership.ap@gmail.com