The Systemic Way

COURRAGE - Healing Communities with Narrative Therapy: An interview with Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo

Sezer and Julie Season 3 Episode 30

In this episode we are honoured to speak with Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo, where we discuss her work with a focus on the COURRAGE approach that she has developed with women who have experienced trauma.  COURRAGE is a collective narrative way of working that privileges the alternative stories of women who have faced significant hardships. It honours the strengths, skills and courage women show and use in the face of sorrow and grief.

Ncazelo talks us through the different stages of the model and shares stories about how it was co-created and reflections in the women's experiences.  This is an inspiring and insightful talk with a practitioner who takes us into the heart of her practice. 

Ncazelo Ncube-Mlilo, the pioneer of Tree of Life through her organisation PHOLA  provides training and supervision in many countries where the methodology is used to support practitioners to remain rooted to the values and principles that inform it. The trainings offered seek to ensure fidelity in the use, application and adaptation of the methodology and contribute towards promoting culturally sensitive therapies.

She developed other culturally sensitive counselling tools namely; COURRAGE Methodology and NARRATIVES IN THE SUITCASE Project. 

Find out more about Ncazelo and PHOLA at: